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Bes Absolum Madem
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GOAT law man
Not only has the Democrat party turned blacks into reliable vote plantations, it has deliberately kept their numbers in check and convinced blacks to murder an entire generation of their offspring.
That's not an exaggeration. Look at the number of black abortions. It is literally an entire generation's worth.
Holy Fuck, its real. What a time to be alive.
Wtf I hate LBJ now
Homem louco
Hoo Lee fucking shit. Absolutely based.
I would think they'd want more black children to be born, as it would make a larger guaranteed voter-base.
Is this quote of LBJ's authentic or is it just cuckservative "liberals are the real racists!" damage control?
What's happening? I need a link, I don't feel in charge.
It's real
>Sheriff Clarke being based again
Not surprising.
Checked his twitter now. Fucking hell, he's based as fuck.
Are black men voting more and more for trump ? I dont think its gonna happen with black female but black men its possible
Sheriff Clarke is the true definition of a Black MAN and not a nigger. Definitely an honorary Aryan.
>Look at the number of black abortions. It is literally an entire generation's worth.
Wtf I love HRC now
>black men wanting to give up their free GIBSMEDAT ride
Yep it's real.
OP, delete this or we go to commercial break!!!
Not really. There's just a few vocal ones out there that accepted the red pill. Most think Trump hates black people because the media told them he's a racist.
The problem is that blacks are unstable at high concentrations.
They need enough votes to challenes Republicans, but not to lose control of their party to Negros
According to last Gravis poll
Trump has begun to pull old black men from hillary
>I would think they'd want more black children to be born, as it would make a larger guaranteed voter-base.
They want the votes but they're not suicidal. They can look at Detroit and Chicago and see what their policies have turned many black Americans into. The numbers still have to be managed.
>no evidence he ever actually said that
Eh, that's kind of a good thing.
Obamas half brother said he's voting for Trump kek
eat that shit
its historic
I'm getting mixed messages here, are you telling us democrats are bad or good?
Another black man escapes the day of the rope. Based as fuck.
Please sheriff Clarke, I can only get so erect
LeBron James has always been shitty
Stupid nigger.
Also, fake quote.
Wrong. They hate having to prop up and defend the antics of blacks.
They are frankly sick of it and this is why there is such a huge push from the left for unmitigated immigration.
They can court hispanics while they abort the blacks.
well, I guess #ImWitHer then
>he said niggers
LBJ spitting image of old Lyin Ted Cruz
Does he really expect any intelligent black man to believe that not only did a Democrat openly reveal his plans to oppress blacks but also got away with saying "nigger" without causing a major scandal? What a load of crap.
you're going to make me vote Democrat OP, stop
he spoke at RNC convention you fuck, he obviously isn't a democrat
Wtf I live democrats now
His twitter is gold.
Except he obviously is you retard. The RNC wheels out their token democrat endorsement ever election.
>intelligent black man
No. They want them to stay exactly the same number as they are. Not enough to make a difference.
LBJ is on record saying nigger. So did most southern democrats really.
No. He's an American.
Wasn't it on a phone recording? The same one where he talked about how his pants should be one inch away from his dick at all times.
I'd blow him
>Democratic party
Republican don't give a shit about the black community either, all black people should just not vote.
It's in a book. Never fully confirmed unfortunately.
just got up and feel like shit. Forgot to post picture
>Democratic party
O kurwa
Wew lad.
>thinks that saying nigger when LBJ was president was scandal worthy.
Are you fucking retarded?
>Is this quote of LBJ's authentic or is it just cuckservative "liberals are the real racists!" damage control?
Liberals really are racists.
They judge based on skin color and their policies are endrenched in racist origins.
Abortions were supported by a white supremacist, gun control and minimum wage were implemented by the KKK to keep blacks under control.
So? Everyone has their limits.
because the republican system benefit everyone theres no race baiting or pandering
He should have come to the RNC as a surprise guest.
