K6BD thread. New update. I'm spinning the execution wheel taking bets on Juggernaut Star's ultimate agenda here. He is too cool to be a mere tool.
K6BD thread
>those empty eye sockets
Fucking cool. +1 for consistency Abby. I feel like remembering 82 ripping her face off is something a lot of artists wouldn't translate well when changing the form of a character.
We had another thread earlier, but it died after like 10 replies.
This should be interesting to see. Juggs seems like the kind of guy who's fine with obeying ruthless Thorn methods of cutting down witness. I wonder what White Chain will do when faced with killing such a harmless person?
I'm pretty sure Juggernaut is going to try to ice her, White Chain is going to try to save her, they're going to get discovered and everything will go to hell.
>failed stealth check.jpg
More liked a failed listen. See the creak?
Whatdoes the halo mean. I thought an angel can't achive royality
6 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe is the Werewolf Jones of K6BD.
>White Chain is Owl
it fits too well