Why do we want to save the rainforests?

Why do we want to save the rainforests?

They produce a large percentage of the worlds oxygen, you stupid leaf.

Interesting, Leaves cannibalizing each other....

Phytoplankton are the biggest oxygenators of Earth, you uneducated liberal.

He wrote a "large percentage", not 'the biggest percentage', you uneducated liberal cuck with low reading comprehension.

Fucking leaf, he said "a large percentage" not "the bigger percentage". Are you retarded or something like that? Fucking canadian mongrel


Because they have undiscovered species of flaura and fauna which may benefit mankind?

>More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest. More than half of the world's estimated 10 million species of plants, animals and insects live in the tropical rainforests. One-fifth of the world's fresh water is in the Amazon Basin.

You're a god damned retard.

I never said he didn't write biggest percentage. Having a large percentage is nothing in comparison to having the biggest percentage. "A large percentage" can easily be replaced with another source.

Was that supposed to prove me wrong or something?

because they're green and pretty and have cool things in them

>"A large percentage" can easily be replaced with another source

Retard confirmed, this thread is a waste of time

Stay mad, Arab prepper. Your forests are useless and they'll be cut down to make my toilet paper.

They're pretty and nature is much greater than I.

Because we're not the chinese?

Besides once you raze the rainforest most of the land loses its fertility fast. The climate isnt good for growing crops or grazing grass. Tropical fruits maybe, but that takes decades before profits above breaking even are seen; and thats a very fixed market with clear boundaries

Having too much phytoplankton in the ocean can put the whole food web out of order, and can even kill fish.

Why bother anymore? To save humanity? Fuck us to extinction.

That's why you build phytoplankton ponds and pools that don't have any fish in them.

Fucking retarded leaf. Phytoplankton levels are dropping around the world due to acidity of the ocean because of all the shit being pumped into it. Why should we let a bunch of huehue's get rich for the chance that it might fuck humanity in 100 years? Not to mention the beauty and amazing biological diversity of the forest itself.

What are we going to do, build a million olympic sized swimming pools for the purpose of producing oxygen?

Not only would that be infeasible, but it would require a large amount of water, trillions and trillions of gallons of water.

they contain phyllobate terribilis, aka kek

Phytoplankton don't have to be exclusive to the oceans. Phytoplankton can be utilized in man-made pools that you can build on top of buildings or even in local farmland.

They already know how to genetically modify multiple species of phytoplankton to survive in higher acidity and even metabolize plastics which pollute the oceans.

The options are endless. Forests are not our saviours.

newfag. Zimbabwe bro is here all the time

No it wouldn't. Do you even know how phytoplankton works? You just need a small pond. It's not about the volume it's about the surface area. And water is not the only thing that can help them survive.

They even have carbon based emulsions that can easily be mass-produced which can contain billions of phytoplankton colonies that can be used as a paint which can go over top of structures.

>using toilet paper
>more than 20 years of life and still not being a skilled enough shitter to have clean sweeps every time (either that or you eat unhealthy, just as bad)
lmao cuck kys plebbus maximus

There are plants in there that may treat or cure cancer. Or maybe that's tree-hugger propaganda.

Wow, what a great idea! Let's spend trillions making pools for the purpose of generating oxygen, when in reality planting trees is thousands of times cheaper and much more efficient.

>Bulgarian talks about never wiping his ass

We already know. You don't have to remind us.

>invest resources into farming plankton
>don't cut down trees

Which is easier and more practical? Am I missing something?

>planting trees is thousands of times cheaper and much more efficient
Wrong. The oxygen output of one tree is not even a 5% of a small kiddie pool full of phytoplankton. Also, tree roots destroy public infrastructure.

i wash my ass instead. i don't need to use toilet paper before that because i shit cleanly every time.
>North America and """"hygiene"""

Still more expensive and labor intensive then planting trees.

I can go around, pick up a few hundred maple seeds outside, germinate them and plant them for virtually no cost other then time and a little bit of soil and water.

You need trees for many things that are being mass produced. The reason why lots of mass produced things have been reduced in general quality is because we are no longer using the proper materials to build them. It's time to go back to good ol fashioned wood and stop using that cardboard recycled mulch.

Do you have stocks in some Brazilian Logging company or something? Barring that, there is literally no reason why you would want the rain forest to disappear unless your an edgy faggot who hates trees.

Because cutting them down to feed retarded population explosion is crime against Planet and for this crime Mother Earth will GAS you for good.

Produces large quantities of Ayahuasca.

I think they look nice desu.

Planting trees is a waste of space and a waste of time. The cost-benefit ratio of planting trees is a joke and it's basically a lovey-dovey feel-good activity with no practical benefits that can't be provided in much more intense sums by other energy producing activities.

Rainforests are cool

I was there last week fishing

Yeah and I'd much rather look at fields of shit green murky water than a nice looking forest.

