The /balt/oid race

Will prevail

Other urls found in this thread:

Under 12 second first for the queen of /balt/


Evening lads.


nth for x

thats raycist!

I was in Lithuania a couple years back..

Who wants pictures? I stayed with two very nice college girls I met over here in America during the summer.

Great Angloid extinction when?

I wish I could return to the hot season
I can't stand the cold

I'm back!

How is everyone?


How often do you eat pizza?

I-Italy user it's you!

How are you?

when a filthy southernoid near me complains that anything warmer than -20 is "cold"

It's all good :)
How many mountains has Latvia?


This dude looks slav af

Just fantastic, now that you've come back to us :3

Soon there will be a lot

Your flag looks like an ice cream cookie.

You're a cool guy.

People ITT bully me for complaining for the cold while not having a "nordic" winter

Thank you desu!

>anything above -40

How was your day, qt?

I wish I had your weather desu.

I had nothing but meetings and small work. I'm very tired desu.

What is your job, aussie-kun?

Kill yourselves fags

This is the weather of my city right now
It maybe be not super cold but with humidity feels like 5°C colder

W-wait are you new to these threads or have you just never known :3

I work in Risk Management at Commonwealth Bank silly billy :3 Also anyone know a word for when there is such an abundance of something you just decide to use it because it's easier than looking for something else?


I'm the tall user with harem aspirations, so not really. I mostly lurk and laugh, but these last few nights have been fun!

OwO help me.

check this out

the last three digits of this thread are 874

same as the previous thread

I don't like Pizza

It was meant to be, you were destined to make this thread.

Why must you post images of my wife?

What exactly are baltic people? Slavs? Germanic?

la raza Báltica

You've got a few odd books buddy.

fucking nazi

What legal porn should I fap to lads?


Y-you should post more often desu :3

Nice trips btw
She is very attractive.

>legal porn
get out you casual

>bilingual edition
What's the other language? :3

I'll have to make an effort for you, my dear Karen-posting aussie :3

Please never post that pic again thank you very much.

I'd advise you not to hit on her like that
I believe it's German

it's pretty awful ain't it
how was your fish n chips matey?
Did you splurge on some blue cod or settle for shark?

where's russia

I hope you do cutie ;3
She looks warm. D-don't tell her or Karen I said that though :3

In our heart,
It never existed,
If you think It's too big and strange to being real

They were great actually, I ended up getting a burger desu.
A nice, big, juicy burger and I loved every bite, but now I'm stuffed.
Whats for din dins on your end?

I also had a burger
funny that, we must be connected by a soul bond


Great minds think alike, and we are of course the greatest.






duly noted

Ok, just for you sweetie :3
Almost time for bed already, these 8AM starts will be the death of me


I'm not really a big fan of fishing desu
What's got you getting up at 8am this time of year?

I love you too, Bananacountry!

I wish you a goodnight desu!

Y-you're cute.


>Getting up at 8AM
oh user... that is when I start work... I wake at 6.30

Oyasumi my Karen posting cuties!

what do you mean?

Good night.
Never mind.

Rip you, I don't start work till 9 or 10

Sleep tight user!

Have a good sleep buddy, you need it getting up that early.

Morning lads
hows your day going so far?


I was saying goodnight to the kiwi not everyone else silly :3
It's 7:27 PM and I feel like sleeping but it would ruin my sleep schedule.

Goodnight lads

good morning bunny

> I was saying goodnight to the kiwi not everyone else silly :3
B-baka... But I still love you...

bitches be hatin
but I don care
I just breezer em off with these gs
and roll back to the paddy shack
for them cold runners

what is your sleep shedule? how many hours do you sleep?

morning kiwi

I-I love you too. Don't ever forget that desu.
I sleep at 11:30 or 12 and wake up at 7:30 whenever its a work day (which is 3 days a week :3)

When it's just a day for Uni classes I wake up much later.

I'm going to go eat tacos on my balcony now so I'll be right back.

Bye for now!

What are you studying at Uni?

Good night.
Sleep tight.
Don't let the bed bugs bite.

I want socialism...

Fuck! Just got into bed and somehow my pocket knife was in there with it's blade extended, gave me a nasty little prick

you deserve that for not practicing proper blade safety

Is this what the average Latvian grill looks like? more

We can't even bring pocket knife with us in Italy...
Did it hurt?

>nasty little prick


I'm very confused on how it got in my bed in the first place
A little, luckily the blade's not very sharp
This is no laughing matter

>I'm very confused on how it got in my bed in the first place
haha it's not like this is a failed assassination attempt by me or anything... haha

also morning to you!
What day is it there? do you live in the past or in the future relatve from me?

dont fall of the balcony

stab yourself every day
you will develop immunity
t.knife expert

It may be a dumb question
But how many NZ anons are here on average?
I can't count you all

If it was an assassination attempt it was a shit one, in future I expect at least a squad of paratroopers dropping on my roof before jumping down to shoot me from my window
Is it like building a resistance to bullets?
Usually 4-5, most use extra flags so they're easy to tell apart

there is too much ass in that word