Ywf Russians are truly part finnics

Ywf Russians are truly part finnics

Northern Russians are Finnic.

Nicky was a qtie.

What is finn

Nicky was unironically German though and had barely any Russian blood.


Own race such Euros, Asians and Africans.
We cant be linked on any on them, Finnic peoples are unique and original peoples of Northern Eurasia.
Thanks for asking thought.

Nickolai wasn't even ethnicly russian
He was like half german half some other shit

He was a piece of shit.

>yfw it stayed in the royal family

Post more propaganda, next praise georgian half muslim mutt stalin fucking piece of shit

>yfw the royal family is dead now

Finns are not white

Finns are simply Finns, we are this completely own race son

Isn't Putin Finnic? Vepsian or something?

No you r not

You are mongrels

Mongols never even reach our land, We Are Finnics.
Original peoples of north-west Eurasia booii

Thats true, He is mostly Finnic

We aren't
They aren't

He looks 100 similar to his English cousin though.

Just like any other noble person in Europe he was a turbo-mutt.


Yep. Petersburg oblast is mostly Finnics who identify as Russian. His daughter looks Finnish either. She is much more good-looking than him btw.

Under Finnish control Russia would already be 1st world country, how does that make you russians feel?

>Russia has Tchaikovsky, Gogol, nukes...
>Finland has autism

I'd argue they did better than you.

We got Sibelius, Waltari, of course finland got no nukes brother, hahaha.
That would be against the rules you know.

Too much vodka here, it would make you lose your mind.

by sucking my dick i assume