>Finns will defend this
Finns will defend this
Delete this.
Today they are responsible meme citizens.
I didn't know the meme was this real
They really do look like Mongolians
stupid americans ruining the youth
at least they will grow up in a non sharia country and become proud Finns.
>t. Mahmoud
mongoloid rape genes strong after so many centuries
Needs more Euroshopper.
Actually yes. 3am es-jonnes keep niggerhate flowing like a motherfucker.
They'll be memeing shitposters on Sup Forums in a little while, our most important national export and the future.
Why the hell are you euros acting like niggers?
is amerifat culture the cancer of the world?
>Took you an entire day to post that comment
actually more like slavs. Or really, a combination of both.
Holy fuck, that is so autistic.
>Finnish culture
> Implying Norwegians look that different
this thread is disturbing
Delete this thread
>Finnish "men"
mfw finns will defend this
They look english
Why are finns slowly turning into mongoloids?
>Finns will defend this too
>This as a prototype of a Norwegian
He has had multiple surgeries baka
fucking mongols
Why finns looks like albino asians? The meme is real after all
not that it matters, but the jonneweb.net was added after the pic had made the rounds.
Did you know that over 98% of Finnish people have played Ice Hockey for at least 6 years? And for the past 3000 years, the Finnish race has never won Olympic Gold in that event?
It really makes you think.
ok, I retract that. this image is cropped and you can see the top of the "j"
What the fuck is this thread, morning Sup Forums is weird
This thread is about Finns being mongoloids.
What. the. fuck.
Yours will be too soon :^)
Yeah, he looked even more like a turanid before them.
Stop insulting your lappoid brethren.
will try, thanks
>The language looks similar to turkish
Damn! Why are finns so ugly?
Something about the inhuman look on Finnish women gets me rock hard
Actually Finns make me wonder if they are what the future will look like or an incredibly wrong evolutionary turn.
I cant place how i feel about them but yeah, rock hard
What the fuck did I just watch
t. Confused burger
Some of you didn't know there's a whole fan-fic comic series dedicated to a fictional character called ESsi
Delete your account
finland, I don't understand.
That's all you have? You got btfo and you reply that? smdh
when do they yiff?
it ends with the wolf shoving a can of ES into her pussy but it's too lewd for Sup Forums
>Finns will defend this
im pretty sure finnish actually means nothing and is just random letter and they pretend its a language to troll us
Well, got a chuckle out of me.
No we wont you Norwegean piece of shit. We actually hate those little cunts and take shame every fucking time someone posts that pic.
Do you have the R34 on this where she's got the can up her ass? I want muh nostalgia fap.
They are the new generation that came shortly after globalism and multikult. Do not fool your self, the finnish insanity will be forced upon them sooner or later. After that it's just axe, kossu and knife.
get enriched
Fuck this shit. I am just going to get a new beer while feeling shame of what our great nation have become.
hahahah ei vittu
I wish Sup Forums had mp3 support, you missed out on the best avant-memes.
also best lärä is >pilderberg luminati
when I feel shame, I just stop feeling shame and feel pride instead.
Seriously bro, the current state of our country is no better than it is in Germany or Cuckistan. The new generations are retards, our politicians should be taken behind the sauna and shot and this whole EU thing... FIXIT fucking now.
Certain individuals how ever are something that I do respect and admire but most of the shit you see when browsing our "media" is just utter bullshit. Luckily the finn's who still hold our old ways precious are the majority.
finns have an obesity problem...
You are confusing us and the muricatards bro.
The happenings will happen in central Europe, we're far away from anything and even the 10 000 shitskins we have will leave in a few years because they can't handle our nature and food.
Sure it's bad, but I wouldn't worry too bad. It's more likely that a S.O.O. member will snap and go on a spree killing niggers than niggers doing terrorism.
Our economy is in the shitter, yes, but that will only mean prostitution and stripclubs. We'll become a eastern europe shithole in a few years if we can't trade with Russia.
No we don't, really.
We /euroshopper/ here?
Fucking lol, I forgot about that.
R.I.P. old Sup Forums
Very unlikely. The guy with the baseball cap used to be a neverheard-tier rapper
Jonnes in their natural habitat
You know, i only moved to Finland a few months back, but while living in England i would see maybe 1 thread a year about Finns/FInland.
Now im here, i see multiple threads every single fucking day....
Is Sup Forums tailored to your specific country? I mean its sure as fuck a complete Jewfest nowadays compared to a few years back.
What the actual fuck???
Binland is so irrelevant that they have to make these threads everyday and everyone posts in them.