Does your country has a national architecture style?
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Every country has ivan, that's one of the things that makes it a country you silly cunt.
Roadblock against Jihadi vehicles? Looks like that Holocaust memorial.
stole them from Euros but made them comfier
Eh, All of our capital building sort of look the same.
looks really cool tho, roman feels.
capitol* sorry fellas
That's because the majority of them were built in the neoclassicist style.
That sure is a style of architecture
wood style polack
dont need any fancy victorian or gothic shit
There is no style to it, mutti
Just a bunch of logs. Any place in Europe with mountains has identical housing.
of course
The 20th century arches are indicative of malaise with a penchant for buggery and obesity. Truly outstanding for its time and today.
Never been to the east coast proper but it looks like a higher percentage of buildings have some soul over there. Euro inspired but adapted for the new world. Very comfy.
People got lazy as they went west, here in California everything looks shitty and bland to start with. It only gets worse with the cookie-cutter repeat shit. For houses at least. Larger building can have some roman aesthetic and they like and at least don't hurt to look at.
Kids on the street aren't white
Of course we do, and many countries have borrowed it
lel have a (You)
Canada’s was Gothic Revival, and especially the Chateau style, but it’s been almost entirely supplanted by modernism and (((postmodernism))).
>Does your country has a national architecture style?
Not really
Dang, that looks like a great place to live in.
I also like the snowy forest. :o
stay pissed retard, you've disappeared from the map multiple times, your architecture is whatever your Prussian/Russian overlords built for you. Poles are literal niggers with an inferiority complex the size of everest.
Yes, it's called "crippling depression."
Still more attractive than the women, though.
Neo Colonial
Mexican Brutalism
The US (good) goverment buildings are masonic in design, which means roman + Egyptian
Even if I want ALL freemasons to drown in boiling shit I would like the US to embrace that style and redeem it. Anything is better than McMansions and that stale suburban style
>inb4 good goy post starting with “as a 33 degree [...]”
>being this triggered over rightful criticism of your shitty log cabin
Neo Colonial in a small town
Brings a patriotic tear to my eye
Neo Colonial in a hotel at Querétaro
Turn of the XX century, Art Deco taken to a completely different direction (Using the newly perfected metalwork and it's possibilities to dictate style)
This is the Palacio de Correos in Mexico City
Looks like the frogs one this round
We had many different styles throughout our history. Italy didn't just stick to invent new styles, but we enhanced even international ones.
Picrelated is tuscan gothic.
And Brutalism when Mexico had a commie phase. To be quite honest I like it
This is a military school built at the second half of the XXth century
>le 23% face
feels bad man
More brutalism, The National Antropology museum
Mexico is the only country to do brutalism right manny times, the monologic A E S T H E T I C of the Aztecs does seem like a predecessor of this
Too bad that it has stuck till today in the design of mass housing, producing commieblocks
Yes, modernist sky scrapers, utility over aesthetics.
Stick a dick on it.
it's pretty much abandoned now though
you should ask or
We have a few diff styles. Major cities have become cucked and have adopted your standard commie block and huge, soulless glass building look every major city has.
Our towns, however, are quaint as fuck.
Yes, isn't it beautiful.
Yes. We like building basic geometric shapes.
Square and plain, like your average finn's social skills
Yes but it used to be a pizza hut
No just a bunch of fugly cottages
yes it's mostly the mix of Turkish and German influences
Fins truly are an autistic breed, but not in a bad way.
I hate mods so fucking much.
Organic architecture is really pushed here, btw.
fuck you flagless cunts
Mods are fags
>Beauty in not a matter of politics
Oh, the horrors of liberalism that separate man from his medium
Truly the Kali Yuga could not end any sooner
Yes, kinda