
Rolling plains edition

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Isn't pretty much anything that isn't L.A or N.Y considered midwest?

Midwestern =/= Flyover



it'll work this time r-right guys haha..

reminder to filter and report Brendanposter

thanks for the bump friend




more like spam of the dead thread

WTF is that what happens up there

Yes, the Great Plains are notorious for being filled to the brim with Maizeromancers who try to kill everyone because they got kicked out of their emo band for overcoming their depression


Which is better
Culvers or Dairy Queen?

culvers hands down



I'll have to eat at both of them again before I make judgement

Hey bud how've you been?

Holy Shit Culvers
Kit Kat Concrete Mixer + cheese curds>blizzard and tendies with toast

Friday = solo drinking party, so good friday
Saturday = body grieving for my liver
Sunday = feels like Easter Sunday

hows the view where u are boys?

hehe gay lord

the Prairies really are honorary /midwest/ desu senpai

Pretty dark right now

Sounds like a comfy weekend
Will you be coming up here for Christmas?

Yeah the Concrete Mixers beat Blizzards by far

If /midwest/ dies for good I'll never post in another general again


no :( havent been back since i was like 13 or so.. have it snowed yet?

>havent been back since i was like 13
Sad, you should come back
>have it snowed yet?
It'll snow again tomorrow too

>tfw no SD-transplant Cali bf

three of my aunts been coming here instead :(


>William the Conqueror does his thing
>Immediately after gets BTFO by Harald Hardrade and becomes disfigured

You should ask them to bring you some snow

is it anime posting time

Hardrada was killed by Harold Godwinson at Stamford Bridge, what the fuck are you talking about

Begone PENISylvanian

pls gib snow ;___;

This is CK2

I'll get you some tomorrow okay?


fuck the packers


Good post


Good post

fellow hoosiers why the fuck did you vote trump??
(something i wanted to ask in real life but can't).



Poo in the loo, americans. Stop shitting on the streets or corn fields. Disgusting...you son of a basterd bich.

But manure helps the crops grow

It's just fertilizer calm down


Give Runza

/south dakota/


>it's a europeon treats you like an idiot because you're not an expert on some inane topic

>It's a European treats you like an idiot because they're mean episode

>it's a dead thread episode

>It's a buttmad Pennsylvanian spamming the thread with some faggot Canadian episode

Who makes the best pizza in the Midwest?

that's widely available? probably casey's

Generally spread or from one particular place


Casey's Buffalo Chicken pizza is excellent

North Dakota reporting in

>It's been five years since I've had a pizza from Casey's
Just kill me now

Hello qt

Hi, /midwest/. Glad to see this general up.
Pretty edition.

Hey bud, how's your night been?

Everything north of the Illinois River should belong to Wisconsin.
Culvers by a country mile.
Pretty good so far. Just stopping by before bed.
How's things?

ever since I found out you can order breakfast pizza in the evenings I haven't gotten anything else from them. I should try that sometime though. I had a slice of their chicken bacon ranch not too long ago and it was really good, which surprised me since chicken pizzas tend to be pretty bad in my experience

I'm doing fine bud, thanks for asking

And Wisconsin is rightful Minnesotan property

I lost my virginity to a 22 yr old Casey's pizza girl when I was 17.

>Wisconsin is rightful Minnesotan property
I support this. Annex MI's UP while we're at it?

Yes, and the Dakotas
Call it Minnekota
"Many Friends"


I think this glorious state could take on northern IL and rehab Chicago. Let the rest of IL join Indiana, Kentucky, or Missouri. Whadda ya say? You'll also get qt Galena.

>and rehab Chicago
We'd have to rehab Minneapolis and most of Wisconsin, Chicago would be very difficult
Their annexation can come later methinks

Let the lest of Illinois join up with Iowa and Missouri
Nebraska and Kansas join up too
Ohio annexes Michigan, Kentucky, and Indiana

>Ohio annexes
Ohio makes any big moves and they're fucked. They're the Poland.
Illinois is Ukraine.

Michigan would be distracted with losing the Upper Peninsula and Finnish memes, they'd be ripe for the taking
Illinois would be busy with Minnakotsin too and Iowa could eat them and Missouri

Indiana and Kentucky would just be stepping stones for Ohioan conquest

>Their annexation can come later methinks
They're economically powerful, I think they'd be warm to the arrangement, and waiting too long could only make eventual rehab more difficult. Do you want an unchecked and embittered powerhouse of a city attached to a dying state on Lake Michigan's south shore?
Don't underestimate them. They're angry.
>Indiana and Kentucky
Right, but Ohio is retarded. Ohio will try to take West Virginia and Maryland instead, and end up with Virginia and Pennsylvania raining holy Hell on them from the east. Meanwhile, Cincinnati says "fuck y'all yankee summabitches!" and breaks off to join Kentucky while Cleveland catches on fire again.

>waiting too long could only make eventual rehab more difficult
True, but the challenge is daunting
I suppose if we focus on rehabbing them from the start and then work on Wisconsin it'd work out alright

>Don't underestimate them
I'm not, they'll be fairly well declawed after we're done ripping Upper from them
And Ohio would most likely be working at reclaiming the Toledo strip (And then coincidentally seizing the mitten) the same time as we seize Upper
Where they go after that is their own autism's sake
>while Cleveland catches on fire again

Why does everyone hate the Midwest buds

hey guys i discovered a word
you likely haven't ever heard this word describe your state
are you ready for it?

>He doesn't know


"Flyover" was a term made by Midwesterners dummy

Flyover country, flyover states, and Flyoverland[citation needed] are American phrases describing the parts of the United States between the East and the West Coasts. The terms, which are sometimes used pejoratively, but more often defensively,[1] refer to the interior regions of the country passed over during transcontinental flights


>he takes PRIDE in being UNIMPORTANT

>He is incapable of being self-deprecating



Good night buds