Why are they all so fucking terrible bros?
Woman Hate Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>mentally stable
because the jews
because they give birth to faggots like you.
there are shitty women just like there are shitty men. Give it a break /r9k/
It's funny that Sup Forums always pretends to be
>le natsoc XDD heil hitler
But yet always talk shit about women.
Take her shoelaces away, confiscate her belts
>Sup Forums is one person maymay
Why are the Dutch so shit lately? Going towards leafcuck tier...
Hey OP! DID you know a woman gave birth to Hitler? The wars is her fault really when you think about it.
a lack of shame combined with an endless appetite for attention.
>being a man is harder
>therefore, women>men
>all women
They arent, most might be. Not all. If you keep finding terrible women take a look at what you are doing and where you are finding them and completely reverse it.
you better run home little paki
mummy's cooking curry
/r9k/ posters have nothing to do with Sup Forums you dumb fuck. Most of them are redditors a good chunk of them is also shitskins
Sup Forums has a 99% crossover rate with r9k.
Did you find these statistics at the bottom of a barrel of guinness?
Not true at all. Most /r9k/cucks showed up here after /r9k/ became extremely popular through r/Sup Forums. There is a huge overlap between reddit and /r9k/
Must be the jews right?
>1 post by this ID
They were never required to be pleasant human beings, their cunt was unfortunately required to propagate the species and they knew it, so they never bothered to try and better themselves.
Thankfully genetic engineering will lead to a world with far fewer women in the future.
Either you are young or just try to go for high maintenance girls but this r9k shit is lame. Yes women, generally speaking, have specific traits that are shitty and annoying that men dont have. Men also have the same things that women find annoying. Stop worshipping girls. Stop gassing them up. Thats what makes them shitty.
Eggman's home board was Sup Forums before it was r9k.
Most people here have some serious problems; some people point the finger of blame at women, others point it at the Jews.
Either way, a lot of anons have said this before, I don't know why you find it to be such a strange thing.
>women drive men to suicide
>haha women are better rather than being insufferable cunts less preferable than death
>le anonymous doesn't cross-board user may-may
user i would strongly recommend you check out the other boards. there is so much fantastic content you are missing out on.
>Why are they all so fucking terrible bros?
because you think with your jew-scarred knob, burger
I never got over all those non sequitur tattoos.
Like a fucking meth addict.
The amount of pro-female shills in this thread is shameful. This is embarrassing for Sup Forums. God damn. Threads like these provoke the slutty autistic femanons to post because they feel attacked and they feel as though they need to defend their 'image' in the eyes of men.
You were led to believe that they're shit because of divide and conquer tactics used by the globalist jewry. They're portrayed as equal in mainstream media and brainwashed into believing all the marxist bullshit thrown at them. You soak up the egalitarianism served to you through all your life and when you finally meet an actual woman she's completely disappointing and different from your expectations.
They're not perfect eventhough they're portrayed and said to be. They never were and never will be. We're different and we have to coexist. Read some old literature instead of watching TV if you want to see the true image of a woman.
Literally never been on /r9k/. My other boards at the moment are Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /adv/ (it's fun trolling them), and sometimes /o/ and Sup Forums
I used to go on Sup Forums but it's too autistic for me now
Women attempt suicide more often, but they are more likely to fail.
It's just other thing men are better at than women.
People attempt suicide for attention because mental disorders and being different no matter what is promoted globally through individualism. People are afraid to be the same and want to stand out, and what better way is there to stand out when you're a loser other than """killing""" yourself?
People with real problems don't attempt suicide. They COMMIT suicide.