Tina Tchen - Hatch Act

Get the FUCK in here

DNC Officials discuss possible Hatch Act violation


DNC Officials commit violation anyway

This is the nugget.



Will this be significant in any way?

Wew, the amount of slides is too damn high.

i think so. its clear evidence of illegal shit

And everybody involved with the RNC are saints.

wow thats a humdinger

No ones saying that, but at least they didn't fuck over their populist candidate (...yet)

Bump for great justice.

So did they send the email? Did they violate the act?

I need this spoonfed to me. WTF happened?

The fuck. Only 10 posts?

No, nobody is saying that. But triumphantly dancing around singing shame on you kind of implies it.
The DNC goons were just dumb enough to get caught. However the fuck that happened anyway.

You need to spoonfeed the contents.
I have no idea why this is supposed to be illegal.
Reading those emails is killing my braincells tbqh famalampai.



Holy fucking shit nice find user.

>2016-05-17 17:45
> Tina Tchen is an Assistant to POTUS and Chief of Staff to FLOTUS, thereby triggering the Hatch Act. We cannot include Executive Branch employees on an event invite that contains solicitation. Please check for this before you add names to any invitation.

>2016-05-12 18:39
>Thank you again for sitting down with me during my last visit to New York City. I forgot to mention while we were together that the Democratic Lawyer's Council (DLC) recently formed and we are hosting our kickoff event in New York on May 31st. Gloria Allred will be our special guest and Tina Tchen may join as well.

And when we get emails about RNC corruption we'll expose it as well.

RNC has been notoriously biased when handling people like Paul and Trump

Americans are at work Germanbro.

I'm monitoring while doing other shit though

> The DNC has a list of (non-political donors) people who have expressed interest in holding various govt committee positions
>They are compiling a list for solicitations from these people with the implication that they will be put in line for a position
>The Hatch Act very specifically says that the Executive branch of government cannot be solicited because of separation of powers and checks and balances
>This comes before even all of the implications that quid pro quo donations for committee positions is a felony
>There is a women who has expressed interest in a position, who is a donor, who also happens to be a member of the executive branch as the manager for Michelle Obama
>They are having an internal struggle whether or not to solicit her because they clearly know that soliciting the executive branch is a big no-no but they need the donations.
>if they can prove that she was included in the email then the DNC is turbo fucked

we need to find the dummy account


>>if they can prove that she was included in the email then the DNC is turbo fucked
Really? Won't it end with a resignation or suspension?

likely. granted its also a felony. the point is that the DNC violated specific anti-corruption legislation which is a shadow which will grow and grow and grow. The big deal is that it would almost guarantee that a full investigation is opened where god knows how many Hatch act violations are revealed.

>But triumphantly dancing around singing shame on you kind of implies it.
oh wow everybody calm down let's stop the dancing and hootin and hollarin.

Good lad

reddit is clearing posts like crazy
/r/politics has deleted so much its mind boggling

CNN IS Saying the Russians are responsible for the leaks.

Time to bring it all down

what is the "hatch act"
TL;DR please

Essentially makes it a federal crime to promise or give political positions in exchange for favors or money. The DNC has violated the Hatch Act by promising donors positions in government in exchange for their money and votes.

thank you
and isn't that common nowdays? people just don't talk about it.


not at this high a level [at least discussed]