If they're cut down south americans will be able to farm and multiply

tell me one reason we shouldnt ?


Because all the Phytoplankton in the ocean is dying.

We need to get our oxygen from somewhere.

Looks like florida swamp to me.

Funny. Actually caught a gator on the road just chilling the other day. Prolly enjoying that warm sun on his scaled leathery skin.

Opens up new land for urban development.

Huge surplus of resources and materials needed for mass production and public engineering.

Oh boy. Room for more Brazilians. That's what the world needs.

Because progressive anthropology students need to spend a subsidized year there wandering around fucking natives and taking tribal drugs while researching their stupid and pointless Phds of course.

why should we need it ? Why should we need more urband development ?
What kind of things resources are you talking about ? What kind of resources can you find in a destroyed rain forest ? You know that the ground is not stable enough to build buildings on it ? It would cost 10 times as much to build a city in a rain forest.

kill all tribes

Yeah, let's release all that carbon into the air while we slather everything with magical phytoplankton goo

More farms = More food = More people in third world shitholes

Do you really want that?

We need more urban development because we are running into overpopulation problems.

The rainforest can not only provide resources we know about (wood, rubber, oils, etc...) but it can also provide the opportunity to find new resources buried underground, opening up potential mining operations. It's been well documented that most rainforests sit atop lots of rare earth mineral deposits. Some rainforests also lie near big meteor impact locations which can offer sources of platinum, iridium, and other rare offworld metals.

>Huge surplus of resources and materials
yes good, collapse commodity prices even more. also contribute to African population explosion.

>o no the maple trees

Those farms will be subsidized by first world countries and the food will be imported into first world countries. Third world countries will see none of that, and as urban development expands their third world will slowly be turned into the first world.

Preserving fauna and flora not found elsewhere

I'm sure there are plenty of ancap edgelords in this thread who will argue that the entirety of the planet's crust should be covered in glass skyscrapers and factories

Well how much oxygen does the rainforest consume

If it consumes as much as it produces, then there is no loss, am I right?

Fuck your false inflation, jew. Your exports game means shit in the interest of technological and societal advancement.

You know they don't. We've already found all the plants we need. Willow bark, cannabis and some other fruits and veg

>overpopulation problems
>build more buildings to house more population
yeah, no, how about you start mass sterilization and genocide so that we can live comfortably without further stretching the Earths already limited resources. Wipe out South America and Africa and we're good for another 500 years.

Here, I got you this

Yeah, we do. For all we know theres some compound that cures cancer just waiting to be discovered

>burger education

>Wipe out South America

Yeah fuck you too man

so why not build cities in the dessert of africa ? There is no need to chop off the forrest ?

Just move to the first world before it happens.

Yeah, cool edgy solution bud. Good luck implementing a plan for that. Try setting some realistic goals. I don't like the fact that the world is the way it is, and I don't want to have to wipe out the rainforests, but that's our best solution currently to alleviate scarcity and population problems. Our biggest goal should be to extend our time on Earth enough so that we can get off it and thrive in space. By restricting ourselves we are just keeping ourselves handicapped and weak for the next global cataclysm to wipe us out.

really makes you think

I make a fuckton of money here because not enough people are educated enough to do my job fampai, i don't want to move, life is great

You do realize that by wiping out the rainforest you put the whole biosphere at risk, right? It'll do bo good if it cooks us all

Because the desert of africa is full of shifting sands that is almost impossible to build on and definitely irresponsible because anything you build will be swallowed up by the sand.

Also there are no resources to gain from the excavation and development that would occur there.

What we should be doing to the deserts of africa is terraforming. We should be spraying the deserts with phytoplankton emulsions and plant seeds.

You either take a risk or you stay weak and feeble for your remaining days. Embarrassing that I have to tell you this. You should know better before posting.

>Huge surplus of resources
Like? You know rainforest ground is extremely unfertile?

>Opens up new land for urban development.
Brazil as more then enough, already

And how exactly will making Brazil a first world country help that? The third worlds population is already exploding and threatening the first world. All we need to do to stop this is stop giving out aid to shit hole countries who can't support their own population. The surplus will starve and they will be forced to learn how to grow sustainably, instead we are giving them aid and fucking ourselves. Also space colonization is a fucking meme, retard.

Ground fertility is not a prerequisite to laying concrete pavement down.

Not a well calculated risk at all

oh but it was possible to build dubai or abu dhabi but if you cut down a rainforest you first need to dry this regions out which costs billions of dollars. Its cheaper to build new islands in the sea than to change forest ground to building ground. About the double of costs per sqm

Space colonization is the next logical step and without it, humanity is doomed to extinction. There is nothing outlandish about that idea. It's simple science.

