What are you right winger thoughts on this man?

What are you right winger thoughts on this man?

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Satan worshiper.

good music

cucked by ugliest jap in the world


His views were too ethno-centric, he imagines a world without borders and control, but he's only thinking about western liberal democracies when imagine that, he didn't stop to think that he would be allahu akbar'd or honour killed for degeneracy.

I have no idea what he saw in that saggy titted asian whore

Did he ever play Pokemon Go?

Child abusing overrated songwriter who was butthurt that another member of the band actually invested his money back into the band and made profit instead of blowing it on stupid shit.

Everyone knows "Imagine" by hearth, but the most important song he ever wrote is:


He'd likely be Independent and pro Trump since he was always changing and gradually growing up. He once said the 60s sucked and the 70s were a real drag and after Reagan was elected he said we could finally make things better. Then he was murdered. The revisionists probably don't know Revolution was about what dunbasses those commie kids were for rioting at the 68 convention.

I think he was a genius. He didn't like war, but he wasn't as much of a retarded liberal as some make him out to be.

For example in his song "Revolution" he says "you can count me out (in)" when he mentions "destruction." He said that his feelings bounce back and forth about that, because he understood that there are ugly realities about human existence that you can't just wish away overnight.

"Imagine" is his song about an ideal world, but that doesn't mean he believed that was something that could happen overnight either... nor did he have a plan to initiate to create such a world. He was a big believer in projecting what you hoped and wished, but he wasn't condemning the world (or himself) for not being up to that standard yet. In fact, he was protective of the vast money he made from his own business and music and always defended himself and his right to have a huge mansion in the middle of the woods where he could hide away from society.

In the second verse of this rendition of "Imagine," when he is talking about there being no countries, he also mentions "no immigration too." His feelings and thoughts about the world were not isolated from political reality.

He was a guy who was really just trying to explain what it's like to be a human being and to live in the society that he lived in.

As for religion, while he talked about the ugly side of it a lot, check out this bonus track that was added to Double-Fantasy after his death by Yoko:


he was an ok song writer but overrated like the rest of the beatles.

ofc liberal shitbag race mixer

best songs he sang are 'dont let me down' and 'day in the life'

Absolute madman.

>What are you right winger

He left his hot blond girl and there kid for a nut bag gook. Degenerate with a capital D.

>no immigration too

he actually said it. the absolute mad man


>I have no idea what he saw in that saggy titted asian whore

her father invested a lot of money in his publishing company, it was an arranged marriage

Funny thing is Yoko went after Paul first.

Wouldn't immigration be impossible if there were no countries? he probably meant that.

Yeah, but then there's no point in mentioning it.

I think he's acknowledging that immigration is a fucked up issue on all sides. If he were purely pro-immigration, he probably wouldn't have mentioned it at all as the "no countries" bit does cover that part. But, I think he's saying that IF we could somehow find a way to all live together harmoniously, we wouldn't have to worry about borders.

The fact that he mentioned it at all tells me that he knows borders are there for a reason. He's telling us to imagine a world where we actually could move past that so that we can begin trying to find common ground between cultures.

I don't think he was stupid enough to think that that could happen overnight.

If you read enough about Lennon you'll see that he wasn't really a libcuck, and was kind of an asshole and shat on gays and jews and other cultures often.

Authoritariasm as circular not linear first became popular by Rush Limbaugh in the early 1990's. After he got tired of the bullshit lies that only relied on the linear thought model that only far right wing were authoritarians.

First nihilist among the great populists, forefather to Lady Gaga. "Imagine" is the anthem of the boomer who opens the floodgates to our mortal enemies from the inside and jerks off like a cuck while his countrymen get butchered in the streets, while he justifies it and calls for not generalizing refugees or muslims.

In short: in the gas it goes.

Great musician, shitty person, politically-retarded.

his face reminided me of fransico totti

>you right winger thoughts on this man
Oh look the reddit crew who wanted to invade pol and spread liberal arts and gender studies. You forgot to camouflage before posting.

