Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen

A couple of people asked for this last week. I'm done with finals now, so here it is.

- "The Amazing Mirages": Superman and Jimmy elaborately deceive some children. For their own good.
- "The Scoop of 1869!": Jimmy goes back in time. Or does he? No. Superman elaborately deceives him. For his own good.
- "The King of Marbles": Jimmy plays marbles. Superman helps. "I heartily sponsor anything that benefits juveniles!"








































That's it for this issue. I'm gonna go eat, but I'll be back in five or ten minutes with issue #12—"Jimmy Olsen, Prince of Clowns", "The Secret of Dinosaur Island" (source of the ROBOT TRAINED TO SMASH YOUR CAMERA), and "The Invisible Jimmy Olsen".

Thank you



















>i'm eating sand
>my feet hurt
>i wish i was back home throwing stones at negros




















That's that. I think I'll do one more issue, but I haven't really decided which one; anyone have a story they want to see/panel they want context for?

This is the hot dog one.












Take a shot.





