>libertarians will unironically defend this
Libertarians will unironically defend this
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kek. are we talking about statist libs or ancaps?
Smaller limbs are less likely to get stuck in machines. Also children are better at regenerating limbs..
What's the problem? They make money, learn life skills. If they die, well kids aren't that hard to make.
Not all of them.
Gee, I wish I had a job as a coal miner at that age, look how happy they are!
better then dying of hunger
not lolbertarian, but what's wrong here? work builds character
should he be playing with barbie dolls instead?
This is what "full employment" looks like.
if poor children were let to work there would be far less degeneracy.
Better than going to school and learning about sodomy and being tricked into becoming a transfaggot. Although both of those things would be mandatory in a Libertarian societ anyway lel.
The free market will fix it
I bet you're wearing a shirt made from a sweatshop you fucking faggot
Nah, we just think it makes more sense to allow children to work than to force their families into a lower standard of living. Also, we don't think it makes sense (and is in fact immoral) to steal from productive people to pay parents so they can afford children without additional income.
This poster speaks the truth.
As the old-timers once said, "Idle hands are the Devil's playground."
Somebody's gotta change the bobbins.
>mandatory anything
Nice shitpost australia
Those kids have it so hard, setting up pins like that
>Jewish run oligarchies force their employers to get brainwashed in order to maintain their job
And there's literally nothing that can be done lol.
Coal mining builds character
Which economic system doesn't use child labor when it is developing?
>regenerating limbs
Democratic socialism. Unions don't want the competition from fast-learning youths so they lobby the government to send them into indoctrination camps that retard their economic skill acquisition for a decade or more.
Compare how masculine kids looked back then to today. Introduction of plastics really fucked us up.
That kid has better work ethic than most of the fuckng losers on here. Probably richer and has had more pussy, too.
But child labor is needed to help transition countries from Third World to industrialized status. No parent wants to see his kid work in coal mines and coughing up lungs, but the truth is that the earned incomes make it able for parents to save and invest in the future of their children and to help start businesses.
Also, who the fuck are you to say a child cannot VOLUNTARILY work?
Probably also dead and has never seen the jewish lies too.
Our law here sees chlidren as non-cpmsensual beings. Like animals. No matter what they want they are not old enough to decide for themselves.
>you either work since childhood in lieu of going through school and uni or you starve
Holy kek, sounds perfect!
So lets see here.
No child labor, and the children can't make any money. So they starve and can't buy shit.
Child labor, and the kids can make money, they can eat and buy shit, but they're not very happy.
So suffer and die, or suffer and live? I understand fighting for better working conditions for children, but not allowing them to work and make any money at all is somehow better?
There's no difference between that and a kid sitting at a desk in school. Both are gaining knowledge of some sort. One more immediately marketable than the other.
Is plastic jewish too¿
It's all Jewish, we'd still be in caves without financing.
Caves are confy TBQH
I'm a small "l" libertarian. I believe in maximum personal freedom. But I do think Governmental oversight over trade is needed. To stop horrible shit like this happening.
>it's another libertarian = anarcho-capitalist thread
He should be out playing with his mates. Childhood doesn't last very long - you should let kids enjoy it. It's pretty wank being an adult and having a job, that's what they'll be doing for 90% of their lives.
You shouldn't have to work as a kid. You should get to have a laugh. You'd have to be a pretty boring bastard to be against that.
>Be bleeding heart liberal
>Child labor is bad
>Pay NGO's to lobby for child labor prohibition in South East Asia.
>Child labor forbidden in Bangladesh
>Half the kids starve
>The other half resort to prostitution.
>"A-A-at l-least we tried!"
You imbeciles know nothing of economics.
> Spaniard lecturing others on economics
he's right though, 3rd world nations need to be allowed to grow in the same way that 1st world nations did. tragedy and all. if we try to force them into the present, they'll rebel and regress, like the middle east did. i hope we learn our lesson about meddling this generation.
It was this or you and your family starve to death
straight out of a tom woods lecture, my man
fucking hilarious post, pleb. the spanish scholastics carried real economics through a jew-ridden, mercantilist dark night in europe.
You should try having a laugh as an adult.
Prolonged irresponsible childhood is the core of the downfall of the west.
They CHOSE to work there 2 help their families. If government says "u cant work cuz its dangerous 4 children 2 work", then their families suffer
I'm not for child labor, but these kids probably grew to be upstanding, conservative, Christian men who owned a house and had a family with 50 grandkids. Compare that to today.
Fucking kek
Wew lad. That's a whole lot of claims without a while lot of reasoning.
Then send your 4 year old kid to the coal mine then.
We absolutely need for kids and teens to do physical work, preferably agricultural. It makes all the difference in the world in their character.
And died at 45.
Imagine surviving to 45 because your 14 y/o brother was able to find a job instead of dying of malnutrition or disease at the age of 4.
ITT: fucking retards
The only reason children STOPPED working is BECAUSE of capitalism and the free market, as fathers were able to earn enough by themselves that they could stop the kids from working from such a young age.
This is also why daily working hours reduced too.
Children used to willingly work for a couple of bucks. Lemon stands, selling cookies (not obligated by some school project), deliver newspapers etc. Now they only want easy money. No work, all the benefits. Sure, not an adult job like pic but still.
No you have unions to thank for all of that.
Not at all. Unions were created so the people with jobs made it harder for unskilled workers who would work for less to come in and take their place. Same reason for minimum wage too.
Factory jobs were initially viewed as great gigs. Before them 90% of the workforce including children worked outside in the fields. Read a history book.
This is what unions want you to believe.
Lel, I live in the building that picture was taken in, and I am also unironically a Libertarian.
Mandatory freedom, user
Point is times are better now, except for all the marxism and degeneracy.
Nowadays a kid could get a job simply for the work experience. They'd work for less and compete with foreign born workers.
>The world would look exactly like it did in the Early Industrial revolution without the Government passing labor laws
ylyl thread?
It wasn't about that, read was swedeposter originally wrote.
>Oh the boys were so masculine when they had to work in coal mines ;;DD;D:::dDD
>died at age 45
These children look overly masculine.
>He should be out playing with his mates. Childhood doesn't last very long - you should let kids enjoy it.
>while compulsory schooling exists
I'd rather had been working in coal mines than suffer 7 hours a day for years, learning useless shit I completely forgot.
Why people assume that if any of these kids weren't in a city factory they would be playing in disneyland or some shit?
They would be helping their parent in farms, far away from civilization and exposed to other types of dangers.