/Sino/ - 中文

Dancing Rem edition.

The thread for posting in Chinese and discussion about the Chinese-speaking world, culture, life, travel, economics, geopolitics, etc.

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>Literal Chinese cartoons:

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real thread theme


where's vietnam been? are you okay vietnam?

real A Better Tomorrow


I like this.

this is also very good.

Nguyen got took out by Agent Orange.

Best chinese comic. Fuck ravages of time

>It says here that you have no prior work experience in education. Why do you think you would be a good teacher for our school, user?

RIP Nguyen. You will be remembered, comrade.

Lol shitty moonrune language get off my Sup Forums gooks


Finally anime edition

>not 龙朝大都 with steampunk tech from russia and west mixed with qing dynasty loli being like we ride dragons so we great

I'm white.

>when your entire writing system is derived from literal caveman runes

>when americans

do you avoid look to the eyes of women?

I bet you do Peru, stop being jealous of my 56% whiteness Peru。


Chinese writers write some really good novels nowadays

Tencent’s Sinoliterature company got like $80 bilion in its IPO. They are supposed to fund more Chinese literature and Chinese animation.

Kind of the Chinese version of Kyoto Animation.

English was written in literal caveman runes until the 1000s when we got cucked by the French.

listen to the thread theme song while watching rem dance.

it's very entertaining and i can do this all night.

Netease is their nintendo

My father works there

not with blatant censorship, it kills creativity

Thats why the best chinese writers come from Hong kong la

The commies caught his ass posting on Sup Forums

If proverty is eliminated and the average needs of the Chinese is fulfilled (Like free healthcare, social security, free education, and other shits). Pollution is largely taken care and majority of the Chinese is now in the middle class. What excuse will CCP say to not let China go democracy?

Mao was the worst leader in the history of humanity.

They don't
Even Mao said shit about nationalist china since civilian can't vote and wanted a democratic government before he made his guys Communist since he kind of knew it's not a good idea to make democratic party in war since democracy is literally the shittiest government for fighting war and being fascist or nationalist won't attract average civilians into war, and they won the war due to the support of dumb civilians

All writing systems derive from caveman runes.

If China achieves all those things under the leadership of the CCP, what reason would Chinese have to EVER vote for anyone else?

Leading the CCP from near collapse to eventually reunite the whole nation take skill too. What suck is his inability to lead the nation, when Chiang was in power, China has a brief Golden Age call “Nanjing 10 years” where China made a lot of progressive. When Mao was in power, not even 5 years in Mao brought China’s developments down lower than N.Korea.

You really have not read much history then, man.

Before 1949: no, he was able to win ROC with literally swords and shitty guns with minimum ammo and backup

After 1949: kind of yes, given his fails in nearly all things that made millions starve, suffer and die
Not even mentioning about cultural revolution
Other than maybe making friends with USSR after war that boosted chinese technology and made scientists build nukes and satellites at that time when China's just a piece of scorched land with old technology

In general: Stalin wins

I hope you've got more to back up on that claim, even though I kind of know it's just copypasta

You know, stuffs like freedom of speech and plenty of other rights that is being denied by CCP. I am sure Chinanons will appreciate the ability to browse Sup Forums without paying for a pass.

Mmmmmm nope

Hitler was far worse for Germany.

Best leader is qin shi huang and no one is able to deny it

You are fucking delusional. The foreign market gave the company $80 billion.

Fanfic writing is not censored in China. As a matter of fact, on average only 260 out of every 100,000 weibo posts are censored. Fucking fanfics are even less so

The CCP has 25,000 censors. They cannot censor more than a tiny fraction of China’s 1.4 billion people

tl;dr your opinion is meaningless. The market says this company will succeed.

Hitler kill only Jews, I am sure the Chinese will much rather their leader killed 6 million Jews than to cause 100 million of deaths of their own. China doesn’t have that much of negative opinion toward the Nazi, in fact they will more likely to be mesmerized by them.


The average censorship of 100,000 Weibo posts in China each day is 125. That’s a rate of 0.125%.

Listen, I agree that censorship is bad in China relative to most nations. But statistically, 99.875% of posts are not censored on China’s most popular social media website.

Most Chinese have never even been censored. That’s because almost all censored posts come from a few accounts that generally post political related news.

Source: Hong Kong University takes a daily survey of about 100,000 Weibo posts in China.

If the people can live good, decent lives then that's the most important thing.
Believe it or not, people in China do not give a shit about Sup Forums. They have a thousand websites in Chinese, by Chinese companies that serve the same function, and more.
So far, the one-party system has done, much, much, much more for China than Western "values" have done for it. It was Western democracies that raped China in the 19th and 20th century, and only Communist China was able to stop them.
Is there a desire for more expression? Yeah. But by far I think what most Chinese want more is a smooth transition from poverty into wealth. Only with a stable, united central government can do this, and that is what the Party provides.
After all, most of the rich countries that are alive today did not become rich under democratic government. Japan was a semi-feudal, semi-modern autocratic regime in the Meiji era. In America, Reconstruction America was a place where only white men could vote. Singapore is a one party democracy run by Lee Kuan Yew for decades.

