I want to start reading Batman comics.
I've seen some reviews on Amazon, and I've been thinking about reading Year One.
Is there a better choice to start?
Also, is the Kindle version worth it?
Obs.: I have already posted it on /wsr/ and had no answers for two days. So, I thaught it could may be a good ideia to post it here.
I want to start reading Batman comics
Year One is as decent a start as any.
I would shy away from any digital versions because you usually can't download a backup copy if it's Marvel or DC so you might get fucked one day if Amazon pulls it from their store. But I guess if you don't have shelf space or anything then it's not awful. Mostly actual screen size of your Kindle will determine if it's a comfortable transition there.
There's a storytime of Batman 52, read that.
What exactly would be a "storytime"? And Batman 52 is the Batman Comics #52 or the New 52 Batman?
There's a lots of big Batman torrents on Kat.ph.
Miller's stuff
Morrison - People will say not to because it's "too confusing" for new readers it isn't. Read it.
Snyder - Just read Black Mirror. Other stuff is garbage.
Storytimes are when someone posts a comic on Sup Forums. There's a bunch today because it's comics release day. It's issue #52 of the current volume that is part of the new 52 continuity.
I'm not him and I haven't read that issue yet (I think it is Tynion rather than Snyder so it's probably more of a standalone story and not directly related to other stuff but I don't know for sure), but you'll find continuity usually doesn't matter a ton if you know the basics (rich man fights crime) and start at the beginning of an arc.
Also be sure to catch Batman #1 when it comes out next month.
When i started reading comics I realized that media has adepted the most popular stories in one way or another. So you shouldn't be too lost if you just jump in any where.
Is it gonna be number 1 i was under the impression it would be continued from pre 52 so like 714 or whatever if its gonna be #1 its pretty shitty and pointless
Detective and Action are picking up old numbering, almost everything else is starting at #1 besides continuing books like Dr Fate and Earth 2 Society that seem to be going on for a few months after Rebirth.