What's Sup Forums's opinion Red Sonja?
What's Sup Forums's opinion Red Sonja?
Needs a cock, or not interested
If she is packing a 10" python, though... Id let her pound my boypussy
Boring, shallow, only liked by horny teenage boys and manchildren who are somehow allergic to porn.
Oh, and wearing a chainmail bikini is a good way to get raped, so she's a goddamned moron as well.
Gail Simone gave her a shitty soft reboot origin because her tumblrina feelings were triggered.
Other than that Sonja is pretty decent, not really any better or worse than other sword and sorcery books like Conan.
I'm pretty sure having an unfilled orifice is a good way to get raped in primeval times.
You must not have a soul uf you cant enjoy a hot chick killing monsters.
Also shes faster without armor same as conan
>You must not have a soul uf you cant enjoy a hot chick killing monsters.
Hot chicks killing monsters isn't special anymore.
>Also shes faster without armor same as conan
Yeah, she'll die faster from the cuts and stab wounds. Unless you're a speedster, speed isn't going to protect you in a sword fight.
Which is even more reason to wear proper clothing.
I'm a manchildren who likes Red Sonja and porn.
#REKT, what now, nigger?
An iconic character in a way few others match with several excellent stories over a bunch of decades of boring, cliche dreck.
She's basically the sword-and-sorcery equivalent of spiderman. Stupid origin people feel needs rehashing over and over, tonally inconsistent between writers, childhood rape as part of their backstory, hot redheads, costume that gets a fair amount of grief despite being iconic in a way few others are.
Arguably more identifiable as a character than the distinctly more popular Conan, since in his comics Conan almost never actually wears the loincloth look that Ahnold made an icon out of. Even people who don't actually know Red Sonja by name still have a vague cultural awareness of her.
If the thread's still up when I get home, I'll storytime some Sonja classics + Conan.