
dont know what this webm is edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off






it's a nigger in glitter

Retard remain spastic in last thread got BTFO

avast ye scurvy dogs

congratulations binland
you did it

looking like a well oiled up christmas tree decoration

*breaks out of prison*

call me brad one more time and ill bust that fucking skull

what the fuck kind of language


reported this thread and will report any other thread made 50+ posts early from now on


transgender lifter on soon

finns arent european

Where were you when you found out that mental illness is contagious and you've caught several of them just by posting here?

Wow Estonia that's really racist, please apologise

I reported this thread for nudity on a blue board

didn't read comic books when growing up so I don't really care much about these superhero films. i did read the beano though

shut it

i apologize for hurting your sensitive feelings, but not for the nigger

haven't seen the good yank all day and now it's almost bedtime ffs

The words there really aren't that weird, you're just a brainlet

estonia isn't a real country is it
can't honestly believe it exists

100x smarter than you without a doubt

bad yank reporting in wahey
*puts on sunglasses*

You gotta calm down man haha, take some mushrooms

why can't normies fucking close doors without fucking slamming them
fucking shits

just out the shower

if you don't read the Dandy every week you're a bit dimb

I was in Tallinn and a local started speaking to me in Estonian, I said sorry I only speak English and he was surprised I wasn't Estonian, he said I look Estonian, and asked if my parents were Estonian.

*tugs on my willy til it's stiff*
how's this for a good yank? HAHA!


Pooing out my bum

*Purposely opens every door in the house and then runs through slamming every single one*

Thinking of getting a gulf. Is that gay?

I'm mentally ill enough as it is, cannot even IMAGINE what I'd be like if I had to toil away in a stressful career then come home to a sharehouse

would dick eva green so bad she wouldn't walk for weeks would look like she had achillies surgery afrter ya dig

have to go into work and i dont know what to think about it anymore, ive been working on projects that are completely meaningless with no deadlines i want to go back to creating work for clients, and i dont understand how my co-workers can just keep on talking and talking and being so extroverted and all i wanna do is just listen to my music and why is it so hard to fit in with aspergers, had to take two days off cause i felt sick about going back to work, i wish i could just be normal and fit in with everyone why

Only brainlets aren't actively learning at least one foreign language.

I've got a bit of a thinker for you lot. Would you lads rather live in 1930's Berlin or 1950's London. The catch is that you lads can't speak German and won't have the ability to learn it ever.

don't worry matey, i got 5g of mushies packed and ready to go. fasting till the end of the week for maxiblast !

bit weird

I'd fuck your mum so hard that a copy of me would come screaming out 9 months later

having a bit of casual bum fun and knob play with your mates isn't gay.

need planning permission for a sauna in my back garden.

what time does toil begin tomorrow lads?


haha oh my days the swedish government will have its hands full with this one

feel sick

Rashford was on top form tonight

i see you too are a man of good taste

Wow so while you were in Estonia somebody assumed that like 99% of the people there you were actually Estonian? Real master of disguise you must be, ever thought about working for MI6?

Go back to it

Any Baltic cucumber salesman in?

Business idea: independent Isle of Wight

>falling for the Sweden meme

Their laws around rape are just very strict and antiquated. Accidentally bumping into a girl in a nightclub is sexual assault in Sweden

doing a long hard think about this

Business idea: Orkney empire

Jews are white





Business idea: train emus to attack Adelaide


>Andy Kreisberg

have never wanked to Ella Hughes. she's a gross little goblin. simple as.

business idea: put fluoride in the water, pretend it helps dental hygiene

Utter pleb

hope she wins

shan't be clicking that

what's going on


Would fucking grab Kate Upton's fat tits and smack them around like fucking volleyballs tbqhwqy bet she's never seen nowt like it


>tfw no gf

fuck off

>not earning 38k a year
>not having a 964/999 credit rating
>not maxing out 4 0% for 30 month credit cards for a total of 34k
>not ploughing all of the above into eToro and making a steady 58%pa return whilst making minimum repayments on cards
>not having almost 30 grand in debt-free savings at the age of 25
>not being able to go on 4 weeks of sex tourism a year to wonderful countries with rich culture
>not having a company car tax free (lol lease) delivered to you in just over a month's time
>not having a bright future

gee must fucking suck to not be a reprobat

>doesn't smoke cigarettes

you wouldn't know im a jew by looking at me

where do i find intellectual women. barely met any genuinely smart girls at uni

that was the happening earlier.

>When you sit in your wee and cum and poo and sweat stained boxers for so long they start to smell a bit like pea and ham soup

fuck sake

i certainly would

Perhaps when you're not in profile, lad.

post nose

how come we never see any aussie NEETS post in /brit/ when its late? even beto and alan stay up late but not the ol' normdrones on the island of arsestralia

Good morning
it’s 2 dnrees Celsius here
im drinking English breakfast tea without milk and sugar

>without milk
die you fucking gook

can't fathom chinks being unemployed

Reminder that management is a meme and requires virtually no further skills than the average toiler in a profession. It's almost entirely based on seniority.

I feel like I've missed an epic amount of shitposting today.


make fully sure not to leave a single trace of my disgusting pornographic/political proclivities on my laptop in the case I randomly die one day in traffic or some shit

just got notified my dad purchased me a plane ticket to fly in to Virginia and be with my senile grandparents for Christmas
very depressing place


this but unironically

fellow toilers, how much time do you leave in the morning between waking up and leaving the house for work?

at the moment i'm leaving only 15 min in an attempt to maximise my sleep time

Alri damien

on my 4th monster woah feelin hella fucked up haha

it’s very tasty

2 hrs, 45 min
>go to the gym for 2 hrs
>come home
>make coffee
>take a shower
>get dressed
>go to work


based roosh
slayer of whores

any /handsome lads/ in?