Tfw 197cm

>tfw 197cm

You're pretty big

too tall. i have a friend who is 2m and it annoys him a lot

for you

wow, so this is the power of hyperborea

>tfw 20 cm

A fucking lanklet


How old are you? How much is your weight?

My BMI is 23

>tfw 187cm

height doesn’t mean shit if you’re ugly

>tfw 190cm but still feel like a kid

>tfw 170 cm

Are you an ethnic Dane? That's embarassing if you've got Nordic genes and still a manlet...

>tfw 169cm and small dick
>the insecurity will never leave because i will never be bigger

finally an explanation to why jewish people are so evil

>tfw 183cm and 19 cm dick
>kissless virgin
It's all about look and charisma. If you look like shit and have assburgers you're not much different from manlets.

>22 year old 1.78 virgin dwarf
>beardlet hairless twink in sandnigger country
>hand has never even flew over the aerial surface of a female
>can only masturbate to femdom doujins >vaginas make me dizzy

lel enjoy being bold in 5 years yuro lanklets
im barely 1.80 but easily one of the tallest dudes in the room at any given time, and to add i have smooth beautiful chocolate color hair AND none of my grandparents went bold before they turned 70
top that, faggets

>lel enjoy being bold in 5 years yuro lanklets
I could use some courage. It's good to know that I will be a straight G in five years.

You mean bald?

yeah i meant bald


>tfw 175 cm

Hey same stats here
>It's all about look and charisma
Well for many women a man shorter than them is often a deal breaker, I'd say height still plays a pretty important role. I've witnessed casual short-man shaming in girls' conversations quite a few times in my life, actually felt bad for my manlet bros mang

and ? 175 is perfect, literally the average height
hitler was 175

190cm, blond and blue eyes (not a shitskin like you, texas) and there are no bald people in my family. Btfo

Instead of strolling through life on easy mode with looks and height, I have to actually be a talented at things or have a likable personality to get ahead and remove the "average" stigma and I'm far too lazy for that. Yeah, I'm glad I'm not an actual manlet, but still... I'm just a face in the crowd.

most Mediterranean countries have the highest percent of baldness also arabic countries

can't help you there i have a good face
anyways looking average is nothing bad at all, it lets you get away with everything and not have much responsibility or expectations placed on your shoulders

Just build a personality, 80% of people are pussies.

>tfw full slavic genes and 177cm
at least I have a very big penis though

>t. el niño polla eslavo

also a ton of chest hair

speak english or russian please

>mfw 185cm

How big is your dick?dont lie about it!


>event filled with random people from different fields
>tech guy is ~155 cm
>someone is looking for him because of some A/V problems
>overhear her asking from a group of women
>"anyone seen x?"
>"y'know the short guy"
>"ahh yeah... i don't know... it's not like he's easy to spot here."
>light hearted laughter
>"yeah, i feel so tall standing next to him" t: womanlet
>"I always thought there couldn't be anyone shorter than you..."
>goes into that 'I shouldn't say this, but I will' under the breath mode that women often do with a snicker
>"...much less a man"
>light hearted laughter again
>short guy walks past them, pretty sure he overheard some of that
>"oh wait there he is"
>the girl who was looking for him chases after him
>"excuse me"
>short guy just ignores her and keeps walking with an expressionless face
>girl comes back to the group of women after trying to get his attention for a few seconds
>"well, that was rude of him"
>the women seem to not even understand that they probably just contributed to his upcoming suicide

I'm 176cm or so and slav also
Hairy as fuck chest but I'm a wristlet with wide hips so eh

Perfect height I'm jelly
Polish grandpa was 6'1 dunno why I'm still king of manlets at 22 desu

>tfw gf

>mfw many girls told me they would NEVER date anyone under 180cm
>even the shorties (155-160cm) girls want a tall boyfriend

No matter how ripped, how good your personality is - at some point you have a WAY more limited selection of females than the tall guys. Must suck.

>have a swedish friend who is 202cm
>says he hates living because he has horrible circulation, is always cold because of this, and can't fit into cars/normal sized people things

Tfw 187 but slim

i'm 187cm


155 is not short for a woman.

It is.

> he has horrible circulation
I am always too warm. I wear t-shirts all year long.
>can't fit into cars/normal sized people things
I drive a small car, and I can get in and out easily.

>tfw 180cm

>tfw 180 ;(

I have a friend who is 157cm, it's a normal guy but with a huge complex. Another friend is 1.65 and have a perfect social life and gf, a chad life actually.

Tbh there is a tendency to date someone on the other side of the average of the other gender.

>1.8 guys with

>tfw 187cm
>tfw no tall gf so you can be the short one in the relationship

lanky freak

>tfw 193cm
>tfw back pain

>tfw 196cm

just had to outdo me

>tfw 200cm

>tfw 175cm

>tfw 180 cm
>tfw just good enough for someone into tall girls