>letting the court jesters political opinion interferes with your being entertained by hisome tunes


Can you really blame Lennon that people are too stupid to understand that song?

How is anything that he's asking you to "Imagine" a bad thing? It almost hurts to think about a world where you can really trust everyone you meet on the street, because it's so contrary to how we feel about society, but that's why he's saying to IMAGINE it. He's not suggesting that things can even be that way or even should. He's telling you to imagine it, because it's an ideal. It doesn't cost you anything to imagine such a thing, and while we're spending every day trying to deal with the realities of existence, it can help not to lose sight of the hope that one day all these things that detract from peace, that we all hate and fight against every day, can come to an end.

Nobody who lives in the real world actually believes that's something that could happen if only the owners of our society allowed it. People are too different. But, you want there to be more peace. You want there to be more trust and respect. What's so harmful about imagining the ultimate expression of what we're all striving for every day?

To put it simply. There's a reason the song is called "Imagine" and not "Realize."

Bad musician, mediocre song writer and terrible lyricist. People worship him because he was murdered and because he was part of the Beatles (who were all utterly shit besides Paul)

He plagiarized come together from chuck berry and got into trouble for it. See: "you can't catch me"

Why is his forehead so weird in this video?

Blessed be this Turkroach

Made good music, but a hypocritical, attention-seeking twat


You're making excuses for his cucked worldview because you like his music

Garbage rebuttal aka not an argument.

Go fuck yourself until you come up with something good, niggerbrain.

Your reaction just proves my point. There's a reason imagine is the UN's official anthem. Lennon was a faggot that wrote painfully bland, inoffensive nursery rhymes for adults and you should be embarrassed for liking them


>Your reaction just proves my point.

lol no it doesn't.

Everything I said is true. Reread my post and understand that you haven't refuted anything I've said. Now go eat shit.

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today.

What an amazing world to imagine! And totally not nihilistic at all.

It's fun and games, if you spent your time in an ashram of Osho with like minded people, but it starts to get really destructive, if these people get involved in politics, get more and more radical, mix their ideals with more leftist ideology and then the entire society has to suffer the consequences of their, already compromised utopia. Sure, there's more dangerous things: arming al-Nusra and FSA and not caring, if those weapons end up with ISIS. But my argument still stands.

It's demoralizing.

You have just been brainwashed by the corporation elite.


And to add to this: youtube.com/watch?v=y3qkf3bajd4
>minute 50:00+


It's not Lennon's responsibility if people misuse his message to try and force a reality that hurts people.

It's like if I wrote a story about flying a rocket to Pluto and autismos like you pointed out all the real-world limitations that currently prevent that from being possible.

The world he's talking about may NEVER be possible. But there's nothing dangerous about imagining such a world.

I wonder if you're pro-gun, because if you are then you probably use the exact opposite argument there. It's the same thing as saying that guns kill people and that it's not the random crazies who wield them.

Lennon realized Maharishi was a fraud and rejected him completely. The song "Sexy Sadie" is about him and how he's a con-artist.

Good musician but a fake and a moron

If you payed attention to Yuri it was not about the person of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi but about the ideas and concepts which can be found in basically all of these prominent gurus and popularizers of Eastern thought, nihilism, universalism, undermining tolerance. And it does not matter much if his name is Osho or Eckhart Tolle, or Deepak Chopra.

And it fits the actions and ideas which Lennon is prominent for and which the hippies and New Left of the great Ennui worship. "Refugees Welcome" and "No Border, No Nation" was the newest outlet for them, but it has a very long tradition now.

>recorded the music video in his fucking mansion


And a gazillion dollar piano.

Air headed hippy douche

You are missing the fucking point.

It does matter that his name was Maharishi BECAUSE that's the person who Lennon rejected. If he's the specific person who was brainwashing a bunch of influential Americans with hippie dippie bullshit, and Lennon realized very quickly that he was full of shit, how is that not extremely relevant and how does that not deflate your entire argument against him? You're condemning him for simply having heard Maharishi speak before he had a chance to accept or reject what he was saying?

