Good evening owls of Sup Forums,
Awww goddammit
Good evening owls of Sup Forums,
Awww goddammit
1) we JLI now
2) what was good today?
Major Force
DC's offerings today were pretty eh
And Vision was good as usual
A descendant of the great Roman patriarch, Force Majeure.
An interesting comment found on TVTropes:
>Bear in mind also that in the Bates and Weisman series, he was written as a former special operations officer, and was portrayed realistically as such. For those who don't know, it has often been said that if they weren't the most badass soldiers in the world, they would be hippies. Indeed, Cap more or less did become a hippy once he left the service during the Bates-Weisman run. The more hawkish government stooge portrayal came quite a bit later from writers who were obviously unfamiliar with the character or just didn't care.
I can't say I know any ex-spec-ops dudes, tho
dat purple dressing gown
Edge of Oblivion was, unsurprisingly, meh today
I am not sure what exactly rubs me the wrong way about Taylor's writing so much, or if my residual saltiness from what he did to Earth 2 just makes me zero in on all his flaws more so than I do to other writers
I liked Vision a lot today. Ultimates continues to be decent, and I thought Black Panther was more interesting than the first issue. The Vision thread had some serious King backlash going on in it.
His Wolverine is pretty close to being good but it's not and that pisses me off
speaking of King backlash, there was a guy on Twitter being all "I'm not reading Batman because as an ex-CIA guy, he was an enabler of torture"
People go nuts for the new Wolverine and I just don't get it.
I was wondering when those kinda comments would happen.
Everyone has something they are proud of.
I can't stand X-23 so I haven't read his Wolverine at all
but Taylor's Edge of Oblivion, his Bats/Supes arc and nearly all of Injustice make me grind my teeth
When Omega Men was just starting I saw some people complaining that kicking it off with a "beheading" video was Islamophobic and since he was counter-terrorism obviously King himself is Islamophobic!
people make weird assumptions
Ultimates explains where Thanos got his 90's gun.
One user suggested that Ewing just likes fixing the continuity fuck-ups other writers do.
I know people who like it, what's not good about it?
I think now that I know to look for it I'll tend to find that edge of moral lecture in it that drives me low-grade crazy
Bandette! C'est magnifique! (as always!)
I think that's true but he's also solid enough independently out of that.
King's current stuff is very clearly informed by terrorism, counter-terrorism, hell just US foreign policy. It'd be fun if it all turned out to be a long psi-ops con.
OP is a friend
Jupiter's Circle ended decently.
It was a riot seeing a young version of The Heat
hah, no shit? Yeah, I think he's kind of neurotic that way, bless his heart.
This comic is so self/genre-aware but not in an obnoxious way. I'm digging this 80s Comics For Grownups feel.
what about Taylor's other stuff is tooth-grinding to you?
I can never get Small Favors out of my head when reading Colleen Coover.
And funnily enough King is pretty sympathetic to all the Omega Men and his characters in Sheriff so they can be well rounded, when like you said, people were calling him islamophobic before any of the issues came out
>I think now that I know to look for it I'll tend to find that edge of moral lecture in it that drives me low-grade crazy
I think this plus you can generally see where he thinks he's being clever that drive me nuts
cranky if that was you in the Red Sonja thread you really have to learn to chill and not post sometimes
Hello Storyteller.
This cover is creepy.
I kind of hate myself for not hating Millar's current stuff.
Black Panther made me want a map of Wakanda on the inside cover. Continues to be good, but I'm putting a lot of faith in TNC religion?
Someone mentioned that he did something similiar when Hickman randomly gave White Tiger a sword.
I checked, during the Time Runs Out Tie-In, there's literally a page where she just steals a dude's katana.
>Black Panther made me want a map of Wakanda on the inside cover.
He's putting a map out at one point. Came out in the pre-series interview.