>Hitler killed only Jews,

>Hitler kill only Jews
>100 million of deaths of their own
Lol, where you get dem stats from, bro?
>China doesn’t have that much of negative opinion toward the Nazi, in fact they will more likely to be mesmerized by them.
Spoken like someone who's never known a Chinese person before.

Why the fuck does our resident Sup Forumstard spout such stupid shit?

The Holocaust included 4 million Romani, beggars, and disabled people. Le 6 million is not the total death tole. It was 10 million.

That leaves out the 30 million europeans killed in the war Hitler started.

In your first sentence you were already wrong.

I think the only Nazis Chinese people actually liked were Alexander von Falkenhausen and John Rabe.

Yeah because those nazis were human enough to tell the Japs to stop chimping out and destroying vast amounts of Chinese temples/tombs/castles.

>Late for work again user? What? My heels are hurting my feet is all, why are you looking at them that way?

Her face does not radiate power.

I would prefer a Northern European or African woman. More pronounced features.

>all those ccp biotlickers itt

>he killed 6 million Jews
>and 4 million others

The Jews really did a good one on you
They’ve all been gassed too right? Told they’d take a shower but guess what it’s Zyklon b instead of water!!

China doesn't like Nazis because of their association with Japan. Also Chinese people really admire Jews.

Do you really believe 6 million kikes died when fucking scholars admitted that at first they thought Auschwitz killed 6 mil but reversed that to around 500,000.
Where are these deaths popping up from when every fucking camp had it's death toll revised from forced confessions???

Are you fucking retarded? Same for the Chinese and russia,all these numbers are a fucking lie by the allies。

How bad are the insects in China ? is it spiders and centipedes constantly. Thinking about looking for work in International schools but i have a very bad insect phobia

Chinese themselves are insects

Too slow
Now have some smug flat chest animu girls

No racism pls, serious answers only

If you really think about it
Freedom, rights, liberty all means nothing if you're poor
A Saudi semi-literate wife of a millionaire, forced to be in a burqa, can walk over most americans

The PArty provides while the West provides nothing but empty slogans. They have brought 600 million out of poverty. The West has plunged the world into decades of anarchy in the name of democracy.
China's a big place. You'll have to be more specific.
>Holocaust denying
Merkel's sending a van to your location now.
>China doesn't like Nazis because of their association with Japan
Chinese are aware of the Holocaust and are just as morally repulsed by it. Nazis also plunged the entire Europe into war, which regardless of his motivations, was a bad thing. Chinese are aware of this too.
>Freedom, rights, liberty all means nothing if you're poor
Absolutely true. Do you think a peasant living in Guangxi or Gansu cares that he can't call Xi Jinping vulgar names or can't access Sup Forums? Of course not, all he cares about is that his livelihood, his village can live wealthier lives, have access to modern amenities and that his children are better off than he was. Freedom of speech and religion and the right to vote are all esoteric for China and most other developing countries. Look at India. They've had the right to vote since 1947, and their government is infinitely more corrupt than China, have very little social progress since independence, and their GDP is a fraction of China's.
Democracy is an empty slogan for the peoples of the world still struggling to escape poverty.

Sino = Yellow Fever thread

I was just thinking, what would have happened to China if the pro-democracy movement of 89 had succeeded?
I think:
The Party's control over the whole country collapse. China goes the route of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, enters into full on Democracy (TM) and Capitalism (TM). Rapid growth of the 80's completely halts, zero growth for next twenty years at least. Violent revolution kills the apparatchiks of the CCP. Country is split up by various political parties, two new ones monopolize power, one representing rural China and the other representing urban China. Without strong central leadership, regions such as Xinjiang and Tibet break away and become their own meme nations. (Xinjiang later on becomes Afghanistan 2.0 and becomes a secondary hiding place for Afghan "freedom fighters" that eventually perpetrate 9/11, US invades by 2005). HK and Macau continue being colonies, while Taiwan just says fuck it and becomes independent, nothing China can do about it. China has been effectively Balkanized, has no unified national resolve, no hope for development and is forever condemned to 90's era Russia like backwardness, can never break free of economic domination by Japan and the US.
How'd I do?
And your point being, Nige? Your country just shot itself in the gut, and America is just about to do the same thing. It's clear the future no longer belongs to the West.

I got the same dream for 2 nights, one was yerterday and the other 4 years ago.

in that dream Im visiting a HK friend (strange because I currently dont have any HK friend) , well Im visiting him and his wife at his small apartment in a dogdy area of kowloon, Im there because we are discussing the making of a possible business. his apartment is at the third floor of the building , from there we can see luxury cars passing the street and my HK friend got jealous of those expensive vehicles.
I lost my flight to return to Peru and then my friend helps me to find a place to stay in HK.
at the end of the dream I went alone to eat chicken soup with noodles to a market near the dodgy area, there I start practicing my cantonese with a random girl.
this dream is funny because actually I have no reasons to stay in HK.

the same thing happened several times, I always dream something often in different years and this ends happening in real life.
for example I got many dreams long time before I even thought about studying in Shanghai in that dream there was a tall building with a big number was on a road full of trees and the day was sunny but cold.
3 years after I saw that big building with the numbers while walking towards the Fudan uni. I was not surprised , my dreams become reality very often.

is there something like /djt/ for mandarin?
is this it?


