They've gone and done it

This madman actually copy/pasted a Sup Forums thread for an article. How does it feel to be doing all of the legwork for lazy journalists?


Old Sup Forums thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

"Implying there are journalists who put all this shit together, only to have the cuck media shut it down"

Sup Forums has always been the ones behind the curtain. This will just spread the word of Hilarys crimes.
Sure, it's a shit type thing for someone who is suppose to be professional but it's no different than having our me meme taken

That's a good obedient journalist.

>implying Jim Hoft isn't Ben Garrison

As long as the info is out there for nornies to see and be exposed to, it doesn't really matter.

Reminds me of "No, John - YOU are the demons".

WE were the Jews all along, unwittingly pulling the strings, memeing it all into existence.

I saw it....

same list was already sent to imgurs frontpage at least twice. So yeah, redpilling normies, all the way.

>That list

Y'all faggots never worked on a campaign before

90% of that shit is tame, and the other 10%, like the media stuff, is common practice.

>The list was compiled thanks to the work of Reddit Bernie Sander supporters and Donald Trump supporters.
Sup Forums BTFO

DNC Email Leaks Show Racist Outreach to Latinos Called “Taco Bowl Engagement” lol



>tfw Sup Forums is always the unsung hero. And typically the go-to boogeyman.

Sup Forums isn't out to seek recognition you dumb cunt. If they want to take information from here and educate others, I say let them.

>not realizing there are journalists here everyday.

Breitbart, freedomain radio, savage nations, etc etc. This place is fucking swarming with all their interns

It won't be tolerated anymore.

It's for the better.
Think of Sup Forums as the director and these subreddits as the actors

kek... your ID says
>Big 7 MEAT

but... we were not the jews all along.

It's more a Nietzschian predicament we found ourselves fallen victim to after years of ardent research into Global Jewry and all their methods and machinations.

>...those who fight monsters, should take care that they themselves do not become monsters. For when you stare deep into the Abyss... the Abyss stares back into you.

Time to destroy his life?

It feels good. The point of Sup Forums is to keep a low profile while pulling as many strings as possible. We don't want the spotlight as long as people are coming around. I've seen a couple items I've contributed making the rounds, it does give some sense of satisfaction.

Let Reddit have the credit. Just get the truth out.

You have become what you hate.




>Sup Forums is just like hitler
>Sup Forums is always right
>hitler did nothing wrong
proof at last.

It's going to happen. It happens in every government, in every administration. Not because of any badness on the part of the campaigns or some drift into corruption. It's human nature. It's how politics happens.

It's only an illusion that the American public had that politics was ever this clean thing.

It never was and never will be. No matter how many times you blow up the constitution and government and re-write it. It's what people want. Their views over the views of other people. That implies people will be stepped on.

I have no doubt Sanders and Trump and Cruz all participated in similar things. Hell, Sanders had that huge data leak on Hillary that was most likely entirely intentional.


Not really. It's actually good that he didn't link us to something like this. The less people know of this place the more likely it is to remain in tact.

Sup Forums went full éminence grise.

We studied the jew deeply. We learned to maneuver like the jew.


we wouldnt want to be mentioned, normies associate Sup Forums and Sup Forums with evil racist manchilds. it would just hurt the cause to credit Sup Forums. we will forever only be mentioned when we do something bad to reinforce their Sup Forums bad narrative

It's the only way you win against (((((them))))). you play by their rules, not the rules they give you.

Pretty fucking happy. I hope it ends up on every MSM site and channel

Reddit is or puppet. We are the israel to reddit's america.

Still though, nice to see bernie sanders supports and trump supporters working in tandem to take down hilltlery, even if it's just a temporary truce.

>A German claiming to be a Jew all along

He's the cuck Sup Forums deserves, but not the cuck it needs right now. So we'll cuck him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our cuck. He's a silent cuck, a watchful cuck, a dark cuck.

No, Ahmed. We are not jews. We are the samurai they fear.


i bet he doesnt even ask permission before downloading rare pepes

Speak for yourself. I drew the first kek in paint.

Actually took me a minute to get it. Fucking kek

I thought there might be some connection between savage and here. Too many ideological similarities. Talking about the same news stories

Being unsung heroes is the price we must pay. For greater power. You think the Jews take credit for the shit they pull off in media?

We started in to the Oy Vey too long, now anuda shoah stares out of us.
Muh six billion!

>How does it feel to be doing all of the legwork for lazy journalists?
if it'll make it appear in the media and spread around the masses, then it feels real good my friend.

So, .... We're the jews!?

