White race extinction thread

>have 8/10 red haired blue eyed sweet and educated gf
>she loves cooking and is actually smart
>she also wants kids, but i had my guts damaged in an accident and i'm now a useless sterile fag
>i have a nice job but we're still too poor to afford artificial insemination

suggestions pol? would you be ok with your gf/wife being impregnated by another man for the sake of white race?

do not become cuck



op isn't even white


>would you be ok with your gf/wife being impregnated by another man for the sake of white race
Nah, that's called being a cuck

Allow her to be BLACKED for the good of the White race.

kys. She deserves a man who can fulfill her instinct to reproduce.

so should i convince her to settle down with a couple of cats? isn't it unfair?

Adopt a white kid.

A properly raised white child is way more beneficial than a foster home raised white child.

>had my guts damaged in an accident and i'm now a useless sterile fag
>damaged guts

Italians have their reproduction system in their guts? holy fucking shit, they don't teach you this shit in school.

For real though, how does that one happen?

Italian gingers are total qts desu
And it's a pretty cuck thing to do but it's less cuck than adopting a congolian or some shit like letting your wealth go to the government after you die

i would not raise a nigger kid

This is a 3/10 if anything

Get your father or brother to impregnate her. Force them to do it if necessary.

Redhead with blue eyes here.... please send your wife here so I can guarantee the survival of the red hair blue eyes master race.

look, I know this is hard to hear, but let her find a man who isnt a lame. Go find yourself a beautiful lame wife and adopt. this is the truth and the light.

adopt a kid. make sure its under 3 to hopefully avoid emotional damage

i had a car accident where the steering wheel sort of hit me down there a bit too hard, i wouldn't wish that to anybody

Can't you just get a family member (or random person, if you could guarantee he was white) to cum in some sort of syringe, embed the syringe within a dildo and impregnate her using that?

She is going to dump you because she wants kids you can't provide.

i know they're not orange looking like british/german gingers and at the same time they're kind of exotic


>be panjeet
>have a blonde bombshell gf who loves curry and sucking my madras dick

Northern Italians are most definitely white

How much could artifician insemination possibly cost?

Why would Whites go extinct. I fucking see them everywhere. They are on 3 continents where there arnt from.

i hope you're at least 1.85 m and have no congenital diseases, also fatties are not allowed

i don't have a brother, shit the thought of my father doing such things gave me chills

go ahead with sperm donation from a high quality bank.


kek pajeet

If she's truly that prime of breeding material, give her to a real man who's fish actually swim you pathetic broken little toy.

Don't be selfish.

>suggestions pol? would you be ok with your gf/wife being impregnated by another man for the sake of white race?

I could always sens you an old sock, user.

>impregnated by another man
There is an well known sperm bank in Denmark with all sorts of genetic material there. You can review donors, you'd know what you're getting. You have a good reason for this, you would not be a cuck.

Don't believe you.

Actually I do.

Save money you faggot.

If Goy has the will and the money
Israel has great fertility clinics

Never surrender!

It would raise you

I'll impregnate her for you. For free.

>cuck yourself for the white race
Well I guess if you just got a good friend and a turkey baster...

came here to post this. your gf should not be with some swarthy mediterranean greaseball like yourself. encourage her to find a tall strong nordic, celtic or germanic bf

It's 2016 you fucking retard, they can implant lab grown sperms from your cells into your gf.


Quoi ?

this actually sounds about right

Im was adopted from Russia then brought to America
My life changes in ways I can never comprehend by two strangers' choice to bring me into their family. Ive always thought of them as my parents despite knowing.
Help save a young kids' future

They ship the stuff to you, as far as I know. You don't even have to go there.

just adopt a white kid OP

i'm sorry David but i'm still poor and by the time i'm rich enough to arouse interest in a jewish fertility clinic i'll be an old useless piece of shit

Adopt white kids. You can give them a good life and turn what would be broken people into functioning white members of society.

Think about adoption maybe man?

Just adopt and save a white childrens life Jesus

>being a literal cuck

Consider adoption.

They are called Cryos

>posting a meme propagated by a turk
Wouldn't expect more of you burger

you probably have no idea how difficult it is to adopt a white kid here, most people just give up and buy a chinese/nigger/3rd worlder kid instead

just keep searching for less expensive clinics. maybe it's cheaper in britain or germany or france. work hard and earn money. i wish you good fortune, m80

Cant you ask in other countries?

white women and italian men make excelent girls.
Too bad u cant get children for yourself.