Missed opportunity.
I haven't orgasm'd this hard since Tila Tequila went full nazi
Johnson did have a habit of running his mouth off against blacks.
It's semi real.
There's no recording of it, but one of the generals that regularly met with LBJ said that's what he said in a meeting with him and one other person one time.
So yea, technically it can't be 'verified', but if you ever listened to how LBJ spoke about nigs, it sounds exactly like something he would say.
They expect minorities to cling together. If you are your individual person and don't democrats, you're "betraying your people"
Just want to give a special thanks to Texas, the so-called "last bastion of true Conervatism", for putting this traitor in the White House and single handedly destroying this country.
Even in King Of The Hill, Hank Hill's dog "Lady Bird" is named after LBJ's wife.
Fuck you, Texas. You owe the rest of the US a big fucking apology.
He hates LBJ as much as I do. I'm in hetero love.
Make Negros Great Again!
>Clarke is registered as a Democrat,[11] which is advantageous in heavily Democratic Milwaukee County.[12] However, Clarke is almost universally regarded as a conservative.[12] Clarke "is frequently critical of Milwaukee Democrats, such as Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett; he speaks at many Republican functions, and he has the backing of the National Rifle Association," which has raised funds for his reelection campaigns.[12]
He's more of an old school democrat which is much more aligned with republicans than the modern democratic party
Yeah it's a pretty bad source. Almost as bad as the source for those fake LBJ quotes. But let's just ignore that.
This. He even had the word "niggerism" in one of his campaign ads.
hes a shill thread trying to slide a hillary white castle on national TV news for money. Not everyone can afford precious snacks in their lifetime all the time
I don't do Twitter but if I did I'd follow this based Mr. Clarke.
Get your sock puppets retweeting this
I'm voting for Trump and ain't no one gonna stop me!
Forgive me but I'm gonna blast Up Like Trump on the way to the polls in November. Who gonna ride with me?!
LBJ opposed all civil rights legislation for the first 20 years of his career then suddenly changed his tune when he ran for president and saw an easy way to get votes.
bout fucking time someone memes lbj.
Using quotes that aren't even real.
Classy bruh
>black man
He's very mixed. Multiracial, not black.
I wonder if he take prides in being considered this by white supremacists. That would be cuck as hell.
Yeah. It was. Look up Earl Butz. It was a no go word even back then.
How can one man be so based?
Ever heard of blue dog democrats?
But refugees aren't?
You implying this didn't already happened?
looks like I'm #MentallyHill now
t. Nigger
Just call him an uncle tom like everyone else, don't try and deflect him from your race just because he's right.
He just
give a fuck
>For two decades in Congress he was a reliable member of the Southern bloc, helping to stonewall civil rights legislation.
>Johnson spent the late 1940s railing against the “hordes of barbaric yellow dwarves” in East Asia.
>Buying into the stereotype that blacks were afraid of snakes (who isn’t afraid of snakes?) he’d drive to gas stations with one in his trunk and try to trick black attendants into opening it. Once, Caro writes, the stunt nearly ended with him being beaten with a tire iron.
>As longtime Jet correspondent Simeon Booker wrote in his memoirShocks the Conscience, early in his presidency, Johnson once lectured Booker after he authored a critical article for Jet Magazine, telling Booker he should “thank” Johnson for all he’d done for black people.
>Johnson explained his decision to nominate Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying, “when I appoint a nigger to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a nigger.”
>Robert Parker, Johnson’s sometime chauffer, described in his memoir Capitol Hill in Black and White a moment when Johnson asked Parker whether he’d prefer to be referred to by his name rather than “boy,” “nigger” or “chief.” When Parker said he would, Johnson grew angry and said, “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.”
>Johnson’s racism – and the racist show he would put on for Southern segregationists – is presented as proof of the Democratic conspiracy to somehow trap black voters with, to use Mitt Romney’s terminology, “gifts” handed out through the social safety net.