How are mixed race people viewed in your country?

How are mixed race people viewed in your country?

In US they are sexually sought by even those on the far right.

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is Sup Forums turning on her now?

last i checked they worshipped the slut

They're not that common and not really approved of
Can't talk about London though

So what's it going to be? Do you hate mixed people or not?

As mexican people

civil war between her beta orbiters and opposers mostly

does mixed people have the sexiest feet?

I thought they were mass-converting to Islam because "radical Islam is the ultimate redpill, shadilay my brethren".

It's not like they can surprise me anymore since Fidel Castro's death, which according to Sup Forums happened because OP got quads.

>taking Sup Forums this serious.

i do hate mixed people and i choose the 2nd one

say what you want, leftists are whiter richer and more educated, every day i cry that most of my "fellow" far right voters are lower class morons and their unemployed nerdy children and mostly NOT EVEN WHITE

i mean i am clearly not of the far right social class i am just here because obviously ideas-wise the far right is right but god damn we are surrounded by absolute retards in this movement

i think the first thing we should do as to restore the spirit is to do like the nazis and teach people to shut the fuck with their dumb opinions and be more disciplined it would be much more liveable in here

So much stupid here I seriously don't know where to begin.

the first time the american is confronted to an unconventional and anti-conformist speech, he breaks down


KARA BOGA cannot be stopped.

the state of mexican education, misters
but i don't blame you, moors and amerifats have brainwashed your people

Really? seems the opposite from what I've seen on Sup Forums

>It's not like they can surprise me anymore since Fidel Castro's death, which according to Sup Forums happened because OP got quads

>leftists are whiter richer and more educated
This must be a French thing lol.

>It's not like they can surprise me anymore since Fidel Castro's death, which according to Sup Forums happened because OP got quads.

It's an american thing, the upper class in New York massively voted for Hillary

>from what I've seen on Sup Forums

>Sup Forumsturds will lick the shitskin cum outta jewtern's vagoo as long she spouts muh redpills this is the power of the alt-cuck......incredible

maybe, idk how it is in america
we do have black sjws and so on in FI but mostly it's the rich ones, the average non-white isn't educated and not even very politicized

classic Sup Forums

>It's not like they can surprise me anymore since Fidel Castro's death, which according to Sup Forums happened because OP got quads.

>Meme-magic isn't real
You will burn, Pablo. These digits confirm it

Your mother will divorce your father and have a mixed baby with a refugee which you're going end up raising.

Its the new catchphrase of Sup Forums

"Burn the coal, we will pay you a toll"

They make a cute couple.

Hush, chink. You shouldn't talk thrash about politics, to a country with a literal naziparty

Sup Forums is such a shithole now, the amount of ChristLARPing is the highest it's ever been as well

There's only like one Finnish autist who worships her. The rest have been calling her out for months.

Bf is kinda hot.

Leave St. Lauren alone

Made for BBIC (Big Black Irish Cock)

>left wing

So this is what black Irish means.

COLONIZED posting pls

I am mixed (Legacy). AMA

There is nothing wrong with mixed race people.

Still better than being French.

Oh, the things I would do to Zendaya...


what a ridiculous fucking name

There are no mixed race people to view in my country

I love her name

they often mixes it with schizophrenic paranoid tier conspiracies, they talk more about demons, the end of the world, holy war and jewish overlords than jesus or god.

thought that nigga was indian

Muslim women love to enslave white men here....especially the brit, the dutch and portuguese men. I wonder why..... ;)

What is the result?

>Sup Forums gets quads, no one even checks it
>Sup Forums gets quads, kills a dictator

how can we even compete.

She's a pro abortion blacked whore. What do you think?

>It's not like they can surprise me anymore since Fidel Castro's death, which according to Sup Forums happened because OP got quads

They even believe that jews are aliens now

>thought that nigga was indian
This. He looks like a Pajeet. He doesn't even have the wooly/kinky hair the half black/ half white kids have.

what the fuck is going on that picture though?

She's lying. She fucked multiple muslim guys

Result of what? Lol! Of course their babies look cute and their family are proud about it because it is an achievement to score a handsome white man as your husband. They get to make other ladies slighty bitter, you know? ;)

They think that a guy called Lord Jacob(jew politician) was killed sent to hospital and then had his photos leaked on the net.And that this creature was his real form all the time

Depends. Mixed asians with white are seen mostly as pretty exotic. Most of them look real good too. I mean I...I wouldn't m-min...

Anyway. Mixed black kids with white have some more stigma. The same with brown-mixed. The good thing: People with """exotic""" last names are either favoured (asians) or insta declined (brown/black pool) in the work life.

Most companies still prefer good, old German looking people with a "proper" last name or the asian kind.

>It's an american thing, the upper class in New York massively voted for Hillary
I live in New York and the "left" here were all for Bernie and a lot of them looked like pic related. Hillary sucked shit but of the two Dem candidates she was the centrist. Trump just annoys a lot of people. The black community is the one that votes for the democratic candidate 90% of the time.

How do you know? Were you peeping through the keyhole like a good little cuck?

>It's not like they can surprise me anymore since Fidel Castro's death, which according to Sup Forums happened because OP got quads.

>Lord Jacob(jew politician) was killed sent to hospital and then had his photos leaked on the net.And that this creature was his real form all the time
But he's still alive...

>But he's still alive...
Not the real one

Still better than the names white conversvitard mormons give their children.

Most Mormons have common names pulled from the Bible. James, Peter, Paul, Zach, Abraham, Daniel, Thomas, Joseph, etc., a few have names pulled from Mormon history, which are somewhat rare now but were once common in America like Brigham or Hiram. Very very rarely are names from the Book of Mormon (like Moroni) or more obscure Biblical names (like Melchizidek) used.

What a ridiculous country.

t. airwrecka

>implying Muslims didn't vote for Trump

I was walking by a polling place and there were people saying that we would all get free gas under Trump, and I was already registered to vote, so...

Mixes people here are viewed as the norm. Also, mixing is encouraged. Which is good, because whites are weaklings, blacks are savages and indians are lazy so you need to artificially create a super race by trial and error to overcome all of this.
Yes. We are ubermensch.