
need to pick a hebrew name for bat mitzvah edition - recommendation swelcome

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any qt traps?

homosexuality is wrong ok

I think yarakci would suit you.

There is a qt boi I know but he lives in the Palestinians region.

Stop hating G-d

>the absolute STATE of France and Germany

>recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital
>araps chimp out and attack
>Israel using this as justification to expel Palestinians from the Judea and Samaria resulting in a full annexation



you will be spared in the coming war based gaybro

I don't want war.
I just want to lay down all day and not worry about things like politics, war, or terrorsim.

yeah me too, trump will cause jew and arab bodies sadly

You are a 12 year old girl?

Jews love the BBC (Big BRAZILIAN Cock)

dead general

Come to Brazil

I am already here

>she's not transgendered
>xhe's not transage

Hewan ibn Iblis.



page 10 save rave

truly greatest ally

Are you ready for drumpf to start WW3 in a few minutes?




פרסמו שירים על ירושלים, בירת ישראל!

אחלה כפילים, ידידי. בדוק את שלי

איי איי, בהבדל של אחד נפלת! איזו נפילה כואבת!

>פניי כאשר ערבים כאובי תחת עקב הכרזה היסטורית זו


me in the far right :)

ממש מקווה לא להדקר בשבועות הקרובים חברה

Why did Israel ever give back the Sinai back to Egypt ? Fuck their peace desu

i love italy!

מקווה שתהיה בסדר חבר. תזכור, מקל סלפי זה גם נשק

pointless desert land

Couldn't realistically do much with it. Huge territory to control which we didn't need. Literally just a bargaining chip. We got a good deal out of it; Egypt was our primary threat up until then, and ever since things have been chill enough.

Is this like a gay Arab who appreciates Israel for not hanging gays (yet)?

I have an Iranian friend like that, cool guy.

is that intimacy jews have with the money something related to the religion or it's just a secular habit?

never met a poor jew before.

he's a good guy
just wants peace between us, he's a palistinian studying in uae

Who says you have to fucking populated it retard, look a russia. Sinai is a stratigic location

Come to Israel and you are gonna see some poor Jews.
But no, its more historical reference due to the fact that ever since the dawn of time Jews were mainly incharge of loaning and banking.

I'd say some sand is a good exchange for peace, we can always take it back if they try something

You have to control this gigantic territory though. And we'd constantly be fighting the Egyptians over it. For what? The peace accord did work out, haven't been to war with them since. Why do we need to maintain a strategic location vs Egypt when we can have peace?

It wasn't even a good strategic location for us. The Golan Heights is a prime strategic for us

dear hebros i am willing to join the israeli army as a mercenery in exchange for a jewish gf i have no problems with killing palestinian children so please consider my request

thnx, now I understand.

I really would like to visit there one day.

Your request was denied.
Thank your for applying!

you can have volk

wtf im an antisemite now

submit your foreskin by mail for evaluation

Sorry, we no longer use mercenaries for that. We only use top grade aircrafts.

But hey, thanks!

P.S Due to your last statement, I would advise you to not pick up your phone.

am yirael chai

is it because of my flag? fucking racist

foreskins aren't required for sacrifice to the IDF anymore, Moshe.

I mean, if you want to join [צונזר על ידי מש"ק ב"מ] than you gotta sacrifice it.

Just let Hans join as the water sprinkler operational supervisor.

as long as i get a jewish gf im fine with that


Can a goy have chuzpe?

You'll get the Yemen big titted commander.

no clue who that is senpai

No jew gf for you.

W-what about the drought?

No drought is going to stop the rasar from watering his shitty patches of grass.

thats it friend im heating up the oven

Explain yourself Israelis

Iranians in general are cool people, gay or not.
Unfortunately their government and yours hate each other, but I think/hope that will change in the future tbqh

Fuck the Saudis btw

>Tel Aviv
Makes sense


And every country on that list needs a nuke except Palestine, Arab league and azhar because those aren't countries

what is this

Furry map. You know... The retards that walk around inside fur suits pretending to be animals...


Is every icon literally just one guy? So we have like a dozen in all of israel?

Also what the fuck is that furry ganbang there in Jerusalem

didn't know we had those

>one at Hadar Hacarmel in Haifa
Daniel is that you?

Recommend me some klezmer pls

Found one in my town.

Let see how fast this prick can run wearing a costume...

Going to find out how he is, and dox him for pedophilia and animal abuse.

If he got arrested, i post the newspaper with a timestamp.

Doing God's work

based uma

Do it Brazil bro!

How come the Old Testament is so boring compared to the New


fuck you i liked it

Destiny smiles upon you HUEanon.

Just wanted to drop by and say death to Volk

Do programmers make good money in Israel?

Analysis of (((Trump)))'s (((master move))):

>At the present time Israel is trying to ally with Saudi Arabia and Turkey to foment further conflict with Iran. The three were already in concert to destabilize Syria, however they failed due to the Russian intervention. The point of Trump's move is giving Israel what it wants at the worst possible time. Bibi can not do anything but to accept it, however it will turn the entire Muslim world against him. Meanwhile the Sauds cannot cut ties with the United States while being besieged by the Iranians in Yemen. Lastly, Turkey is cut off from the coalition simply by the uproar caused by its population thanks to Erdogan's sponsoring of radical islam for his profit.

>Syria and Iran will be given a chance to rest after the war, and with Syria's strategic position next to Israel and kebab sentiment worldwide any moves against it by local or Israeli actors will be seen in a pro-Zionist light. This may spark tensions with the United States, however the Sauds will have to keep that under control with their wealth if they want to do anything about Iran.

Analysis of (((Trump)))'s (((master move))):


>The only issue is that of the Palestinians as the rest of the Middle East has stopped giving a shit about them after Israel developed nuclear weapons. Any support will have to come from Iran as they are the only nation developing any sort of countermeasure. Israel's attempts to suppress a rebellion would end up giving it a public relations nightmare in the age of digital media. While its neighbours might not be able to challenge its efforts, it risks becoming an international pariah. The further it goes the worst it would get for Bibi, but in association also the US.

>The entire region could blow up due to pro-American leaders in the region being overthrown. What would be next would be anyone's guess.

>none in my city


why don't you nerds become Haredim and get paid to read the Torah and fuck your wife

>no anime
>no video games

pretty much the only reasons desu

ירושלים של זהב ושל נחושת ו של אור ..

I wish there was a Christian version of this

thinking of moving my embassy from tel aviv to Jerusalem


Kek, I get this... What are you, an American drafty?

Do it, you'll be one of the cool guys in the long run for being amongst the first five to do so.

>Hollywood Jews recast Dave Chapelle's wife to a white woman because it had "universal appeal"

wtf I love Hitler now