Why does Trump think it's okay to work with Russia to hack U.S. government servers?
Isn't this a crime? Why isn't Trump being put under the same scrutiny as miss Clinton?
Why does Trump think it's okay to work with Russia to hack U.S. government servers?
Isn't this a crime? Why isn't Trump being put under the same scrutiny as miss Clinton?
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Except no. Nice try though shill
You're not even American. Stay out of our politics racist.
Fuck off shill
Trump is like Inspector Gadget, getting help from the outside without asking for it.
go hack the RNC server then you goddamn shill
baseless accusations is all you have.
we have evidence.
fuck off shill
Isn't she "Mrs Clinton", rather than "Ms Clinton"?
DNC isn't on a government server. They're not a government institution
As I think we all agree that the Russians hacked the server, the more important question for us to ask is how united the party is and so we can build on the progress that we've been able to make for the past eight years.
Even if it was Russia they exposed emails. All they did was show people what they politicians said to one another.
Your arguement has no proof.
We kow the Russians hacked the dnc long ago.
Just another form of proof we can't trust clinton with classified emails.
Go home shill
Get off my board
>bad guys did it
>therefore it doesn't really matter that they exposed our lack of integrity
Guise guise the FBI is now investigating as to whether or not Russia hacked the emails to influence the campaign, and the strong evidence is that the Russians did it to help Trump!
We know who the group of hackers are already!
Its also a crime to
>Commit perjury
>Election fraud
>Offer DNC donor's federal office's
Russia is upholding US law better than our Attorney General
Why do the democrats think it's ok to try to subvert the will of the American people?
>Never mind we were being shady and illegal, THE RUSSIANS!!!!!
Ummm, where is proofs? XDDD
Who did this is less important than uniting the party and preventing the darkness that Donald Trump would bring
Get fucked you goddamn whiny faggot. Your nominee is a fucking criminal.
Reddit get out
>government servers
they weren't government servers, stupid. That's how this whole thing got started.
How does it feel to watch your criminal going down in flames OP? Fucking traitor.
>Muh scrutiny
>Muh russia
That paranoia used to be reserved to the republicans. This election has totally flipped the roles.
>implying Hillary Clinton didn't literally blame everything on a "vast right-wing conspiracy"
What a tin foiler she is.
Trump didn't leak anything.
>the more important question for us to ask is how united the party is and so we can build on the progress that we've been able to make for the past eight years.
I imagine not very.
The brush grievances aside in order to seem better than Republicans. So in essence the Democrats are a shaken can of soda left out in the sun.
Our progress in their destruction will be made for us this week.
CNN isn't even trying to maintain the illusion of unbiased reporting at this point.
Prove he is working with Russia.
Oh you can't? Try again shill. :^)
The DNC fucked up by being ridiculously corrupt in the first place. It doesn't matter who leaked it or who hacked it, what matters is the fact that the largest political party in America is a seething hotbed of illegal activity, racketeering, and political cronyism.
>this desperate
Everyone sees through this at this point, DNC.
whats wrong with Russia? they're a big population we should be trading with and no stigma would exist if we didn't listen to nazi scientists we took in during operation paperclip who needed an enemy to get funding for their rocket science and also for making a lot of money selling prohibited luxury goods to wealthy Russians
fuck those nazis and fuck having an enemy, we have favored trade partners and then everyone else is less favored
Oh look the media is trying to "smartly pivot" the new wikileaks DNC email story, which coincidentally enough shows some collusion between media outlets and the DNC,
I wonder why the media would want to do this? The only real reason is that they have no agenda, nothing to hide and only earnestly and fervently care about getting the truth out.
We are blessed to live in a time with such benevolent, self-sacrificing, and noble media.
Kek bless the modern media.
Russia hacked the DNC.
But Russia didn't hack Clinton's homebrew private network that had classify top government material.
Because reasons. OK, I believe all this. Very consistent.
nothing got hacked user
its all in your head so get over it
we are sick and tired of hearing about the damn emails
she had a secret service agent guarding it
and wiped it with like a cloth when she was done
everything is 100% kosher
so quit listening to those russian spies you commie
No evidence whatsoever that russia did it.
Even less evidence that Trump had ANYTHING to do with it because even IF russia did it he most definitely did not have anything to do with it.
>Why isn't Trump being put under the same scrutiny as miss Clinton?
Fuck off shill
who cares where the leak came from?
is not like Trump authorized it.
plus... why are you shilling here? go stand behind that fence wall they built for the circus that is the dnc
>DNC representative talks about Russian Connection
>starts getting questioned
>"W-well they wouldn't have said this if it wasn't true!"
>Anderson Cooper: "You really think a political party wouldn't put out a statement without checking the facts? Are we living in some sort of alternate universe?"
>Entire table starts laughing
Based Cooper trying to keep it real.
Lemonade is still CNN's stableboy.
>russians reveal Shillary massively ignoring democracy
>russians get called out for "interfering" in inner affairs
oh god america
Can't this whole thing be chalked up to "plausible deniability" if our government can't """prove""" Russias involvement?
Isn't that what all Democrat corruption up until this point has been swayed away by? They can't keep getting away with this
I think it is okay to be upset by:
1) The corruption of the DNC
2) That a foreign country hacked the information
Two issues.
Same thing when Ashley Madison was hacked.
Illegal? Yes.
Cheating? Reprehensible, and the cheaters should be exposed.
Good job hackers? HELL YES.
Again, we are talking about two things. The information. How it was acquired.
so is this the route MSM is going with the DNC leaks?
Yes. The requirement is to say "Russia did it" at least 10 times between each commercial break.
