Did Civil War retroactively make it better?

Did Civil War retroactively make it better?

It was never bad, just disappointing.

No it didn't Whedon

It gave the movie some purpose, but it just reminds me how much of a good choice it was to kick out Whedon.
I mean, the quips are overdone, but I can handle it.
It's just it wasted one of the best villains Marvel has.
It did well introducing Vision and Scarlet Witch, but that's it.

I watched it last week to prep for civil war. it really wasn't bad. It could have been better, but my experience was still positive. like when Ultron cut that guys arm clean off just because he compared him to Tony.

Yes, now that the mcu has its empire strike back you can enjoy more of the avengers getting drunk and creating robot hitler. Also, intro to scarlet waifu.

I still have no desire to rewatch it, but it's good that CW made it seem like it was not such a complete waste of time.


I wasn't angry at all with this movie. In fact I liked more than the original at some parts; like the party or Ultron and the twins or some action scenes. But some parts were just so bizarre and unwanted; like Brucetasha or the farm scenes. And the pacing left me confused on the timeline.

Honestly? I'd rewatch it.
And yes, Civil War did make it a better movie.


Because there were actually consequences to Stark's actions....which caused more problems but still.

I liked it from the get-go. Most underrated MCU movie desu

at least it was better than Iron Man 2

That's not the first Captain America movie.

If anything it made it look worse, because it was a massively missed opportunity to actually set up some groundwork for Civil War, instead of just having a happy, quippy ending.

as far as headpaste gags go, this is pretty good

This. My favorite MCU movie, I think.

>Most underrated MCU movie

That's Iron Man 3.

Well if anything, it's can't be considered a "filler" movie as much anymore

No. All you need to know about AoU that is relevant to CW is that in someplace named Sokovia something bad happened and some people died. It doesn't fix the lackluster characterization, poor pacing, pointless romance, dropped subplots, non-threatening villain, terrible comedic timing, and constant undercutting of its own dramatic tension. A later film can't retroactively make another film better, only recontextualize or expand on the consequences of the events of the first film.

I would say definitely yes. It showed the actual consequences of its villain's actions and actually made the entire conflict feel more serious in hindsight. The fact that Tony has a line on Civil War highlighting how they were just so busy feeling cool as they were "kicking ass" as people were dying in Sokovia made their perceived victory against Ultron feel almost naive and childish.

It's like, Sokovia literally became a trigger word throughout the film: from the mother who lost her child, Wanda's involvement/her native country, Ultron being made by Stark, and especially Zemo's motives. It was like the MCU's equivalent to 9/11.

>. It doesn't fix the lackluster characterization, poor pacing, pointless romance, dropped subplots, non-threatening villain, terrible comedic timing, and constant undercutting of its own dramatic tension.
You talking but aou or cw?


Tony suffered no repercussions for his actions in AoU. Civil War finally gave him his comeuppance, but really he deserves to be in jail.

For all his talk of "WE need to be reigned in", all of this was his fault.

The only one that fits with CW is the pointless romance part.

And even that didn't take as much screentime as the one in AoU did. I feel like that shit Hulk/Widow romance took up half the movie.

>the MCU's equivalent to 9/11

That was the Battle of New York.

Nope It's still complete trash.
At least it has relevance now

>No. All you need to know about AoU that is relevant to CW is that in someplace named Sokovia something bad happened and some people died.
Also, you know, Tony's reasoning

And like Zemo's motivation

Both of those are explained in CW though.

What would you say would be Sokovia's equivalent then? The Iraq War?

He didn't really get any comeuppance in Civil War. He's in the exact same position he was in prior to the film. Personal guilt isn't comeuppance. He's still a billionaire superhero running the Avengers, only now he has legal backing.

There's a thread running through CW, and I don't know if its intentional or not, that important people don't have to face real consequences for their actions. Ross helped create the Hulk and Abomination, Tony built and unleashed a genocidal AI then did the exact same thing again on the unsupported assumption that it'd turn out better, and T'Challa spent the entire film openly attempting to murder Bucky and freely admitting that fact.

Well the mom at the MIT and Zemo basically say it. The Avengers can do whatever the fuck they want because they're important, they can fuck up massively and still go home without facing any repercussions.

Chelyabinsk meteor



>they can fuck up massively and still go home without facing any repercussions.

As opposed to what? Putting them in jail?

Wanda deserves it more.

Fuck off Bendis.

Well, they are criminals.

But it did though: Tony and Hawkeye retired, Thor left, Banner went AWOL, and Cap assembled the team you see active at the beginning of Civil War. The farmhouse argument is an intro to the conflict that drives Civil War.

If anything, AoU's shortcomings came from too much attempted setup.

Besides the point. You can't make movies with your entire cast locked away.

You're right
I watched TFA like 7 times and I never got bored of it

To be fair he did cause more damage than Loki did by essentially wiping a country off the map. That, and basically aid in the Accords creation as a result. So while he wasnt a terrible villain (still too jokey and not enough menace), he could have been better

As a non-american, I was pretty cautious when going in, but not only it turned out to be pretty good, there was neither murica fuck yeah nor captain america winning the ww2 single-handedly. Cap 1 is the best phase 1 movie hands down.
tldr this desu.

No, AoU actually made Civil War worse.
The fact that Civil War is tied to this garbage drags it down in several points
It's still a good movie, but every time someone mentioned Sokovia I just couldn't help but be annoyed