Sup Forums is pretty much mainstream in Austria

If you go to (Krone is the largest Austrian newspaper with more than 3 million regular readers - representing about half the adult population), pretty much 99% of the comments in the comments section are anti-refugee, pro-deportation, pro-law and order statements which Trump would be proud of.

Hofer - October 2, 2016, let's take our country back! Make Austrian Safe Again!

Other urls found in this thread:

Same in most our (jewish owned mind you) mainstream newspaper. Most of them even moved to a model where you can comment only if you registred with your ID and still it's happening.

I feel like America and Austria are going down similar paths to uncucking ourselves.

Austria is a rather unimportant small country. But people here are fed up with the shitty "refugees welcome" idiots and other green party shills.

I can't be certain, but at least I believe that things are changing. Hofer might win it and that will be the beginning of the end of being completely and utterly cucked. Common sense will prevail again.

I support that picture, and force us all to speak German, it's the only way.

Hasn't Austria always lead the way in more right wing politics? They never came acrossed as cucked

Als ob mit diesem Trottel irgendwas besser werden würde. Die Blauen sind doch der korrupteste Haufen überhaupt.
Ich sag nicht, dass die Alternative besser wäre, aber mein Vertrauen in die FPÖ-Sippschaft liegt bei unter 0%.

>Hasn't Austria always lead the way in more right wing politics?
Yes, since about 1986 - the FPÖ is the largest party right now, and they are pretty aligned with Trump on a lot of issues (including certain social issues).

> They never came acrossed as cucked
Unfortunately no, there are lots of cucked "refugees welcome" idiots in Austria. But unlike Germans, Austrians learn from mistakes and quite a lot of them are now anti-illegals.

The good thing is that Hofer is very based.

i graduated high school with her coal burning half sister

>Als ob mit diesem Trottel irgendwas besser werden würde. Die Blauen sind doch der korrupteste Haufen überhaupt.
>Ich sag nicht, dass die Alternative besser wäre, aber mein Vertrauen in die FPÖ-Sippschaft liegt bei unter 0%.

Just fuck off Green Party shill. If you want to get cucked with your VdB communist, fine. But don't come to a Vietnamese autorepair image board, posting the face of an ÖVP criminal and posting shit in German.

>i graduated high school with her coal burning half sister
Post picture. Is she cute?

fpo is more right wing than republican party


We took about 130 000 rapefugees 2015/2016 and have over 100 000 turks in our country.
There are also a lot of islamists breeding so called "Austro-Jihadists".
We are cucked.

what is your read on the election? Will Hofer win?

>pretty much 99% of the comments in the comments section are anti-refugee, pro-deportation, pro-law and order statements which Trump would be proud of.

Isn't this true for all European countries? More and more newspapers are removing their comments section because of it in Norway.

He was a FPÖ-politician you Volldepp.

Is Hofer going to win in a landslide? There's only been more and more terrorist attacks and the whole vote cancellation thing cannot possibly look good.

Well VdB wont make it better for sure so there is nothing to loose.

Do I care about the AfD? No! But it's the only chance to make my disgust in the current policy visible.

Good. You guys should annex Bavaria after Hofer gets in and uncuck them.

Wasn't there some news of irregularities in the election leading to a do-over of the election? That has to sting the left, knowing that their people have to cheat public opinion to make it look "the right way"

What happened to that repeat of the election that was supposed to happen? Is that still going on?


Marine is the leader of FN not Marion

Also that polish guy only got 4% in recent elections

>fpo is more right wing than republican party
Nah, it is actually pretty left wing. It's just a nationalist party who hates illegal immigration and says "Austrians come first".

Yes, austrian supreme court said is has to be repeated.

Mostly minor violations but the election was a brutaly close call so we'll see

>what is your read on the election? Will Hofer win?
It is unclear.

It will depend very much on September happenings. If there is a big happening in September in Germany or even in Austria, he is certain to win. If everything dies down again etc., it is less clear.

is there a video of your pic?

she clearly wants him inside her tight teenage pussy

Balkanisation was a mistake

left wing in economics?

Bloody good enough for me.

I'm perfectly okay with welfare as long as it's going to whites.

pay debts

>More and more newspapers are removing their comments section because of it in Norway. will never remove a single comment in their comment section... and the random, rare lefty comment among hundreds or thousands of right wing comments, will get like 7-8 answers telling that poster what a fucked up cuck she is.

>Just fuck off Green Party shill. If you want to get cucked with your VdB communist, fine. But don't come to a Vietnamese autorepair image board, posting the face of an ÖVP criminal and posting shit in German.

Voting for Hofer actually makes you the green party shill, because he will make the dream of the greens, bolsheviks and jews true by integrating non white foreigners like Alaba and others, you cuck. Fuck you!


