I have a problem with Finns

Hey Finns, I like you. I really do. I think you're funny and smart. I'm not racist either. However, I have one tiny problem: what the fuck are you? Are you white or Asian? I honestly can't fucking tell. It's like looking at that picture of George W. Bush mixed with Obama and you can't decide which it is. Please, explain yourselves. Now.



They are Finns

I don't know. Ask my ancestor 5000 years ago what he is.

true finn right here

They're filthy wh*toids

We are pretty much our own race

still better than being genetically european,african or middle-eastern

whiter than you mo- i mean hernando :DDDDDDDDD


superior ancient north eurasian which for some reason is classified as far-eastern

yuck, look at that mongol rape bar on russians.

Proud descendant of GENGHIS KHAN.

come here and see for yourself

We are 100% asian mongols. Not a drop of wh*toid blood.

Propaganda and lies.

We are the biggest and the least converted of the ancient Finno-Ugric people who came west from russia and settled here. We are highest form of snowniggers that were evolved in similar enviorement as mongolia.

>Hey Americans, I like you. I really do. I think you're funny and smart. I'm not racist either. However, I have one tiny problem: what the fuck are you? Are you orc or goblin? I honestly can't fucking tell. It's like looking at that picture of a wh*Teoid mixed with KARA BOGA and you can't decide which it is. Please, explain yourselves. Now.



The dad looks English. The mother must be a real squinteye.

just avage brittish sex tourist somewhere in eastern siberia.

That's pretty much every normies reaction to that subhuman basement dweller's thread.