Chinese cartoons?


>How'd I do?

Ask a super hacker anything.

why do the chinese and non-anglos need to learn english to do programming? when will this stop?

what? chinese don't "need" to learn english to do programming. it's useful to know when you need to dissect scripts....but many chinese actually don't use english in their codes at all.

If you’re a badass you will bump this thread.


didn't see any insects/spiders/centipedes in shanghai when I went. In fact, there weren't any animals other than birds. Also nice pic :3

^ my experience as well

Cuckmilk says that cockroaches are a fact of life in China and even clean houses have them, but I saw non.


you spent like two weeks there
cockroaches are a fact of life in all of asia

Well if they were common I would have thought I'd see them.

I'm moving there next year, I'll confirm then lol

Roaches are everywhere in Xinjiang but you'd see them sometimes in the average chinese street too
That troubled ccp and they sent them back to xinjiang, the origin of roaches

It's not quite right, as most will consider taking at least some english to actually know some of stuff by common sense if they took it in university
Like if while for dictionary list, they're really easy to remember when you know english

Guys can I ask you something about a chinese girl I've met?

She doesn't want your dick, just free english classes

Her english is not the problem

kys nip

What is it?

What hot products are you selling this Christmas Peru?

Be extra cautious around Chinese girls that speak perfect English.

Just imagine them reading everything we talk about in here.

Because chances are they are.

If you want to win against them, you have to think like them.

>met qt girl at work
>made obvious signs that she is interested
>started to talk with me
>came by whenever she had time
>my shift changes soon so I told her that I would like to stay in contact with her because she seems like a nice girl
>gave me her number, so we can meet up some time
>called her some days later
>scted like a cute schoolgirl on phone everythign seems fine like always
>texted her few days later no response
>next time I saw her she came over and told me that she had no time etc etc
>texted her again last friday no response
so I just thought ok she ignores me, but why does she keep coming over to talk with me, even she wouldn't have to cross my way if she wanted to
so my question is rather simple, should I give up and move on because it leads to nothing?

>Just imagine them reading everything we talk about in here.
that's my greatest fear

selling like crazy my friend.


This. Except if her English is already fluent then she isn’t trying to use you for English.

Probably just trying to suck information out of you or get a green card if she doesn’t already have one.

Chinese, not just Chinese girls, are really good at wheedling information out of unsuspecting victims through circumvention. Just imagine Neji’s 8 trigrams 64 palms Baguaquan martial arts style except applied in an social setting for espionage purposes.

They will ask you a very vague and seemingly harmless question, and through that they deduce your salary range, sexual competitiveness, penis size, and some other bullshit like devotion and loyalty/interest in her.

>They will ask you a very vague and seemingly harmless question, and through that they deduce your salary range, sexual competitiveness, penis size, and some other bullshit like devotion and loyalty/interest in her.
Red political commissars, my grandfather had to deal with them too on the eastern front

Chinese memes can be made better

you need to tell her "ayo friday, 9pm, meet me at prater"
don't bullshit around

i wish i could go to one of china's massive electronics malls

>meet me at prater
>implying I live in the viennese jungle of the 3rd world

>don't bullshit around
I am afraid that would scare her away, being so small and qt and all

Thanks, i guess if i do move and get them i can probably get a super high strength insect killer that is banned in the EU for being too toxic.

texas bro here

1.get some boric acid and mix it with maple syrup
2. leave it somewhere
3. Any insect that likes sugar will eat it (works on ants too)
4. Insects cant process Boric acid and their insides explode

This will genocide a cockroach population

I got an infestation of cockroachs at my office, I bought Boric acid and put it on several places around the office, cockroach are not longer an issue but somehow I got an horredous diarrhea for 3 days. maybe the boric acid at my desk was the cause.

when i was walking around with the GF (aboriginal) at night and we came by some traditional markets (closed at that time obviously) there were always fat ass cockroaches buzzing around on the streets. used to kick them tsubasa style. they're tough, they can take quite a beating.

peru? it's time


>mfw Donald Trump causes a crisis in Korean peninsula
>mfw Donald Trump starts a crisis on Capitol Hill
>mfw Donald Trump is now starting a whole new shitstorm in the Middle East because muh Jerusalem
>mfw voting for Donald Trump has inadvertently begun international chaos which iwll allow China to fill the void of leadership and international stability
Never felt prouder in my life, pham. The Chinese century is upon us. Let's hope Donald stays in power for a full 8 years. And then Pence for the next eight. We need more chaos.