Bow before a true mon amie

Bow before a true mon amie.

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Merci petite

always bugged me

no fucking cajun talks like this

He's not a true anything, his French is fake as fuck. Isn't he from Lousiana anyway?
What kind of fucking hipster still talked French in Louisiana in the 80s?

old creoles that were born in the 40s

that's it

mon amie means "my friend"

I mostly know of Cajun as a spice. AFAIK nobody speaks Cajun outside of Lousiana, and in all my years I've never heard that accent in person.

It's also the feminine form.
"Mon amie" is "my female friend", "mon ami" is "my male friend".

I always thought gambit was kind of a faggot. The Rogue shit was pretty forced.

So, how would you say that girl has a fat ass or that ass is fat, in French?

Or is it even a compliment the way it can be in English?

>that girl has a fat ass
Cette fille a un gros cul.
>that ass is fat
Ce cul est gros.

>Or is it even a compliment the way it can be in English?
Not really, maybe among ghetto blacks.

Don't get me wrong, I like voluptuous asses, but I don't think there's a proper way to say "that woman has a fat ass" in French and have it imply something positive, you'd have to chracterize it specifically as a *nice* fat ass, un bon gros cul.
I'm 30 though, so maybe younger people have proper linguo for it now.

So how is a thick/big/fat ass typically complimented in French? Is it just something generic like "great ass" or "nice ass"?



Pretty much or you use your hands. You'd really have to ask a black guy, it's more socially accepted among them to be into big asses so it's more likely they'd have a word for it.

Or maybe I guess you'd describe how/why it's nice beyond fat/big. Maybe call it "spectaculaire".

Why the inquiry user, are you into a fat-assed French woman?

>So how is a thick/big/fat ass typically complimented in French?
with an affectionate slap


>are you into a fat-assed French woman?
Am I ever.

Also, fairly certain using my hands would be inappropriate for someone I only see in passing. I'll try "great ass".



Step up your game, user-kun.


Maybe ask Sup Forums.

Holy fuck! Can you imagine if we'd originally gotten an entire series of anime X-Men run? Cyclops' punches slicing through sentinels with disintegrating melting effects. Wolverine berserker slashing, screen going pitch black with 3 neon-blue streaks representing his claws in a single slash, before un-dimming and Sentinels standing motionless before splitting in half.

Shit would have been epic to my 8 y/o mind.

that shit was hilarious how Rogue and Gambit always would end their sentences in mon ami or sugar. shit still cracks me up a little bit.

gambit would use "cher" a lot too when he spoke to rogue

Which is also wrong in French.
It should be "ma chère" or more properly "ma chérie".



Why does he wear that shit on his face? You know, the face-mask-guard-thing.

Storm chanting Mamasay mamasa mamacusa killed me

Mustard!? Ain't that a bitch I'm Ketchup motherfucker. Zap your dumb ass.

You bow down to me, you blow me.

>also, fairly certain using my hands would be inappropriate
I was going to say something, but if she hasn't cup checked you yet, it might not be meant to be


Too bad the Bayou Billy comic was handled by Archie. Would've loved a team up.

The fuck is he wearing?

Isn't that reverse mask thing that only shows his face sweaty and gross as fuck? Is that metal interwoven into his shirt, over a trenchcoat? Why are two of his fingers exposed and the other's aren't?

Literally everything is wrong.