Ewing also gave Carol more motive for Civil War than Bendis has
I kinda assumed he was, seems like his type of nerdery
>see where he thinks he's being clever
That's what really turns me off Bennett
>what about Taylor's other stuff is tooth-grinding to you?
the same general problems all his stuff has, I suppose. Obnoxious mouth piece characters, moral lectures, blatant favoritism (which to be frank would bother me less if it favored characters I also liked, but it rarely does, so), ~I'm so clever~ scenes, the over-reliance on spectacle instead of anything of substance, Batwank and Superwank, etc.
Bennett isn't very good at doing different voices either IMO.
That turns me off of her too, also her ability to distinguish character voices is extremely poor.
It's cool.
I hated Chrononauts
She's as dumb as a brick. Literally the female Bendis.
Different voices is a skill which eludes many writers of straight fiction as well
Speaking of Superbatwank, the first arc of Loeb's B/S is kind of where "Captain Atom Big Old Government Stooge" gets solidified for a good long while
I'm not sure how good Ewing is at character development, exactly. I don't think we've seen anything incredible from him on that yet and sometimes it can feel a bit stunted or haphazard. But JFC he absolutely nails a character's deal from the first page like all the fucking time. He makes sure Carol comes across like Carol, Wanda comes across like Wanda, Dwayne comes across like Dwayne. He really is the negative of Bendis.
Uh, no? Suddenly -I- have to be the one to keep shit to myself? Fuck that. If I have something to say, I'll damn well say it.
Man I'm just worried for your blood pressure.
Read a neat interview with Steve Lightle, from out LoSH days, about why he only did 6 issues of Doom Patrol. Surprise, it was because editorial treated him poorly
> After Legion of Super-Heroes, I had serious misgivings about the idea of returning to monthly comic book production. Promises were made to entice me - most of which were reneged on as soon as possible
I don't think she's dumb.
Because this is Bennett I don't know if you mean prose stuff or fiction where the characters aren't gay!
I'm just talking about how like now I have an idea of why Carol would want pre-cogs
Ewing can also be very clever but I think he makes less of fuss about it, or he tucks it neatly into that strong sense of "I know who this character is" so I'm more willing to let it slide.
Prose fiction
can you summarize for someone (me) who didn't read it?
Nobody gives a shit what you think YOU STUPID FUCKING NIGGER
>can you summarize for someone (me) who didn't read it?
On which note, you must have read Thunderbolts by now right?
user, chill
OP and all of you are a bunch of faggots
gimme five, okay?
lol those signs
I can't believe you were triggered this hard by a single word.
Opinion-wise, though. Bennett isn't dumb. She's clearly educated and she plays around with narrative tropes a good deal. I don't like her writing and I find her tonal choices really jarring but I wouldn't describe it as dumb or stupid.
>can you summarize for someone (me) who didn't read it?
Basically, she suddenly got shown all the bad futures of Marvel (Age of Ultron, Days of Future Past were specifically shown, but I'm sure you know of more) and is worried about avoiding them.
christ, that fucking art
Moonstone's "If he's not smart enough to use his boot jets" is at least IC
that fucking art, fuck
One can be dumb and educated.
My blood pressure is fine. You should be more worried about how comics are so deeply entrenched in their own cliches that the mere idea of change is considered a cultural shift.
I do wonder sometimes why this does anything for anyone. We live in an age of readily available porn, and yet a brief bit of censored nudity in a story gets people so excited. Makes no sense.
Do you eat soylent, too?
>that fucking art, fuck
Yeah it's like Liefled, but with anything remotely charming removed.
Why do celeb nudes get people excited?
Save us Abnett
o-okay, that was an issue
it's because porn on its own is boring, but stuff with personalities and scenarios attached is interesting
Also note that one of DC's Special Projects editors is listed on the book and not Eddie B, now
You can spoil me about your Thunderbolts thoughts now, user
>No Dickbats or Val on that page
The art honestly doesn't bother me. I'm way more offended by stuff like that traced Lego asset than the ultra-90s style going on here.
Because sometimes people want context to their titillation. They want stories to their porn.
