When will Pakis ever learn????

When will Pakis ever learn????

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>look mum, I did it again!

Well you've not tried since, so yes, yes they do.

It's time for Britain to stop bullying Argentina. Give them the islands back!

let's bring up hawai

Why do you want to give a bunch of niggers some islands?

you have 0 place to talk about world affairs, when you make yourself neutral you lose right to talk shit, Switzerland

Return Hawaii to their rightful Polynesian owners you imperialist dogs.


Well yeah, exactly.

What do they have to learn? They own the islands and you lack the will and ability to take them.

>Return Hawaii to their rightful Polynesian owners you imperialist dogs.

>Implying the Polynesians speak Spanish

whatever. we'll organize the way out of your next financial crisis in bâle. you're pretty irrelevant compared to us here.

They are ours by geographical right
They cling to them to pretend they are still an empire

Its retarded

>you're pretty irrelevant compared to us here.
you're like nigger, trying to KO the other out of the blue instead of dueling face to face like a true man

maybe thats why you pussy out of all wars

OK, then why don't you go and take them then you faggot?

Oh wait, you can't. What a shame.

Looks like the Falklands are gonna stay British, huh faggot?

>geographical rights
now that's a new one, but it's just as weak as all other reasons so far.

we are above that, you are gonna give it back by your own will, you are also gonna pay for it


why don't you buy them back? oh, wait..

>geographical right

Britain tried that with Ireland, turns out it doesn't wash irl.


>paying for sth that belongs to you and some nigger stole

It belongs to the French actually. They were there first.

Reparations for all the centuries of exploitation of our African brothers

>tfw falklanders want to be under british rule
>tfw you got BTFO so hard all you can do now is cry about it
>tfw you're never getting the islands

Why are Argentinians so obssesed with those fuckin' islands? The UK did the same thing with Guyana and I'm not bitching about it (I mean, Guyana is a shithole anyway lol)

Fucking faggot.
I bet you post on #BLM aswell, don't blame us for your ancesters stupidity.

Last I checked, it wasn't theirs to begin with.

Git gud.


>tfw you cleanse all civilians and put a military base and some sheep shaggers in there
>tfw you make your own soldiers vote

>this is english "justice"


Is that what your government tells you?



>tfw you can do fuck all about it


>They are ours by geographical right
If that existed for all islands it would fuck up so many countries.
Channel Islands = French
Faroe Islands = British
Cyprus = Syria?



You do realise we weren't allowed to vote if we were just based there? We have to vote at our home address.

You see we have a funny old thing called democracy.

It was always hilarious whenever your military got anywhere near our airspace or waters. Heard the words Belgrano uttered over the coms more than a few times.

no newfag

If you want them come take them you filthy fucking foreigner.

Lad, have you seen the Hawaiian state flag?

It belongs to the Crown

argie still butt hurt after 30 years
kekle me surprised

>The new Caliphate Bongistan
>still whiter then argentina.

Although officially we are our own country.

I already said i won't need too, you will give it back and pay us for the trouble.

>Falklanders 'not people'

>Falklands to claim independence from UK

Corsica = Italy
Taiwan = China
East Timor = Indonesia
Malta = Tunisia

Either we're as popular for proxies as we are for tax evasion, or the Germans left more officers here than they would admit.

East timor isn't an island tho, it's half

The Falklands are British you idiot

Keep dreaming my white friend.

>like nigger
Big words coming from you Argentine


>its a "dumb faggot makes the usual shitpost thread" episode

So this is how the leafs feel like

We'll keep the oil too.

>They are ours by geographical right
Despite what you and your children are indoctrinated to believe in school, there's really no such thing. All of the Argentinian arguments amount to "b-but they're closer to us than Britain".

>we are above that
No, you're too weak for that, as you discovered in 1982. You're a third world country who is distracted by talk of the Falklands every time your government needs to divert your attention.

Soft of. They settled the islands first but didn't claim them first. They also left while he British were still there.

How is it shitpost
read this
Second link:
Malvinas population aging, people fear will end up empty in some years, nobody wants to live there, so they lure in people from South Am. by paying them artificial wages.

Malvinas also started thinking themselves as "Falklanders", only a third considers themselves british. They are getting greedy and want to take the island from the pakis.

First link:
Malcorra argues nobody wants to live in Malvinas and british just pay them to pretend its an actual place where people live and not just an oil island they are stealing

Well, they sorta did claim them and settle them, but the British ships made it back before the frogs could make it official.

>tfw you cleanse all civilians
is this what they tell you in Argentina? There weren't really any permanent Argentinian inhabitants of the Falklands in the 1830s when Britain turned up to reclaim the islands. Luis Vernet's attempt at colonising the islands on behalf of Argentina had basically failed (thanks to the Americans), so Argentina attempted to assert their claim by dumping a bunch of prisoners on the islands.

Conditions were so bad that the soldiers guarding the colony mutinied and killed their commander. When the British turned up, most of the Argentinians on the island - soldiers, convicts, and what remained of Vernet's settlers - were only too happy to be returned to Argentina. The British, however, wanted a functioning colony and tried to persuade as many people as possible to stay. A handful of Argentinians remained, but a year later there was another outbreak of violence over poor conditions (which, hilariously, is now portrayed in Argentina as a popular rebellion against British rule, despite the fact that the only victims were Vernet's agents in the colony). The murderers were hunted down and deported to England.

