11 Dimensional Chess

I thought Sup Forums was crazy, irrational conspiracy theorists, when some of you said Trump purposely implanted similarities to Michelle Obama's speech into his wife Melania's speech to get media attention and increase favorability. But, I've come to the realization that Trump is truly a grand master at this game.


Other urls found in this thread:


Donald is truly a master of 4D chess

>everyone was saying trump was dumb from the beginning of this campaign
>people still calling him dumb
>general population hadn't figured out he's a fucking mastermind yet

How do people not understand? Do they think he's gotten here on blind luck?

That is exactly what the majority of people believe. It's intentional as well, he's literally only pretending to be retarded.

Every media article and video piece that put Melania and Michelle Obama side by side elevated Melania to the subconscious status of FLOTUS in waiting, and awakened a racial consciousness in White America that Trump was the White candidate against 8 years of a Democrat anti-White Presidency.

Melania = FLOTUS for #TeamWhite

hillary is losing this campaign

she is a TERRIBLE candidate

she will be a case study in nepotism
>lets keep trying to run some random woman who married a successful politician

remember she got btfo by obama... and that run was probably rigged in her favor too

Yes, the general public thinks rich people are lucky which is only true like 10% of the time. They don't see all the hard work behind the scenes.

...and they always take the bait

>hillary is losing this campaign
>virtually every poll says she will win

Trumpkin denial is sweet to see

There's some comic where it shows Trump tripping with the million dollar loan, then billions of dollars around him. Does anyone have it?

you may want to re check the polls

He's only getting 20% among educated voters. He is still dumb, it's just that America is full of retards.

trump is actually ahead now


I bet you don't even eat burgers

>Nationalist View !CX/pol/EUo
Wtf how do you login to Sup Forums?

>educated voters
That category counts people with arts degrees. It just means that you sat through 4 years of indoctrination.

Normies aren't good at recognizing things like trolling, false flags, "pretending to be retarded", etc. After being on Sup Forums for a while you begin to pick up on these things as second nature, but remember normies aren't used to having to pick out the truths from the lies on a daily basis. This is why they're so easily controlled by the MSM.

ok buddy

what is that?


Reddit will be the new white supremacists, neo-Nazi, web site


This guy gets it. A degree in Gender Studies is not worth anywhere near the same as a degree in Biomedicine or Aeronautical Engineering, yet all would be considered "Education".

>he doesn't have a 3chin account


And let me guess, now the polls are not messed around and are completely reliable?

'The fool always finds one more foolish to admire him.'


You might want to turn on your fucking tv lmao

And it's only going to get better as Russia releases more emails, I can only imagine they save best for last.

Fuck you ive got a fine arts degree and am redpilled af

but he is fucking dumb. well, he isn't, his playerrbase is. he's playing you retards like a fiddle. he knows how hypocritical you idiots are and uses this to gain ratings. reminder that the media covers his shit because they're in cahoots with him...he gets 50% cut or cgreater from all tv revenue...

Trump was saying hello to Taco Bowl Americans

Planted an image of his ex-wife so the media would talk about.

>The educatedjew meme

Believe me, Canacuck, most smart people are voting trump

It's not working:
>This webpage is not available

How is your life. Are you a "street performer"?

>comparing Melania to Bill


I want to be rich and enjoy a good life as well

This Russian thing is part of some master scheme, I know it.

>he can't trippost


it wasnt done by purpose

this is something the fucking retards on this board fail to understand

Trump's strength is not anime style 9001D chess. his strength is to turn a bad situation into a good one. he knows how to play the media like a fiddle and he manages to turn most mistakes around into an advantage

Just because you're butthurt doesn't mean you're right.

Congrats. You wasted 4 years.

I'm not your buddy, guy.

>mocking a typo.

ebin, are we 15 all over again?

You mother sucks my cock

>is namefagging

nice wixtoise man

>lmao he's losing in the polls

>checks polls
>lmao the polls don't matter

Shill denial is sweet to see

Moors are disgusting even on mongolian image boards
What a fucking surprise


Progressives rarely see the error in their thinking. See their Le socialism never been tried excuses when a socialist country breaksdown.

Inter-dimensional checkers on full display

I'm doing alright. Working at a medium-sized animation studio in Madrid. I do occasionally collaborate with my m8s in their performances though they are always private.

Are you literally retarded?

You are the but there one making silly claims about Trump voters being uneducated.

Getting the message out to the people, through all forms even of he has to play the part of the fool

>poortugal bantz

Yes, it's about adapting and being a "nimble navigator". Not some no scope death note code geass animu plan


Did the person who painted this waste their life? Did Hitler have aspirations to waste his life? Fine arts is a legitimate field if you're good at it.

Still my favorite, laugh every time I see it.

All the media did was talk about is Trump is anti-Semitic or not.

Each time showing MOST CORRUPT CANDIDATE EVER next to Hillary's face.
Never debating the accuracy of the statement about Clinton.

Kinda like calling someone stupid and ugly, and the media only debating over how inappropriate it is to call someone ugly.