By helping third world countries be able to support themselves more you alleviate the need for other first world countries to do that. Having more countries that are able to become space faring (look at India for example) will help in our global pursuit of taking to the stars.


And what is your point? You think there isn't rooom to lay down concrete in Brazil anywhere else other then rainforests? Are you clinically retard? Brazil is fucking huge.

What resources are there to be explored in destroyed amazonia?

Except the islands in Dubai are already being deformed and they are bleeding money trying to maintain those. Also the infrastructure of Dubai is notoriously unstable and shoddily made. The reason they were able to build in Dubai is because they literally built a giant underground concrete slab to support all the buildings on. Without that slab, the buildings would be sitting on a sea of sand. And that slab is going away a lot quicker than they anticipated.

Plenty of rare earth metals and the regular resources one would gain from clearing a forest (wood, rubber, oil, food, water, etc). More urban development means better economy which means more technological development.

are you expecting Sup Forums to implement your plans? why did you even make this thread

It's very well calculated. While you decide on your next move sitting around with your forests and being weak, cutting down a rainforest would give us the much needed boost to get our economy up to speed and achieve a human Mars landing by 2030. Once that occurs Mars colonization can actually be something that can be feasibly planned for.

so you are telling me they were able to build the highest building in the world but this building is unstable ? Have you ever heard anything from statics or something like this ? If something is heavy enough it doesnt need a perfect fundamental because it will stay anyways. Its much easier to construct buildings in a way that they can stand allone than to fight against water cause water is the worst enemy of every building

Because this is a place for discussion of such topics you smelly non-wiping poo-stained underwear sporter.

>he believes the India space program meme
dude they shit in the streets, What good is being able to build shitty malfunction prone rockets if the majority of your people don't use toilets and bath in corpse filled rivers?

Also, space colonization isn't possible for the foreseeable future. Exploitation of space resources via mining will alleviate stress from lack of Earth resources in the future, but it is highly unlikely we will be leaving Earth ever, barring the immediate need to leave our planet because dumbasses like you fuck it up beyond repair through unsustainable practices.

It's not the building that is unstable, it's the foundation. It's literally eroding away. My point is that while they spent billions of dollars to build of Dubai, they got nothing out of it. Whereas building on the rainforest you would also acquire tons of resources in the process of excavating and reshaping the land that it's practically a return-of-investment just by setting up your foundations.

>Plenty of rare earth metal

And destroying the largest rainforest to get some metals is justifiable to you?

> rubber
It's better to leave the rainforest alive to get rubber

I already told you that rainforest land is extremely unfertile. It only serves as pasture, and even then only barely

>we will destroy amazonian rainforest to get water

>More urban development
>urban development
>in rainforest

ebin. Are you 14?

I know who you are FUCKING LEAF, you are the one that Hillary sent down here to cut our forests, turns out there is shit inside of them that can cure diseases and some other cool things, like that fungus that can eat plastic, plus they provide oxygen and help sustain the huge amount of rivers that we have, so we don't need to fall for the coal or nuclear jew.

Why aren't you cutting your own fucking boring, uninteresting pine forest?

Oh right, Trudeau lets that shit burn.

Daily reminder that Canada is the only country in the Americas that 100% deserves to be wiped.

>not wanting to cause a potential mass extinction
>being weak
And while we're at it, we should clear-cut the boreal shield for farm land, I mean, it is just a useless forest, right?

India has sattelites in space right now. It doesn't matter how far behind the US they are or how shitty their streets are. The fact is that they have their fingers in the space pots. They are able to provide the world with data and knowledge about space because they are there venturing out as well. The more eyes we have in space, the more knowledge we gain. Simple as that.

>you smelly non-wiping poo-stained underwear sporter.

You are already causing a potential mass extinction with your lack of action. Mass extinction is an inevitable for people on Earth. To avoid mass extinction, humanity must strive to get off Earth and lose its dependency on one single planet.

oh and you build the buildings with wood ? and how do you build streets in the rainforest ? I mean its easy in the dessert but there is no way to just build a road in the rainforest...
so you are telling me that a building with a unstable foundation is a stable building ? How stupid are you? And also the chines people must be very stupid i mean they start to build a forest ring around their new cities so that the air is not as dirty as it is in other cities. But what do scientists and experts know what you dont know. Why are you not a billionaire yet if you know everything and how much better it would be

>We need more urban development because we are running into overpopulation problems.

A better solution would be to make existing urban areas in first world countries (you know, the countries with infrastructure and logistics for supporting consumers) higher density and more efficient. Look at the terrible state of high density housing and public transportation in Texas cities as an example. If Austinites weren't buying houses and driving, it could support far more people.

>oh and you build buildings with wood?
Yes...? Was that supposed to be a hard question? You do know what houses are right?

so you want to build a skyscraper with wood ? Thats hilarious dude really. How long do you think buildings are lasting if they are build with wood. U cant be serious about this