>2) That a foreign country hacked the information
Why not put a focus on updating our security systems and make it illegal for politicians to utilize private email servers that aren't up to specific security standards, instead of just focusing on "welp, we got fucked yet again by hackers of another nation!"?
>Why does Trump think it's okay to work with Russia to hack U.S. government servers?
greed will make a man sell his own mother for a profit... by comparison, selling a nation is money for jam
retard hillary at it again
Only shills are saying that since the information was illegally obtained it should be discarded. Like public opinion has to play by the rules of the justice system. Thank god thats not how it works.
You shills need to step it up with your photoshop skills. This is fucking trash.
oh russian always do it ya ya MORE SANCTIONS NOW!!!
why does Assange think President Trump is going to let him leave the Ecudorian embassy with no extradition?
>US government
We all know this was done by 16 year old virgins, all living in their mother's basement, fapping after posters of bernie sanders....
No Mr. FBI or whatever 3-4 letter fancy agency you are from. This was ofc reddit.
Fucking REDDIT! Each Tymu!
Substantiate your claims pls
They're not working together, they just happen to have an alignment of interests.
It's clear that Donald Trump is a KGB spy so Putin can take over the whole world and start nuclear war. This is why we need to unite behind the party aparatus and continue to look ahead to reach out to the real people, answer the tough questions, take the next step, and get progress done.
Trump will unite america with russia, bffs against european cuckoldry
who said it was the russians who hacked the server? gtfo shill
if someone comes across a dead body, the dead body should be the concern, not the guy who discovered it
Come on Sup Forums, what did we say? Sage these fucking shill threads.
and cnn/fox say this and people believe
before he must win, neokons don't want it
DNC isn't the US gubbermint, shit for brains.
Pussy pass?
Because our own government wont police itself. So we need to have a foreign power police it for us.
Saved and kekd
Sage and hide
>I think we all agree
No fuck off shill gib proofs or we don't know who hacked it
Again? I need that picture with all shit Putin owns or controls acoording to your media.
Why isn't Trump being put under the same scrutiny as miss Clinton?
Why is it okay to get 10% of your monkey from Saudi Arabia? Literally the ISIS state.
>U.S. government servers?
They're private servers, you dumb shill faggot
I was hoping this was a new thread but it's just a shitpost
Where did the other 90% of the monkey come from?
>okay to work with Russia
>implying benefiting from it means he's working with them.
>Why does Trump think it's okay to work with Russia to hack U.S. government servers?
This is what the US has been doing around the world for the last 70 years to countries all over the globe.
The only differance is we do it far worse including assasinations, civil wars, war crimes and war games.
What Russia is doing isn't even a speck of dust compared to own own record.
>90% of the monkey
BLM and Africa?
But usa is one of the least corrupt countries according to transparency internationals, right after sweden.
How does that work?
>6 months ago libs said Trump was going to start WW3 with Russia
>now suddenly he works with Putin all along
So I guess Trump has really good foreign policy experience to be such good friends. Trump 2016!
How can one man be so based
Do any of you dems feel shitty about the fact that the RNC at least upheld democratic principles and let donald win fair and square while the DNC doesnt even know whaty democracy is??
after being cucked like this, do you even still believe in democracy?
thoughts/lamentations ?
>The government
Are you actually this fucking retarded?
They're probably rght, at least in the fact that Russia benefits from this shitshow.
Too bad the were lying for years no end so it's not like it matters.
>okay to work with Russia
>implying benefiting from it means he's working with them.
DNC != US government no matter how much you corrupt shills want it. The parties are still private entities and fair game.
It is being investigated as we speak by the FBI.
Comey is all over this one, he'll get to the bottom of what happened.
i think in the world of spies, everything is fair game
There is nothing wrong here. Putin is backing Trump expecting he'll lift the sanctions over South Ossetia and Crimea so he can pass the office with his image intact. It's his endgame. Putin knows he can't stay in power forever and he is burning political capital fast, especially with the youth. There's no plan to invade Estonia because there is no realistic expectation of the U.S. ever leaving NATO. They are not in bed together. You are just witnessing a pivot in geopolitics.
after cooneys last shitshow, does he even have any credibility left?
i love how america in its entirety is being dragged down by this.
if any ismalic terrorists are reading htis...can you please attack the us now while their pants are down because they are makign western civilization look bad right now.
>Check google news feed to see what normalfag (((MSM))) news looks like
>First article is about emails
>It's about how evil Russian hackers exposed them and not about what was in them
No you stupid shill, when the government is actually corrupt, it should be exposed. It's black and white. That government isn't serving its people, it's serving itself and needs to be cleaned.
>Why does Trump think it's okay to work with Russia to hack U.S. government servers?
When did Trump say that would be okay?
Russia does NOT want Clinton in office at all costs. It's not Trump's fault the Clintons made enemies of Putin. He benefits from it, yeah, but all he's doing is running for president. Russia is currently the government, Clinton, and Obama's problem.
>Why isn't Trump being put under the same scrutiny as miss Clinton?
He has been for a year now, problem is for the MSM and politicians is they can't find any good dirt on him. Are you seriously trying to say he's gotten a free pass all this time? Have you even been following the election? Hillary committed actual crimes but Trump gets more negative coverage than her by several orders of magnitude.
>Russia is an evil supervillian meme
>hillary keeps poking the bear
>the bear obliterates her chance to win
>Trump literally does nothing and hilldawg is down
I see nothing wrong with this.
The criminals who hacked the DNC servers will surely be brought to justice.
Unlawful access to emails will not be tolerated.
This guy always gets his man.