Same here. State media has removed commenting totally and when it's available in other medias, it's like 95% full of anti-refugee comments etc. Even if the site required you to be a paying subscriber to comment, it's still like 95% red pilled comments.

>He was a FPÖ-politician you Volldepp.
Nach der Nationalratswahl 2002 trat Grasser aus der FPÖ aus und wurde im neuen Kabinett Schüssel als parteiloser Finanzminister angelobt. Obwohl er kein Parteimitglied war, wurde Grasser daraufhin von österreichischen Leitmedien, wie etwa der Austria Presse Agentur als ÖVP-Minister bezeichnet, weil er im Bundesvorstand der ÖVP tätig war und damit eine Spitzenfunktion in dieser Partei ausübte.

I assume you think Schwarzenegger ain't American, right?

You actually belive that? hahahaha. The same thing happened or better is happening here in Slovenia. Posts with pro-refugee comments are downvoted until they are hidden. And you know what happened last year? Those people who are anit-refugee started a protest. Only 200 people showed up. The pro-refugee people did the same thing and 2000 people came. You know why? Because it's easy to say those things online where you are hidden by a username, but in real life it's much more different.

Net is acting up had to post with phone

>There's only been more and more terrorist attacks
Yes, the terror attacks help Hofer. But there needs to be one in September, so people are really angry on October 2.

> and the whole vote cancellation thing cannot possibly look good.
Unfortunatey, the vote cancellation thing was spun by the mass media as a ridiculous thing and the FPÖ didn't get much sympathy for it.

Du hast Recht. FPÖ und AFD sind kontrollierte Opposition und durchsetzt von Freimaureren und Juden. Der Strache muss nach Israel fahren, um sich die Erlaubnis zu holen, Kanzler werden zu dürfen.

>Austria gets a based president
>But still has a cucked parliament

And most of the newspapers that remove the comment section lose massive ad revenue because a lot of people move on to other news papers.

The only country where ive seen a consistentcy in removing all comment sections is Sweden.

Grasser war doch einer von Haiders Burlis, hast das etwa vergessen? Er ist dann zur ÖVP um sich die Karriere zu organisieren nach Knittelfeld.

>she clearly wants him inside her tight teenage pussy
She is his daughter.

>is there a video of your pic?

No, there is just an interview.

>left wing in economics?
Yes, they are a workers' party - against TTIP, for more workers rights, against the capitalist elites and merchant banks etc.

Agreed. There was an article on about some nigress who survived the Breivik attack and became a mayor or something.
I went into the comment section and holy fuck, pretty much everyone called Breivik a hero.

Well baby steps they say.

>Unfortunatey, the vote cancellation thing was spun by the mass media as a ridiculous thing and the FPÖ didn't get much sympathy for it.
Do people really buy that? It's like borderline voter fraud.

I knew my native homeland was worth being proud of.

Aber die großen Banken sind ja durch den Freimaurer Fichtenbauer gut in der FPÖ vertreten.

You aren't even trying to bait here, Vassilakou.

>She is his daughter.
even hotter

>Because it's easy to say those things online where you are hidden by a username, but in real life it's much more different.

Yes, it is more difficult. I still say it. Plus, I vote my conscious ... and that is actually pretty easy.

(((merchant banks)))

>Net is acting up had to post with phone
Uggghhh, I assume Trump had nothing to do with this one.

Have you guys re-run the election yet since you found out are guy lost to voter fraud?

Mah savior of the white race.

>>Austria gets a based president
>>But still has a cucked parliament

Not after the next election. FPÖ at 35%, ÖVP at 21%.

Where are the cucks now? The ÖVP would be at 15%, if they weren't using the FPÖ slogans about security and anti-immigration.

Halt's Maul, du Pseudo-Patriot. Du kannst einem ja leid tun, spielst das alte Links-Rechts-Spiel mit und begreifst nicht, dass die FPÖ von Freimaurern gelenkt wird und den Leuten eine Alternative vorgaukeln soll. Warum bist du für eine Partei, die die Integration von nicht-europäischen Ausländern fordert? Wieso? Erklär's mir!

>It's like borderline voter fraud.
Well, to be honest, no voter fraud has actually taken place... and Austrians really don't believe there are people who are geniuously into voter fraud... it really is more likely that people are just lazy cocksuckers who don't follow the necessary voting ballot count procedures.

Anyway, it was 50%-50% in May, it can go either way on Oct 2.

Only 35%?
There will be more happenings in the next times to boost FPO's vote

Fuck off and bait someone else, green party shill.

Mehr als diesen Standardsatz hast du nicht drauf ?

Trump gave it back :^)

Hapsburg restoration when?

Bullshit. You're just like Germany except you have more turks and slavs

posted at 11:11:11

in other news id say Austria is pretty nicely redpilled but they're so small and isolated that their views dont get out much