Why is libertarianism/anarcho-capitalism so detached from reality?

Why is libertarianism/anarcho-capitalism so detached from reality?
Like how do you even create a libertarian/an-cap society?
Extremist ideas like that have literally no traction among general population, they never did and never will be.
And even if you somehow manage to create it, what makes you think other powers won't just exploit your weakness and rape the shit out of you?
Do you think entire world will magically start subscribing to your ideals?

its just as stupid or even more than communism. but hey, kids will be kids.

People with ideologies are stupid. They are simply not smart enough to form coherent world views. Leave ideologies and mental/theoretical frameworks for the big boys, and just be an issue influenced goy like everyone else.

You do not have an ideology.

t. sociology student

And that's why the only kind of anarchism ANYONE should take seriously is egoist anarchism, which solely focuses on yourself. "Anarchist" societies are an oxymoron, never existed and won't exist.

>t. sociology student

You're barely one step above Gender Studies.

if trippl berlin will burn down in next week

In terms of what?


Spooks. Spooks everywhere


Value of your degree.
You certainly don't get to call yourself "highly educated" with a sociology degree.




Just point and laugh.


I used to like Ancap until I realized it was impossible. Governments and structure form naturally.

Libertarianism is as close as you can get to the dream.

Soft Sciences are shit.
What are you going to do with a sociology degree? Become a sociology teacher?

nah, tribalism and small local Elders Council is where it is.

>This triggers the ancap

My parents are rich. I study because I like to study.

I also have an econ BA. I might go abroad for an MS and maybe join an organization like the UN.

Are you sure you even know what "spook" means? While Stirner is opposed to ideologies, "egoist anarchism" describes his position very well, he just understood that attempting to enforce and apply it to society doesn't make any sense.

Nice bait nigger.

>Extremist ideas like that have literally no traction among general population, they never did and never will be.

its a matter of education. a few centuries ago none would have thought that common democracy was possible. you are very short sighted if you can't see how liberty can and will be sold onto the young minds, especially since they see how socialism is not working.

Australia won't fail ya.

>hurr durr le liberal arts meme

i got a BA in writing and make 6 figures now.

your major literally doesnt matter 90% of the time.

protip: get a job faggot

you know shit.
5 years sociology, + 1 statistics +1 econ = regular UN/gubbermint consultant.
life IS really good.