>going to school means your smarter
when will this meme die

oh absolutely. After the shit hes pulled this election he knew exactly what he was doing.

Cruz is more questionable, he seemed like hes looking out for his own interests, but that dosnt really matter.

"I won't vote for Trump because Cruz didn't endorse him"

-Said no one ever


None of that makes you educated, leaf. Go suck more dog dick.

>not going to school doesn't make you dumb

When will this meme die?

I'm not saying it makes you educated. I'm saying it isn't a waste and it doesn't necessarily make you a leftist.

well then its a damn good thing the majority of Americans don't have degrees amiright folks? Fucking NPR constantly bashing the uneducated when they are the exact demographic thats going to propel trump to the oval office.

Everybody gets one you pseudo intellectuals!

Then you notice the people who actually have to deal with all that Trump talks about.


you clearly don't understand how intelligence works

Good 12d chess players know how to flip an honest mistake and make it look as if it were planned. It's all part of the package.

Spot on


Dude would your perfect world be devoided of aesthetic sensibility?
I'm currently working, i may not make the 400000 euros first year like STEM 4channers seem to always score but i live by myself and enjoy doing what i do

>None of that makes you educated
Yes it does. Just because someone who studies arts hurts your fee feez doesnt mean he isn0t educated.

Whoa, going through college makes you PC and more likely to vote dem? Who knew?


thanks for the original

I thought you were the original leaf being retarded. That was just shit talking senpai.

I would argue that putting yourself 60k in debt for a piece of paper that says you can draw is a waste of time though. Theres more risk in arts degrees and getting a job than, say, a stem degree and finding a job.

just like Bush Junior

fuck, people are just so stupid, it hurts my inner Goebbels

As George carlin said, imagine the dumbest guy you know: half the population is even dumber than that.

THESE are the fucking grazing cattle nothings that criticise multi-billionaire tycoon Donald Trump as being an idiot and spend all day sharing memes on Facebook instead of looking after their stupid children.

excellent point from Japan

when it is a question of true or false assume it is both then calculate percentages

The wall between our countries will be huge Joao.

No one said it would be easy. By trying to appeal to smart people, Hillary is fighting an uphill battle but I'd rather lose a hard battle than win thanks to subhumans.

Butthurt arts fags.

Why are you on Sup Forums if you get bootyblasted this easily?

>THESE are the fucking grazing cattle nothings that criticise multi-billionaire tycoon Donald Trump as being an idiot and spend all day sharing memes on Facebook instead of looking after their stupid children.

the majority of people here in America don't even have running water let along a computer or facebook

thats a shitload of mountain men eating self raised farm animals sleeping next to a fire in an oil drum

Why do people keep spouting this statistic all the fucking time? Just because someone goes to university doesn't mean they're smart. University is full of people that think they're smart, not people that actually are smart. Plus, just because you are a genius in physics or something like that, doesn't mean you have any clue about politics. Most people just bandwagon on the MSM opinion anyway

>Hillary is fighting an uphill battle

Trump has been fighting an uphill battle his entire campaign since the beginning, until now.

Hillary is just getting pushed down the hill she once stood atop of at this point.

>equating education with intelligence

Do you guys think Hillary will try to kill Trump? It is her turn.

You're coming off as more bootyblasted tbqh.

It's ok to be mad.

You call this a shitpost?



I venture I have a better degree than you, from a far more prestigious university. Think top-5 worldwide.

Let me tell enlighten you, it wasn't that difficult and most of the people weren't that intelligent, just book-smart.

>ebin butthurt meem

I don't recall calling you an idiot nor spouting memes at you. I asked you if you don't find a place for art in your perfect society

Really? Well shit. You called me out. I'll leave in shame now.

>As George carlin said, imagine the dumbest guy you know: half the population is even dumber than that.
He said imagine how dumb the average person is and that half of people are dumber than that.

He was just pretending to be retarded, right?

Then why are you stuck in that third world shithole?

He isn't right though. Average =/= median

How does this compare to the typical Republican/Democratic divide?

"Educated voters" is a meme, because it only measures IQ rather than political and economic knowledge.
There's a reason why most economic majors tend to be conservative, or at least fiscally conservative. The "educated voter" statistics are usually just a measure of how much political correctness and cultural marxism has been driven into you by universities.

Are you studying for an art degree? You sound really upset. If you are, you are wasting time. You could be spending that time doing earning or doing something much more valuable.

Cool proxy, Hill! :^)

I live very well and want to help life improve for my people.


You don't become worth $4,300,000,000 cuz ur a moron.

You people are smart. You're not the leading fucking edge either.

>We redpilled Assange on the jews! OMFG WE DID!!
STFU wankstain basement faggot. Assange has ALL this fucking info, but Sup Forums "redpilled" him on the jews! Get over yourselves.

He's a BILLIONAIRE and not by winning the fucking PowerBall.
USE your fucking brains! Just as bad as numale psuedo-geniuses on reddit