I want to know what this woman's financial situation is, that she's reduced to paying for her kitchen repairs with oral sex.
the no feet is kind of, well
I might be able to get into it given time, or maybe improvement
Karla's way, way too up-front aggro. Atlas' fondness for Kobik is IC, at least.
It's not even that 90's, it was kind of bland.
Why is there no pro-wrestling style porn then (not wrestling porn, but porn with wrestling-style storylines)
You fucking eroto-fascist misogynist piece of shit, you think a woman can't blow her plumber just because she wants to? It has to be a fucking money situation? Fuck you and fuck your patriarchal porn program, too.
>it's because porn on its own is boring, but stuff with personalities and scenarios attached is interesting
Then look up a doujin or something. This shit should not be in the main product.
Because people are idiots who are obsessed with sex due to their shithead parents and teachers never properly educating them on the subject, making it taboo and therefore, in their tiny minds, the coolest thing ever.
this is a fucking riot
I think you've hit on an untapped market, user
>I do wonder sometimes why this does anything for anyone
I like to feel close to the characters I fap to
that flying position
it's not okay
they were still in the book, which is still too much imo
Why do you feel the need to hang around us unenlightened peasants then? Why don't you go find a bunch of like-minded prudes?
Have you guys read this article on comic book piracy? Very interesting stuff.
I'll freely admit I pirate comics (I don't use any sites to read them though, I download them) but I do buy the ones I like and support creators. When it comes to Big Two stuff I'm a bit pickier but I'll still support something that I feel deserves my money, like Omega Men.
The breakfast/base scene was the best part of it in terms of characterisation, I think. I don't like how they ran Moonstone down that route already and I really don't like it when Moonstone is the team bitch and team punching bag, and you're supposed to feel the latter is justified because of the former. I think maybe once you take out Zemo you don't have enough edge on that team and Moonstone has to carry the burden.
Because nobody's thought of it before. Seriously user, that's brilliant. Get to it.
> Jim Ross commentating over porn
>You can spoil me about your Thunderbolts thoughts now, user
Much more interested in your opinion honestly! I did hate Kobik.
I believe according to the chart it's "Riding Bareback".
>I like to feel close to the characters I fap to
... user. Everyone. None of these characters are real. If you're this desperate for an emotional connection, go get a girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever.
>you think a woman can't blow her plumber just because she wants to?
She can, but I'm still gonna call her a whore for it. Because that's what she'd be.
>... user. Everyone. None of these characters are real. If you're this desperate for an emotional connection, go get a girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever.
naw, this is more fun
Moonstone's practical more than anything; well, her and Fixer are the practical axis while Atlas and Abe are more idealistic (Mel would be too, mostly). Abe was barely there this past issue--we need to know why he hasn't just said "screw you guys, I'm going home". Fixer's easy--Bucky's offering him challenges.
Kobik is about as annoying as a real kid can be but she's written more like 7 than 4
Where the hell do you think you are?
>None of these characters are real
Now all I can think of is how much " This is an Imaginary Story... Aren't they all" from Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow triggers John Byrne
It's a lot
this is not my kink
Can't, my girlfriend left me for Tony Stark. Last I heard, he was her husbando.
But it is mine.
Yeah, MACH-X had one moment in the entire issue and it was playing off Atlas. One way to make that interesting might have been to make it someone other than Abe.
I hate the superpowered kid with completely unlimited capabilities and no structure to how they are used. I can handle plot devices but not of that magnitude. I also really wanted to see what she turned the rats in the base into.
here you go
would surprise buttsex become the new "steel chair to the back of the head"?
Hopefully Kobik won't last as completely superpowered that long
Hahaha, this page is like something from Mike Baron.
>being a ronrey nerd is fun
I can't tell if you're serious or just plain stupid.
On a planet dominated by sexually obsessed apes who ironically have no idea how vaginas work and are in fact afraid to even talk about them.
More than anyone else I've talked to on this site, you come across like you have serious sex hang-ups cranky. That's actually a lie, there was this one female humilation artist on /tg/ who was very fucked up.
Couldn't he have just used a wide range energy attack on them even blind? If they die...well....