
It seems its the end of the world as they know it.

Hey, stupidfuck, would it kill you to follow the established thread tagging, or is it just some childish need to be 'first'? Was getting your shittie music video posted that important?

This can't end well. But it works out in the end, sorta.
Also, why spoilers?

Wonder where Wally and co. are viewing this from.

Did your daddy fuck you too hard last night, is that why you're so butthurt?

They're crammed in the back seat with Holly

Calling it now: If he gets to the hospital is going to be a hell

I wonder if the looming spreading darkness is more than just smoke.

He won't. I think he'll pass out and manage a soft landing, mutate, then heal.

Squinting intensifies.

If he passes out then how is Holly going to work the pedals?

When he wakes as a badger and sees Holly as a mouse he'll think in the afterlife everyone is a furry.

It's the dittos! They're dropping the façade!

Hah, no, it's smoke.

Esther? Holly's mom's name?

Honestly sometimes it feels like the flashback narrative forgets that they're there.

It's going to be interesting if he crashes somewhere and has to be cared for by Holly. It might force her a little way back to sanity purely out of not wanting to lose someone else tonight.

I'm almost certain they're both going to end up at Pep Park towards the end of this, though, considering Aaron's remark that we're going to see that stuff soon. I think it might be a day or two in-flashback before that, though.

It's just a date, dude.

Why are the flashbacks done using dittos on the first place?

Seems that they have the ability to project people memories

So that Wall, Chic, Kirbee (and Irving) can find out something about Holly that she would never tell them.

You need some excuse to have a flashback and living pixels isn't too bad.

Reminder that there's an Endtown Drawthread
set up in /trash/ so check out and enjoy the
new content.


Real nice hot discussion between Roxie and Holly going on...

>i just caused my husband to flip shit, mutate and die, id better hide with my other friend here too! what could go wrong!


oh yeah, the same artists doing the same characters and the same cutesy wutesy waifushit content as always, top quality

There he is

Holly looks like a deranged murderer about to kill her oblivious victim...

Where did the furries touched you?, It's ok user...

Jeeze. Excuse me bucko.

After everything that's gone today, I'm surprised she hasn't schismed sooner.

So.... what's Friday's cliffhanger gonna be, people?


Or maybe we're gonna find out that that's been the real Holly all along, reliving her personal nightmare, when the simulation forces her to try and crawl across the seat through the space where Wally, Kirbee and Chic almost certainly are.

Woah, damn, better not touch non-blue Endtown threads.

I'm kind of curious if recovering from schism is possible.
We haven't seen an honest case of it yet so far as "I" interfered with the only time we had a chance to see.

I think Schism needs you to have some awareness of what you've turned into (so you can deny it) and I don't think Holly really knows she's a mouse yet.

Doc passes out, crashes, mutates next week.

Doesn't Gustine more or less cured herself in the journey arc?

Welcome to /trashy/ Endtown. Though there's some nsfw stuff, the threads themselves are pretty civil by pinkboard standards.


She never actually suffered from schism, she was just coming close.
She managed to come to terms with herself before it got that far.


>I need you to promise that you won't panic when you see me

"I kinda made a mess in the back seat with my Bomb Pop."

>Holly wants to go to disneyworld because she has a crush on Mickey

>faints from gunshot/bloodloss/holyfuckamutant
>crash lands
>we get Grump Doc

Where my dino-gals at? We can't be forgetting the scaley awesomeness so soon, can we?

In the /trash/?

Will you knuckleheads get with the program?!

Hooly isn't the issue here; we have a lone Buddibomb, lost and probably scared to death somewhere in the neighborhood. What's to become of him? Will he desperately try to reunite with Holly? Will he be adopted and loved by a new family? Will he decide to move on and make a new life for himself?

That's the bigger question

I doubt she needs a bomb. Honestly, with everything she's been through, she's probably shit herself by now, unless the mutation process leaves your system empty. Either way she's still covered with blood. First order as soon as she calms slightly would be to get her washed and dressed in something clean, assuming something could be found, otherwise things are likely to get septic, especially if she's injured.

I think the state of any part of the car will shortly become a moot point, though, and she's not likely to get any care for a while, if that manure spreader's still running. She's on a guided tour of Hell and it's probably only at the half way point...

whoa hold on a moment pardner!

i need to take a look at the maude on top.

Hereby calling for Lone Buddibomb to be made unofficial strip mascot.

All in approval say "Aye".

>He's alone in a dangerous world
>Without nobody to make him companie
Little bud have a hard life

Robbie detonated the final bomb for her to cover their escape.

>not Yay!
One job user...


But we already have Kirbee.

"Objection your honor! Council is presenting fact not yet in evidence!"

Okay, that works too.

And "Bad." if you disagree, obviously.

We need the Drawfriends to create new reaction images with Buddi

Best mascots

>people waifu this

She's managed not to kill anyone yet. Unlike certain others...

Wally's gotten people killed too yet no one gives him any shit.

Okay, this is WHY we need Buddi

Apologies. Shitty lighting. At work. Etc etc.
work doodles to help pass time. I almost forgot to take this page home. I found it in a pile of documents I was supposed to file. No one must know my secret.jpg

Buddi is no secret, he's the hottest thing going!

Because he's actually remorseful about it.

Jamil, you ever thought of putting some tips and/or tutorials together if you ever found the time and the inclination?