>Beware that, when fighting jews, you yourself do not become a jew... for when you gaze long into the cultural marxism. The cultural marxism gazes also into you.

Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit bis er wiederkommt.

>thanks to reddit

Fine by me. Means less normies and MSM attention coming our way.

was this list on Sup Forums first tho?

Jim Hoft


Most of his stuff is pulled straight from /pol these days.

Amusing as he is, as someone from St. Louis, I always worry that the rest of you are missing an important facet of the story of "The gateway pundit".

Have you ever heard a talk radio show? You know how they all have that one crazy guy who calls in over and over, and the hosts get to know their name and try not to sound too annoyed when the tinfoiler calls in for the third time THAT DAY?

Yeah, that's this guy.

He took the fact that all the local radio hosts were sick of him to mean that he was famous, started a crappy blog where he spouts whatever random right wing shit floats to the top, and somehow has managed to be successful at getting cited nationally dozens of times simply by being the most entertaining (batshit crazy) version of whatever story is out there on the fringe.


this was stickied on /r/the_donald

yea nigger but you forget that now loads of the retarded masses also know.

To defeat the jew, you must become the jew.

>The list was compiled thanks to the front page of the internet with millions of viewers
>The list was complied by the neo-nazi hacker "4-chan".

You're not very smart, are you?

>Sup Forums has always been the ones behind the curtain
we jews nao

Yes. We have over 40 threads of anons email scanning and summarizing content.

He lied because giving Sup Forums any sort of acknowledgement would immediately discredit the article. It's for the best.


True, to beat the Jews, we have to become the Jew, pull the strings from behind, unseen.

wtf i hate Sup Forums now

Go to hell, Hilldawg.

>tfw you were the Illuminati all along

As long as this information spreads i'm fine with it.

And trump posted it.

The absolute madman

>Sup Forums btfo
Newfag detected. Rules #1 and #2 are still in play, the author is obviously a good user and knows never talk about Sup Forums.

They have to browse this place.

This fucking year

He who fights monsters.

We are now the Illuminati.


>DNC telling each other, "I love you too. no homo."

Jesus, you guys are desperate.

Good, honestly the best thing for the list of shit the DNC has done is to get it massive exposure by whatever means necessary.

Says the shillbot.

dude, the alternative is more cancer on the board. THEY DONT NEED TO KNOW ABOUT US


Absolutly Jewish but at least it gets the word out.

You must out Jew the Jew to defeat Zionists.

Such is life.
Sup Forums almost always has it deeds, both the good and the ill, given to another person.
Like when we'd watermark our raids with Ebaumsworld, it just caught on after that.



If it gets the word out that seems fine to me. It's not like they were going to credit Sup Forums

>implying it wasn't those ebaumsworld or gaia shitters up to their usual tricks

The major networks probably lurk, too. Considering that Sup Forums sites a happening from a Twitter post 3-5 hours before the networks air it nationally.

If it's local they get it within half an hour of it happening from nearby affiliates running it up the pipe, But I've no doing international stuff comes here quicker, especially details like we get on syria.

Too bad Trump doesn't want to defeat the jews lol.

Sup Forums btfo

Good. I don't want Sup Forums getting anymore attention. We work best when it is behind the curtains. Kinda like the Jews.

No fucking candidate wants to take their mouth off of the kike dick. We have our choices. And even being a lolbertarian Johnson supporter, I would prefer not to have Hillary in the office.

I would have voted Sanders if it was him against her. I would have voted Guac-Merchant, I would have been a Cruz Missile. Hell, I would have voted for Warren or fucking Jill Stein.

Not Hillary. I will vote Trump to keep her out. The choice is between Lucifer and a billionaire clown. I will take the fucking clown.

>The major networks probably lurk
I wonder, if you are paid to lurk here if you eventually get influenced by the various non-mainstream ideologies that get posted. A lot of what gets said on this board is trolling but some of it can be very appealing once you start paying attention to details. Maybe some of these leaks are people who have defected, realizing their former cause is morally indefensible.

Think about it, it is plausible
> Lifelong democrat, want to make a difference
> Joins group as an intern, gets told to lurk Sup Forums
> Eyes open and witnesses the true enemy

like we want the popularity. We are the dark knights.

who cares where it came from, the important thing is that it's starting to hit the mainstream media

It is an honour to know you.

Time to detonate the vest, Abdullah.

Can you post it?

no, i drew the first kek in paint

And so we'll hate Sup Forums. Because it can take it. Because it's not a hero. It's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark knight.

>TFW Sup Forums has Bane posted so much it actually Rises as a Dark Knight.