So that was the end of the Argentinian presence in the Falklands. Port Louis was kept as a military base, but Port Stanley ended up becoming the main focus for British colonisation of the islands.

The funny part is that you're dead serious.

>When will Pakis ever learn????

Your skin is brown and your commanders in the Falklands were called Mohamed Alí Seineldín and Lami Dozo. The Paki is you, dickbreath.

Britain claimed them in 1690. The French didn't settle them until 1764.

Questions for Argies:
(1) When Argentina declared independence, it included provinces in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and all of Uruguay. What are the plans to retrieve these territories for AR?

(2) That original map of territory did not include Patagonia. If AR is using an 1826 map - will it give up all additional lands today?

(3) Patagonia was not part of AR in 1826. Could Chile also claim rights due to southern proximity?

(4) Patagonia was invaded and all the Mapuche massacred in the process. If GB stole the islands, did not Argentina at the exact same time steal Patagonia from the Mapuche? Will they give it back to the tribal descendants?


>tfw your country is founded on the rape and genocide of the natives
>tfw when you can't hold islands off your coast because an island nation 7000 miles away wants them instead

Keep posting, I'm enjoying you getting BTFO by British bantz

>They are ours by geographical right

Denmark is closer to Britain than the Falklands are to Argentina. Ergo Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Norway and Iceland all belong to Britain by geographical right - and don't get me started on Ireland.

>They cling to them to pretend they are still an empire

We cling to them because of a little concept called self-determination. Sad thing is, if you niggers hadn't attacked us in 1982, we'd probably have given you joint sovereignty.

>Its retarded

I presume the pronoun is referring to Argentina. In which, yes, you're right. Argentina is very retarded.

Cisplatina was ours by geographical right too.

You know the Argies are 10% Arab and they even elected a Muslim as president. His name was Carlos Menem.

Excuse me? We had colonies in Guyana before you even declared independence

Argentina's bantz should be limited to football.
There's literally nothing else you can boast about. Football and maybe hot bitches.

>Guyana is a shithole

But at least they have toilet paper.


Eternal anglo once again


> Mapuche International Link
> 6 Lodge Street
> Bristol
> England

Answer the questions, Diego, or I'll sink your navy again.

J/K - you already sank your navy through sheer incompetence.

>Malvinas population aging, people fear will end up empty in some years
They'd still be British mate there are a couple of British territories that have 0 inhabitants and there's no debate who owns them.


Why would i even answer about "Mapuche descendants" based in 6 LODGE street in England

Its an anglo trick

>Still using the paper jew
>Not using pic related to wipe your ass (Even tough it ain't worth dick)

>Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Norway and Iceland

Are those places inside your territorial seas?

The falklands are Australian clay

Why would I give the Falklands to a spic nigger who lives in Buenos Aires?

Your territorial waters extend 12 miles from your coast.
The Falklands are 300 miles away from the nearest part of Argentina.
How are they within your territorial waters?

Can you actually answer those questions though? Interested to see what Argies have to say about them.

The best bit is when they claim they sunk an aircraft carrier, killed the entire Brigade of Guards, defeated all of the SAS and captured two battalions of the Parachute Regiment.

But still managed to lose the war.

Every Argie I've ever asked has been unable to answer those questions. Whether in real life or on the internet, they never have an answer and they never have an explanation for why they should own the Falklands other than a claim of proximity.

This thread

But they have photographic evidence of sinking the Invincible!


In all honesty the penguins would put up a better fight than the argies.

cmon op chill, that's the only war they won on their own, without somebody bailing them out of it, let them have their little moment



how does it feel to live in the end of times?

We dont even want the falklands we just know it triggers the Argywogs


Lets laugh at Argentina thread, current navy:

- As of 2013 it is reported that these vessels are suffering from engine problems, a lack of spares, lack of training and are unarmed due to their naval ordnance being expired.
- Parker (P-44) and Rosales (P-42) are inactive due to a lack of maintenance and a lack of spares. Spiro (P-43) is inactive after sustaining damage during a grounding accident in August 2012.
- Rarely put to sea due to lack of spares, maintenance and cost issues.

Oh the fucking irony of a chickenshit wop saying that. You lost a war to fucking Greece.


>Lets laugh at Argentina thread, current navy:

If you insist!
>On 21 January 2013, Santísima Trinidad suffered a broken valve which resulted in the flooding of six compartments. The flooding was beyond the capacity of the pumps and the crew were evacuated. The ship took on a 50 degree list and sank at the moorings. Decisions are yet to be made on re-floating the vessel. Santísima Trinidad was in poor condition before she sank; the ship had been cannibalized to keep her sister Hercules operational, as the British refused to sell the Argentines spare parts after the Falklands War.

I'm undercover argie.

(1) That's never going to happen.

(2) Give up to whom? Chile? The natives? Oh, no, those were exterminated a long time ago.

(3) Patagonia lies inside both Argentina and Chile.
I lived in Chile as a child, I remember their geography books showed part of the Argentinian Patagonia as part of Chile.

(4) First of all it was Tehuelches, not Mapuches. Second, no, it's never gonna be returned to them, they got massacred and lost. Losers can't be winners.

But then again I don't believe Argentina has any claim to the Falklands. I'm what other argie normies would call a traitor.