He was bullied because he looked darker than his peers

>he was bullied because he looked darker than his peers

what the fuck IRELAND?!

Other urls found in this thread:


>the bullying bogeyman
Now every sucessful actor says he was bullied. A good bait for the "he overcame all the odds! So successful!".

idk, people say irish are very racist and xenophobes

Is this true? God fucking damn it man, the mutt meme is so true. I look EXACTLY like this guy and I grew up being told all of my ancestors/family are Irish.

>black hair
>brown eyes
>"naturally tanned" skin
Let's face it, he's basically non-white.

Hes a fuckin arab
Genocide it

do you think she was bullied by the pinkoid anglos

Iberians are hot, way hotter than "white" Anglos.

hopefully he will take his revenge on the wh*Te race soon

actually that is innaccurate. He was bullied because he was a dub. In a way it is like being a black but not neccessarily the same thing

>Ausonius was born Wolfgang Alexander Zaugg in Lidingö, northeast of Stockholm, Sweden. He is the son of a Swiss father and a German mother, both of whom had emigrated to Sweden. He grew up in Vällingby, a working class suburb of Stockholm. According to newspaper reports, he was bullied as a child because of his non-Swedish background, which manifested in him being teased for having very black hair and brown eyes. As an adult, he bleached his hair blonde, used blue contact lenses and legally changed his name. Initially, he changed his name to John Wolfgang Alexander Stannerman, and later to John Wolfgang Alexander Ausonius. He went to the German School in Stockholm, a private school, but dropped out before graduating. He later completed his secondary school education in an adult education programme. Ausonius was accepted into the Royal Institute of Technology, but dropped out after a couple of years of unsuccessful study.

This. Robin Williams had the decency to just hang himself before crying to everyone and he actually had problems. Fuck nowadays actors.

>Get bullied for being immigrant
>Kill immigrants

Huh, what kind of backwater logic is thi-
Oh, well that explains Hitler.

Wh*toids are heartless, inhuman beasts

We should bully brown people more

As long as third world shitters come here for free stuff, third worlders will be disliked.

>h-hey s-shitskin your s-skin is s-shit
>get the shit beat out of you

hmm, yes that will go well. stick to school shooting, nigel.

> call shitskin a shitskin
> get beaten
> sue shitskin


>people say irish are very racist and xenophobes
wtf i love the irish now?

>be me, half pre bronze age true Black Briton >half s*Ssenach pig man
>Darkness only comes out as moles

Leave it to Norway to be this dumb. Go outside, cunt, the world doesn't work like that.

You can sue for damages incurred after assault, whatchu talking about?

>Only manages to kill 1 guy

>Sandniggers manage to kill hundreds at a time by simply running them over with trucks

This is just embarrassing

You still get punched you idiot. Even if you don't realize it, if 1 unlucky punch knocks you out and you fall on your head/twist your spine you can die and death is permament.

Good. Then my life insurance will actually mean something.

>so why'd he break your jaw
>a-all i did was call him a dirty nigger ;_;
>oh okay, here's $2 million dollars in reparation plus tip straight out of my ass

Americans LITERALLY think the world works like this.

>Burgers think pieces of paper are worth more than a human life especially your own.

Your country needs to die.

It does though, unless you live in Australia, apparently.
I want to die.

You're fucking stupid then. You'll have TRILLIONS of years of non existance in less than a century maybe even less than a 3 decades anyway.

You have only 1 life anyway and you're 100% garunteed to die, might as well do something while alive, even if it's simply jerking off that's worth it because you never get to experience anything ever again until the heat death of the universe.

Eternity of nonexistence.
Once I'm gone, it'll be like I never existed in the first place; at least from my now dissipated perspective .

Yes so while you're alive at least make the world better for others or drown yourself in hedonistic pleasures. Whatever floats your boat. If you you want to leave a mark bevore your existance washes away in the nothingness of the universe then make a positive impact on others who struggle but still have a will to live.

If you're just a solo rider the least you can do is kill yourself having the most fun possible.

Fair enough.

Good, hopefully you understand that dieing because you couldn't control your autism is not the best way to go

Moreso for the sake of argument, but yes, autism played a hand there.

ireland is rightful urang utan clay.
No dirty beady eyed anglos allowed

h-how are you going to bully me, australoid-san?


Irish is an Iberian race.

Doesn't work that way in America either, just ask /k/ trip SaigaMarine. Shot someone in self defence at a BLM rally but cops lifted his discord chat filled with 'nigger nigger nigger nigger' and now he's doing 10 to 15.

that dumbfuck deserved it for being a retard lol. that's what americlaps get for being deluded enough to think they are 'free'.

they are mostly in the country areas anyway, they just won't say it to your face unless they're drunk.

Alt rights and kekistanitard should be deported to alcatraz and get tortured 24/7