The "hero" of alt-right was banned from Europe for over 5 years

>the "hero" of alt-right was banned from Europe for over 5 years

I can almost taste the irony

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How does that work? Anyway, is there really a point in banning a sperglord like him?

why ban him ? i know almost nothing about him, but if hes the average western alt-right larper then the average hungarian is probably more racist than him

Doesn't this just prove his point that immigration controls work?

>Europe banned him
What does that actually mean? Which counties can he enter and which can he not?

He's a massive weeaboo, who's also known for wanting a white ethnostate.

Not really, no.

>white ethnostate
Explain this meme, I keep seeing this mentioned sometimes.

>How does that work?
Richard Spencer announces he's going to Poland to hold an event. Polish people suddenly remember that though they oppose mass immigration and Islam, they hate Nazis and Nazi LARPers just as much.
Poland declares Richard Spencer as "undesirable" that's code word for he's more trouble than he's worth, and they ban him from entering the country. Which, due to Schengen laws and free movement, extends to the whole of the EU - that's 26 countries.

nah. he's practically hitler. Plus our country banned him too in 2013.
And this year some other right wing nutjob was also put on index, he was crying on every website how he wanted to settle here, but he was given the boot.

Poland banned him so he's banned from all schengen countries + switzerland, norway, iceland, and lichtenstein.

>far-right British politician
>residing full-time in Hungary
Really activates the almond. Also, thanks for the explanation.

>Which, due to Schengen laws and free movement, extends to the whole of the EU - that's 26 countries.

I don't think that's correct.

oh yeah totally. these right wingers think Poland and Hungary is their promised land cause we said no to refugee quotas and we're highly skeptical of immigration in general, and Islam. Also because we're like 95% white. Which is ironic, since not 30 years ago, we weren't considered as such.
What they forget is that Poland was conquered by Nazis, so that's is a big no-no there. And in Hungary we collaborated with Nazis, so that's a big no-no here too. I mean, sure, you can make fun of Jews, and make jokes about gas chambers, but it's not to be taken seriously. But delusional Anglos think we're turbo racists.

oh i got it now. well still, i'm not a fan of banning people even if they are nazi larpers, but i guess poland is more upset about nazis (rightfully so)

It doesn't really sound like a great example of nationalism to move to another country. Those people probably expect to be respected for their views in whatever country they move to.

Oh, I see he's also a fag

The issue I have with his ban is that he got it despite complying with Poland's wishes: he announced his trip, they told him not to come, he cancelled his trip, they banned him anyway.

Better safe than sorry

Isn't Spencer a Putin fanboy? It'd make sense that Poland wouldn't want him, putting aside his 'nazi' ties.

wh*Toids not welcome in Europe

Varg is next

I see nothing wrong with it. I also see nothing wrong with punching Nazi LARP'ers either. You wouldn't allow ISIS fighters or radical Islam to openly spout their propaganda, so why should neo-Nazism be treated any differently?

I think the Bong was disillusioned with Britain or something. Said something about it beyond saving.

This He cancelled his trip. But who knows, maybe he planned on returning with less fanfare, flying to a country next door, then being present on that event anyway, after traveling there via car or train.

I feel like the problem is that Richard Spencer isn't actually a Nazi larper? Like, I'm pretty sure he said in an interview that "Hitler killed more white people than anyone" or something like that, and that he was one of those "Jews are white too" sorts of people. Are these distinctions really too much to expect of people???

>is a goy


Mutts think that "white" is an ethnicity and that if you disagree you are a paid Soros shill divide and concur kike from shariablue

>(rightfully so
Yea, it's totally not the case that they stole our clay and wanted war with us. Sure.


>I feel like the problem is that Richard Spencer isn't actually a Nazi larper?
He wants a white ethno-state, he said that many times. The only way he can achieve that is through genocide and eugenics.


that one on the right is mesmerising

Are you retarded?

He's coming to my campus, should I ask an intellectual question if given the chance?

theres nothing wrong with an ethnostate for americans, if they don't deport or hurt anyone, just the huwites move to some place they bought or something like that. maybe he just wants that?