I know Pierre but it takes a shit ton of money to do that and i don't have it right now

Can't a doctor help? If your balls still work there is a chance.

thank you m8 for the support

Fly me out and I will inseminate your gf, free of charge. White blond hair blue eyes 6'2'', engineer. You won't get a dumb ugly son from me sir.

Firstly, You need money to raise kids.
If you want desperately a child of yours, take a loan and do it


she's italian too Fritz

Settle for a less expensive car/home/tv whatever and invest in the future of the white race. Also be a family man luigi, Italy needs you.

your father doesn't have to fuck her but could just donate his sperm

your son would be your half brother, that'd be tottaly cool he would even look like you

Thats degenerate as fuck

That is three different kinds of Toiv'e

Also your parents must be dying to have grandchildren, they would surely assist you financially.

you degenerate barbarian need to get out of here

Get your dad or brother to do it. It'll be almost the same as doing it yourself.

>too poor to afford artificial insemination
then save up

yeah maybe that could work

Thats something a muslim would do

seriously don't get cucked by another mens sperm, the only smart solution is your father

>more of your own lineage
>he would look like you people would assume he's your son
>he could donate his kidney later on to you or blood
>you don't get cucked by another mens genes because your father is basically you anyways

but honestly it seems you have made up your mind and just seek permission to be a cuck


Se fossi nella tua posizione ovvero:(non posso permettermi una clinica e non sono fertile)
tenterei di arrangiare qualcosa con qualcuno.

Adottare in Italia è un inferno e non sempre ti danno figli bianchi e forse dovresti pure mettere mazzette.

E poi anche se il figlio non sarà biologicamente tuo almeno sarà in parte il figlio di lei, che è una cosa positiva.

Scegliere un partner per tua moglie sarà una cosa durissima...tieni presente che è meglio se lontano dalla tua sfera di conoscenze in modo da evitare ulteriori casini(magari il tipo reclama la paternità o lei si innamora)

Mi spiace OP una situazione dura, ma penso che la tua idea di base sia l unica soluzione. Io lo farei la stessa cosa se fossi nella tua situazione.

Earn money with the thought of having YOUR child, it may take time but you'll get there.

Gr8 b8 r8 8/8
Wud r8 again

Why Sup Forums is necessary to sustain the AltRight: Calling people degenerate barbarians for being Machiavellian keeps morality alive.


>fly me out
>free of charge

Actually, this is the right place for degenerate barbarians. It is NOT the right place for decent people to ask serious questions and expect anything but a degenerate, barbaric answer.

How expensive is artificial insemination?

Because i dont need an Argument for that. This is degenerate and if you see nothing wrong with it then you're fucked in the head.


per ora mi tengo aperte tutte le opzioni, di certo comunque non voglio ritrovarmi a 35+ anni a dover comprare un bambino cinese

>making dad fuck your woman so you could get a brother that you would call son in ok

>i have a nice job but we're still too poor to afford artificial insemination

How much it cost?

touché, well it's not like i'm going to take /pol's suggestions too seriously but maybe i can get some ispiration

at least 5000 euros per attempt, i do of course have that money but you have to take the success rate into consideration and then we'll need money to raise the kid

Only way someone touches my wife is over my cold dead body and suicide vest with a dead mans trigger strapped to my wife.

>if I can't have it, no one can.

It's obviously the best solution.
>paying 5000 for the pleasure of being a cuck
Just make your dad do it, man.

Sell your liver.

adopt white children.

Do you have a brother or male cousin?


Right, just like sterile females?

Time for you and your wife to put in some extra hours, I'd say. Either that or consider adoption, there's enough lonely bambini that need a loving parent in this world.

Fucking faggot.

>"dad can i pls borrow ur semen"
>"sure son here gimme that jar"

that's not gonna happen

White men should breed with Japanese girls.
The offspring has the best traits of both.
Wouldn't you want these two to be your children?

>i had my guts damaged in an accident and i'm now a useless sterile fag
Hang in there bro, science will find a way.

>i have a nice job but we're still too poor to afford artificial insemination
Have you considered prostrate stimulation?