Anyway, that's some damn nice stuff. Your characters are just so... characterful.

Adorable, thanks jamil!

holly is too...

When did she kill anyone?

God, my memory is terrible...

she didn't really kill anyone, she does blame herself for Ethel's death though.

Well, Aaron has explicitly said this is Holly's interpretation of events, what she believes happened, and so far what she's been shown to believe is that she had a hand in everything bad that happened to her. I think she blames herself for Ethel's death, she probably blames herself for the baby, she definitely blames herself for Lyn's death and possibly for his mutation as well, and now Doc's been hurt because he came to help her...

I think she's remorseful as hell about it all, was trying to atone in Endtown by being a better person, and whenever she's off-kilter, everything she does (pushing her loved ones away, running into or attracting danger, trying to commit suicide) is an attempt at self-punishment.

I reckon she hates herself deep down.

When the vision finishes baring her own soul to her, and she sees Wally there with Kirbee, she's going to turn and run, crying out that she doesn't deserve someone like Wally, and he's going to try and catch her again, but this time he isn't going to because she doesn't want to be caught...


I could if I devoted some time to it. But I honestly wouldn't know what to say, or add to what has already been said. I've reached this point where I almost only exclusively watch animated movies and are attracted to comics with beautifully character driven art in hopes of picking up something from it, or to study it the best I can. Either way, thanks so much for your kind words.
Got the request in the trash thread to finish up the Wally and holly pic. I'll try to get to that today if possible.


>someone accidentaly hit's the back of his car
>buddi goes on a Explosive road rage
>Im gonna Yay the crap out of you! mother fucker!

Beep beep motherfucker!

That's adorable. They were already cute, but you have made an indiscriminate manslaughter device adorable. That's probably criminal, somehow. KC, right?

Well, probably the simplest thing to do would just be to do a set of progressive pics of one of your works, from construction to final touches, with any commentary that came to mind. But no biggie if that's not your thing.

Funnily enough, I'm the guy who asked for that. Please do. I'm fine with the smut in there, but sometimes a guy just wants to see two cute people getting their hug on for the sake of d'awww.

>accidentally kills someone
>swears to never kill again
>tormented by the thought of hurting others
>accidentally kills someone
>proceeds to then accidentally kill someone else
>would still kill again
>tormented by the thought of being hurt by others

Mutants see me rollin'
They be Hatin'!

>But I honestly wouldn't know what to say, or add to what has already been said.

In terms of character "acting" I forgot to add. Sorry, typing on a phone sucks.


>Esther? Holly's mom's name?


>Honestly it feels like the flashback narrative forgets they're there.

I kinda like that. It's abit condescending to present the scenario and then they point out why it was wrong. Kinda comes off like they're on a high horse.

Seeing it in perspective the relationship between Wally and Holly it's very interesting:
They both want to protect their love ones but they think it must be done in differents ways, Wally believes that you can survive without killing anyone while Holly is willing to done the necessary to save her live and the others.

In the end seeing too much of a single way finish disastrously: Wally's "no kill" rule make him don't have the guts to "end the job" with that topsider bringing the death of Leo. In the other way Holly's constant fear of been hurt coupled with her desires of protect her family at all costs made her develop a paranoia that ended making more bad that good

It's probably that she has no problem with being a mouse but being a mouse is at the bottom of a long list of shit that drove her crazy.

So she's having a perfectly normal psychotic break after five solid years of repression and denial. Sparkplug had one and look how he turned out!

What do you think that explosion on last page was?

>The adventures of buddi, the last buddibomb.
>Sir B.D. Bombsworth's chipper holiday.

But what it made it exploit?

>Holly brought the last buddibomb with her
>doc passes away
>they crash
>doc mutates
>his bullet wound gets healed
>look holly i'm healed
>remaining buddibomb get triggered
>blows doc off
>he survives
>that's why he uses a cane

It was Robbie attempting to lighten the mood. Good to see he's got his priorities straightened out...

too cute!, too bad this wont end happily for anyone.

They say that Robbie is dynamite in baseball, could that be true?

>purification in progress

>Extermination for kids

A more "humane" way to get rid of mutant kids.


And for the topsiders kids we present: "Apex's make your on muttie" it comes with his own replica of a real topsider transport! It almost feel like really going to the waste to hunt some mutant scum!

Hah! I can picture the kid's transporters the size of a power wheels.

That's actually pretty cute!

I hope that we can get a centered arc about a group of kids in Endtown one day

maybe a chic arc, his struggles to cope with the loss of his parents and getting to play with kids his age for the first time.

>Topsidere's kids arc
>taught to hate and despise mutants
>even give them a weapon to defend themselves if need to
>they somehow get separated from their district and bump into a mutant anthro
>horrified they try to kill the mutant
>obviously fail cause they're just children and the anthro mutant unarmea them
>shit happens, and the topsiders kids somehow grow attached to the mutant. They realize that anthro mutants are not that bad.
>the topsiders parents find their kids
>good! Nows your chance to make us proud kids. Kill your first mutant
>they hesitate. But in the end kill the mutant.
>nothing changed. War never changes.
Fuck. Now I depressed myself.

What about a baseball play arc? something like that episode of the simpsons


Wondering if anyone is willing to redraw this scene with Wallg and Holly shooting a mutt.