Maybe you're missing something if it's a documented fact that Lennon realized that Maharishi was a fraud and yet you believe that the things he was saying afterwards are the same ideas.

Lennon never said any of those things in the context that you're implying. At least not in anything I've read or heard. The song Imagine is about imagining an ideal that every person on this planet including you are striving for whether you realize it or not. Of course at the end of every day we look around and we accept that we have to lock our doors so that criminals won't come in and rape us and kill our family, but aren't you doing what you can to make your own life more peaceful every day? Isn't that what you strive for? A world where you have to worry about that less and less? Imagine describes a world where all those things are non-issues.

It's not a fucking prescription, except that he's asking you to imagine it. It's a description of an ideal. He's not suggesting any specific policy change.

We can't just stop hoping and dreaming because some freak might come along and exploit people. It's those freaks that we have to deal with. Again the gun parallel. Psychopaths will find a way to fuck shit up whether they coopt a song like Imagine or build a bomb in their shed. The only reason it triggers you so much is it's such a powerful message that describes a world with 100% no bullshit, and it's funny but that's a very hard pill to swallow.

I fell for the peace meme when I was a kid. Set me back 10 years. I want achievement. Peace will come later when I'm living on my own Island being serviced by wiggle-hipped expats.

Gotta head to the gym, but here are the lyrics.

If it's not clear that he's being sarcastic, since that seems to be an issue for a lot of people, just go read a little bit about it. Gotta go exercise.

Sexy Sadie = Maharishi

Sexy Sadie what have you done
You made a fool of everyone
You made a fool of everyone
Sexy Sadie ooh what have you done

Sexy Sadie you broke the rules
You layed it down for all to see
You layed it down for all to see
Sexy Sadie oooh you broke the rules

One sunny day the world was waiting for a lover
She came along to turn on everyone
Sexy Sadie the greatest of them all

Sexy Sadie how did you know
The world was waiting just for you
The world was waiting just for you
Sexy Sadie oooh how did you know

Sexy Sadie you'll get yours yet
However big you think you are
However big you think you are
Sexy Sadie oooh you'll get yours yet

We gave her everything we owned just to sit at her table
Just a smile would lighten everything
Sexy Sadie she's the latest and the greatest of them all

She made a fool of everyone
Sexy Sadie

However big you think you are
Sexy Sadie

Yet in the same post you admit that you're spending your entire life striving for it.

I wonder what retarded behavior you were engaged in that you describe as being under the spell of "the peace meme." Were you some insufferable hippy with dreadlocks mooching shit off of everyone? That's not peace.

Gotta go get swole.

The DNC violated Hatch Act and solicited jobs while being employed in an office of president, also Promised Jobs to people before an election


>Take her shoelaces away, confiscate her belts
>get the thorazine she’s making an attempt!!!!

he was right.


Fun fact: Lennon turned into a Reagan fan before he died.

>He'd likely be Independent and pro Trump since he was always changing and gradually growing up.

are you 12?

It's a Khazar Jew forehead slope

Maybe that's why he has to only imagine user


Actually, Yoko was the cuck. He openly dated Yoko's assistant May Pang while they were together. The whole thing was even Yoko's idea.

he went right wing you idiots

godless commie druggie

could have used his talents to enlighten the world's about national socialism but instead used it to promote leftist degeneracy

The hand of the Lord thus smote him accordingly

Red pilled, but a man in evolution. If he were here today hed be the first to push against feminazis limiting free speech and humor. He died because he was starting to finally get truly red pilled, and starting talking about niave he was and how niave songs like Imagine are. No joke. After that, he was killed

> nothing to kill or die for
> this somehow being a good thing

> and no religion too
> tips fedora

I hate christcucks as much as the next fedora, but nihilist cuck plz.