FUCK the Chinese writing system!

How do Chinks and Nips do it? Learning the principles of Chinese characters has to be hands down the most frustratrating thing in existence.

Lemme simplify it for you. Every character has a rebus meaning the part that suggests the MEANING of the character. Then the other is the phonetic part suggesting what it SOUNDS like.

For example 廣 is pronounced guǎng meaning “wide” because the phonetic 黄 is pronounced “huáng” and the rebus 广 suggests it is “big, open. wide”

Often times characters by themselves don’t mean much and need to be coupled in order to make sense. An example is 小心 where 小 means “little” and 心 means “heart” oh wait, did you understand the meaning? Of course I’m telling you to “be careful”!!!!

FUCK CHINESE CHARACTERS. They have the award for being the most confusing way to write a language period.

lmao brainlet

How can 700 distinct languages exist among a population of 8 million? They're not even all related.

if you just need to know Chinese in a hurry you are better off learning simplified characters.

nobody uses traditional characters outside of Hong Kong and Taiwan.

if you are learning Chinese "for fun" and not ont a tight schdule, just fucking let osmosis do itswork.

They don't learn the characters in a day. They earn couple thousand characters during our school lives, in 9 years or so by STUDYING. Also keeps the low IQ negroids away.

If I were you I'd just memorize words as a whole without caring about meaning or other bullshit.

Lack of globalisation and imperialism. Pre-agriculture, every extended family that constituted a society would have had their own language. With slow, gradient divergence in differences between the thousands of sprawling languages in some places, and complete isolation in others.

wait.... people that live in PNG use the internet? Don't you have some kind of big clan war to fight in?

But Africa isn't like that.

>little heart
>be of little heart
>be of little courage
>be careful
I dunno I can sorta see it.

Just because you're country is literally shit, doesn't mean that other countries can't have actual language, Pajeet.

Nah mate, they're currently dealing with the refugees with "convinced" them to take.

What are you even trying to say, faggot?




Chinese characters get easier the longer you've been learning them.
When I started Chinese I felt the same way. After 13 years I can memorize a sheet of new characters in a couple hours.

Okay, what does it got to do with Papua New Guinea having so many languages?

Seems fairly logical.

Because, even the Papuans have some form of advanced culture.

Isn't higher language density due to centuries of low industrialisation and tribalistic society?

Yes. For example, the Abbos were primitive in technology when we colonised them, but have an astoundingly rich culture.

India also has a rich culture in fact.

By culture I mean the microbe infestations of your curry-shit ridden streets.

Tell me aboit time tense and verb conjugation, is it much different from english?

Are you new here? Just rolled in from alt-right videos?

>How do Chinks and Nips do it?

the same way we do. same parts and all.

from what i've heard anyway.

English spelling is much easier than learning all those logographs.

i was referring to sexual intercourse

oh right, ahaha. "WHOOPS" ahahhahahaha.

not our problem anymore

pretty sure there's like 400 different changes from trad pitional to simplified, if you're gonna learn one, might as well learn the other

There's not much difference. People who learn simplified can read traditional, and vice versa. Since Chinese is a context heavy and an analytic language.


It's good for you. 小心 Is the archaic form of 小气. It means to be small minded or selfish. It's actual meaning is be mindful for yourself

Are you that Aussie that works there helping with the daily lives of native PNG villagers?

you re a nigger, you will never understand things as other humans do. its genetic. so, dont blame 汉字, kill yourself instead

poo in loo

:( Rood.


t. Alberto Barbosa

I don't know about full chinese, but writing in jap is not that hard once you get used to stroke order and can guess how most of them are done. Is chinese really that much worse?

t. Faggolini Mozzarella Topo Gigio
eat a dick mr Piecini of Shitini

writing in japanese is worse because each kanzi has a trillion readings


then OP is just a brainlet or refuses to practice

brainlet lmao
there's a finite number od radicals you just need to know how to write them
also no one writes the strokes independently of one another
t. chink


hes a nigglet

>and Nips


Japanese uses Chinese characters fyi

proxyfag detected

you don't even need to learn the overwhelming majority of characters to be functionally literate in Chinese.
the advantage is that meaning is concentrated into a more efficient and immediately recognizable form.
a Hanzi reader could see a few characters and immediately gather a load of information from them, meanwhile with a romantic alphabet it would require more reading and understanding of the specific combination of letter-sounds to gain the same level of understanding, a far less efficient process.

4chinks is a weeb forum

Are you illiterate?

Falling for this.



>Learning the intricacies of kanji

Don't let the aussie scare you my fren, I unironically believe in superpower by 2020


They could have spent the time learning other things. They are wasting time just to be able to read.

like what?