/brit/ the british culture general

>homosexuality isn't a mental illness edition

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the jig is up

the dog nonces are awake

wacky bruce pulls it out the bag again with an EPIC early thread XD

ducks have a penile arms race going on because birds don't like the fickifucki

>runty "countries" like scotland and ireland trying to do a "full scottish/irish breakfast" as if it's an actual thing and not a feeble rip off of the full english

any corporate Buddhist man in

Is there a more cancerous people on Sup Forums?

>Muhammad purportedly allowed a cat to give birth on his cloak, and cut off the sleeve of his prayer robe rather than wake his favourite cat, a female named Muezza, who was sleeping on it.




right testing this thing it's really pissing me off

Emma Watson's anus and labia are most likely a pinkish color if her nipples are anything to go by.

have taught the gf to say "bum poo wank arse shit willy cum cunt wank!" etc when something goes wrong haha

reckon there's a big overlap between cat lovers and noncery


When they watch porn IN porn videos, do they have to get appropriate licensing?

cat by far, but neither are that soy, really just a symptom that could be linked to other problems

Don't think so, lad. I'd assume that nonces, with their never ending degeneracy, are more likely to be dog lovers, if you catch my drift and know where I'm going with this.

you ain't nothin' but a hound dog


Wish that I was born either an Englishman in the Victorian Era, an American Boomer, or a modern Jap.


the state


wonder how accepting the average girl is to (consensual) sleepcreep

This makes me laugh so much then I see it. They hate us so fucking much, but they literally are us. They have NOTHING of their own, everything they do is just an extension of England and great Britain. But they can't call it English or British, no no no, that would hurt their national pride. So they take English things, change them in absolutely no way whatsoever, because they are incapable of original thought, and replace the word English with Scottish or Irish. This entire practise encapsulates nicely the absolute redundancy Scottish or Irish "Identity". It literally comprises of hating the English whilst actually being, for all intents and purposes, entirely English yourself, with a stupid accent.

Fucking PATHETIC lmao


>This makes me laugh so much then I see it. They hate us so fucking much, but they literally are us. They have NOTHING of their own, everything they do is just an extension of England and great Britain. But they can't call it English or British, no no no, that would hurt their national pride. So they take English things, change them in absolutely no way whatsoever, because they are incapable of original thought, and replace the word English with Scottish or Irish. This entire practise encapsulates nicely the absolute redundancy Scottish or Irish "Identity". It literally comprises of hating the English whilst actually being, for all intents and purposes, entirely English yourself, with a stupid accent.
>Fucking PATHETIC lmao

why does r/Sup Forums try to spoil everything

Paki catfags are not welcome in /brit/

Yes they are


as the whitest and most british poster here, yes they are

t. Unwelcome paki catfag


don;ald druimp is a fat lion


None of these political compass memes seem to actually understand the positions of any of the quadrants.

t. muh heritage crypto yank

no u

methinks thou doth protest too much

Aren't you clever


My season 1 of Silicon Valley arrived without a slipcase whereas Season 2 did. The Gone Girl cover had a fucking Irish rating stickered over the British one. Dark Souls 2 is the PAL version but Dark Souls 3 is the damn Canadian cover.

You cannot comprehend how fucking much I hate Amazon.

anyone else looking forward to May's speech where she personally declares war on Islam as revenge?

A truly fantastic post.


>all these paki catfags

Would love to move Australia if I could get a job

>Four More Women Accuse ‘iZombie’ Actor of Sexual Misconduct
oh no

very good post

t. right libertarian

Move to*
Hahaha x

>buying physical media

well there's your problem



haha he eat melion

mite cop this

spiders are too big and they have drop bears.


>>buying physical media
>well there's your problem

Good post

nazi scum OFF our streets
SMASH the bnp

Just did a questionably legal wank lads


Legally questionable?

just texted my mate in GCHQ with your post details
expect a knock on your door in ten to fifteen minutes :)

good news goys
the firefox problem of the native extension resetting in a new tab is no more

the full english is legitimately shite

can imagine anything as runtish as baked beans (a literal nazi invention) as your culinary distinct apogee

england the nation of underclass runts

still can't understand why australia seems to be like the second capital of furry after america even though wearing a carpet in australian climate would surely be suicide

Lisa: Joe, Joe?
>Joe: Allright, I can't take this anymore. You want to talk about it?
Lisa: Yes.
>Joe: You wanna discuss it?
Lisa: Yes.
>Joe: Allright.
Lisa: I know we saw each other at the movies the other night.
>Joe: This is just how rumors get started, and I don't want to be part of a big rumor.
Lisa: Well, me neither so I think we should talk about it.
>Joe: Okay, look, just because you see me at the movies with a friend who happens to be flamboyantly gay, doesn't mean I'm gay too. You just assumed that. But it isn't true.
Lisa: What?
>Joe: I'm not gay.
Lisa: Allright, but even if you were--
>Joe: I'm not.
Lisa: Okay. Did you see who I was with at the movies?
>Joe: Just some dork with a stupid hat.
Lisa: Did that dork look familiar to you?
>Joe: He looked like any other dork in the city, with a stupid hat.
Lisa: Okay thanks Joe.
>Joe: I'm not gay.
Lisa: Right.

is this one of those soyboys I hear so much about?

For every dollar an Asian man earns, a White man earns 63c

When will we have a non-white PM?

Runt dog

pretty sure melbourne, sydney and adelaide are pretty average weather wise

for every poo i do 3 pees

I AM Scotch*

Do not, do NOT say anything bad about Scotland while I am here.

*by ancestry

outstanding post

In my eyes we've already had one with Obama. I consider every US president as my president.

Lads I need to write about how a meal from my home country is served.
I don't really know what to write. The teacher gave the Chinese example of starting with cold dishes, then hot dishes and rice, then soup, and finally fruit but I don't know what to do for the UK.
Obviously I'll do the translating but I need your ideas.

When you haven't been to work in 3+ days you will receive a phone call from the boss telling you, you're fired. To avoid this simply don't answer the phone.

ah yes

or as i like to call them: Naziliberals

>Top pick for you: Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
how does netflix know im a redditor?

go look up the Ritz menu online

/brit/ runts that call me a paki but in real life

after Ireland thank god

Big man Dave for PM

Haha too ill to go to toil this morning.

Old Toilstein won't be happy today.

>baked beans (a literal nazi invention)
Don't get this me.


the so called tolerant left

when the tories field a non-white leader
keep in mind Labour has only had female leaders when other leaders have resigned and they have always been replaced
Tories are the face of Progressiveness in the UK.

woo hoo 4 day weekend

muslim countries voice their opposition to Trump recognizing jerusalem as israels capital

t. butthurt scotshits, Irsh or pakis.
as if there's a difference.

If the full English is so bad, why is it a staple food in Scotland and Ireland?

Idris Elba for President