>But delusional Anglos think we're turbo racists.
You unironically are though

That's not really true in principle on several levels. He might want an ethnostate but he might also be willing to compromise with maintaining a racial majority. He might also achieve an ethnostate by changing immigration laws, raising the white birthrate, etc. Plus people already practice eugenics on themselves anyways, sperm banks sell 150+ IQ celebrity lookalike's sperm for lots of money. I don't think he has ever explicitly called for genocide, it mostly just people extrapolating their own conclusions

Very unlikely. It's way more easier to exterminate or expel than to regulate. Hence history is rife with genocides and expulsions, like the jews all over the place, or the moors in Iberia.

>He might also achieve an ethnostate by changing immigration laws
I find it highly doubtful that enough Europeans would be willing to leave their nations to move to the USA, to overcome the natural birth rate of nonwhites in America.
>raising the white birthrate
Unless this involves not educating women beyond the 4th grade, it'll never work. Besides. It's not white birthrate that's low. it's africans' and asians' birthrates that are way too damn high.
>Plus people already practice eugenics on themselves anyways, sperm banks sell 150+ IQ celebrity lookalike's sperm for lots of money.
yeah, well, the percentage of people who were born to sperm donors in reality is probably like 0,000001%.
>I don't think he has ever explicitly called for genocide, it mostly just people extrapolating their own conclusions
Perhaps, but one doesn't need to look very far to see what kind of people he's surrounding himself with. You Anglos and we have a very similar saying, birds of feather flock together, it also happens to be very true.

Immigration laws can help by preventing spics from coming.
The birthrate is definitely low, way below replacement rate. It's not very financially viable for young people to have kids because colleges fleece them, and colleges fleece them because free tuition/scholarships (often for minorities) drive the price up.
The sperm donor thing was just an example. Eugenics works in principle but it isn't worth going overboard with other than to prevent stuff like downs.
I think you have a point on the last one though. I feel like more extreme people tend to follow public figures that have to moderate themselves to remain popular/ get speaking events. Maybe a RS speaking event would unearth hordes of neonazis in Poland, but I doubt it.

What campus and when?

he is already in europe

>he’s practically hitler

how? because he’s sceptical of Jewish influence?

Ask him whether he married that Russian tartar because he has yellow fever.

He deserved that because of his pretentious haircut. Also this guy is practically nobody.

Nonwhite birthrates are a meme. The Hispanic birthrate has already begun to collapse and their population growth has stalled.

As always, the plebs concern themselves with problems 10 years late.

I remember blacks being 10% of your population when I was growing up and now they're 15 or something. You've been outbred even by people who aren't migrating lol

Actually the afro population here has stagnated somewhat. It just keeps staying at 10-12%.
The Asian and spic population here is what's really growing a lot.

Not only that though, but current projections atm are showing that the spic population growth is actually slowing down (surprisingly) and seems like will stagnate around 22-26% of the population around 2050.
The Asian population will keep growing real fast fast though, taking around 15% by 2050 or so.

Europe is lost

Citation needed. A quick search shows lots of anti-Jew stuff he said.

>tfw you realise these are tens of millions of people multiplying within your own country

Are far-right Euros this obsessed over race and white-ethnostates as far-right Americans like RS are? Seems to be a mostly North American issue.


Europe belongs to the brown man


>terrorists are welcomed back
>Man who says mean things is banned.
What the hell happened?
Here he equates his views with Zionism.
The article itself hurts me on a metaphysical level though.

Most right wingers here would be fine with just closing the borders. They do want a white Netherlands, but the foreigner problem is still manageable.

I imagine if the borders remain open they will also radicalize. In fact, the entire Dutch political spectrum has been radicalizing fast over migration over the last decades.

We went from its taboo (80's), to this country is full (90's), to were naming a problem (00), to the Islam should reform (2002), to banning Islam (2004), to create our own Guantanamo bay (2008), to I want a white country (2015) to soon there won't be a Dutchman left (2017). Note that these are statements by real politicians.

During the refugee crisis in Germany we also had riots against refugees here.

tbqh, it's a lot better than some of the earlier projections a couple of years ago that said 30-40% by 2050 or something like that