Climate Change

What's the Verdict?

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Fake and gay.

The left is correct about this one, though it's up in the air how far down the realm of irreversibility we are.


>Fake and gay.
Prove it.

The overwhelming majority of the scientific community is in consensus on mankind's involvement in it.

Kill every jew and shitskin and it's no longer an issue.

It's the most serious long-term issue we face.
The Republicans are wrong about this issue.

That being said, the dems don't really care about it any more than the GOP does. They just use it to get votes.

Emperor Trump speaks



Its a Jewish conspiracy to keep the white man down.

You don't even understand this graph.
You have no idea what it means.

If not for us you'd still being sticking bones through your nose you stupid fuck.

Not concerned. I kind-of believe the effect is there (due to burning fossil fuels) but so small it's not going to kill us all, or even a few of us, like the crazier among the left want to scare us into believing.

Keep burning fossil fuels until they become too expensive, and alternatives become more attractive (including nuclear.)

Planets too cold anyway. Sberia and Canada are basically useless land masses and will benefit.

>"You just can't read graphs"

> world super power
> can't even host olympics without huge clusterfuck

Marxist hoax 100%

Climate change =/= Global WARMING m8

too complex for dumbfucks. it's probably within your interest to protect the micro climate of your biome. this doesn't apply everyplace equally .winds and geographic location are very important. the legislation needs to be local and to be considerate of business interest as well. both the right wing koch brother attitude of just dumb all my shit in a river as well as the left wing the world is gonna explode if we don't outlaw fossil fuel cars are fake and gay.

What's Karl Popper's definition of pseudoscience again?

No falsifiability?

Inevitable consequence of human technological adaptation to high EROEI fossil fuels. Exponential growth of complexity followed by political, economical and ecological collapse, in accordance with thermodynamic nature of universe.
Also: KEK wills it.

yea fucking CIA ruining our great workers' party
great lula is going to lead us to glory
fucking globalists zionists capitalists where is my bolsa familia

Holy fucking shit

A few hot days = climate change.
It's called WEATHER.
In a few months we'll be scraping frozen shit off our auto windshields.
Will that be climate change?

12 years of failed predictions. Verdict: false.

Kek no!
Why would you betray us???

You fine lads do realize that a giant rock could smash into earth and end it all right? Wouldn't be the first time.

Government gives scientists money to get the results they want

Global Warming being legit or a hoax is irrelevant. We're poisoning the oceans. And without them we cannot survive.

Yes its happening, no theres no way to stop it. We can only adapt.

CHAOS and DARKNESS is the comfiness of the universe.

>Government gives scientists money to get the results they want
He actually believes this

Cmon man.
The community is so lopsided, it's not even close.
There would be at least SOME scientific findings that dispute it.

The climate is changing mostly due to human action.

Here is a source to back that up.

Massive rocks don't simply crush Earth out of nowhere senpai
If such event were to happen we'd be able to detect it days prior, enough time for us to move to underground facilities

Makes my airconditionless room really hot.

>In a few months we'll be scraping frozen shit off our auto windshields.

Not here in the Netherlands.

Haven't had a proper winter in years.

Increasing global temperatures increases the temperature of the oceans as well. Warmer ocean means increased CO2 uptake, hence acidification. Check the consequences on the Great Coral Reef... or whats left of it.

Oil corporations give scientists money to get the results they want.

How? A one meter rise would cause far less damage than shutting down the economy.

Climate change is real in both directions and mostly corellates to the sun and some natural influences on earth.

Antropomorphic climate change is a political agenda and lie to push liberal ideas and scam money.

The world population is gona be half nigger by the end of the century. I try to polute as much as posible to fuck their future. If the UN don't want me to be part of the world then to hell with it.

See my previous post:
This clearly shows human factors play a big part.

As a wise nigger once said: YO I JUST DONT GIVE A FUCK

>Issues where the Right is objectively correct
The Economy
African American Crime
National Defense
Gun Rights
Medicinal Use

>Issues where the Left is objectively correct
Climate Change
Substance Legality

>using sources and arguments to try to convince climate skeptics.

You naive, so very naive.
They are never going to change their minds.

Ok the climate change is real, then what? WW3 to stop China from polluting? Leftists are idiots.

much easier sacrifice africa to the gods

We had much higher concentrations of athmospheric "greenhouse"-gases in the earths history. Also the "climate change" we are experiencing is rather small compared to:

>1000 to 1300 n. Chr
>1400 to 1800 n. Chr
>120.000 to 10.000 v. Chr.

All of the events were nearly unrelated to greenhouse gasses and directly correlated with the sun. Humans in these ages had to live with a change of a several degrees in just one lifetime.

How can the left be correct about Healthcare but wrong about medical use?

Climate always has been and always will be changing. Globalists just like to use it to push their agenda.

We're still in a mini ice age and climate change has been shown to happen naturally time and time again.


>How can the left be correct about Healthcare but wrong about medical use?
Dems are against proven medicinal practices because "Muh evil corporate doctors"
Vaccine denial is a good example.

I assume he means the fact that """"""""""medical"""""""""" use of marijuana is a sham.

It's pretty fucking strait-forward, man. Even a child could tell you what the graph says.

>hurrr the graph goes up and down so everything is ok

No u

If the case for AGW is so incontrovertible, why do the "scientists" keep getting caught faking the research, and why is nobody allowed to discuss it?

It is a fraud friendo.

Oh, is that a left-wing thing?

In my country it's the right-wing who are against vaccinations - for religious reasons.

It's a shitshow.

Left wingers found a good opportunity to seize massive amounts of power and authority to the government by proposing non-solutions that will never work.
Instead of fighting that, the right simply denied it's happening. Then it denied humans are causing it.

Now it's a lost cause, the right's arguments are completely indefensible. The left won.

The real solution is for the US and the EU to stop subsidizing oil. The last thing we need is government artificially boosting demand for the terrorists' main export. Let the Saudis starve, they deserve it.

Only Leftists could be so stupid to believe it.

"Climate Change" is named thusly because they knew "Global Warming" was bullshit, and so they can say that no matter what the weather is outside, it's our fault.

Leftists are the dumbest fucking people in the world, and so is anyone who buys into this bullshit.

Taxes and shit.

our predictive power is very low but shows a few trends depending on method. Most trends point towards very slow temperature rise but since there is so much variation the year to year has not been significant with the number of samples. When conparing our earliest records to now there is significance but only for about one degree celcius rise.

This is hard to say, too much variance means no statistical significance which means there isn't really a difference. Since this can change based on the models it's unknown.

Most publications showing significance for global warming uses a derivative of a model that failed to make accurate predictions in the past. The model is more accurate now but there is not easy way to vaidate it.

That being said, climate prediction is a very different thing from weather. Nothing in climate change makes specific predictions about next week, but is infact consistent with weather forecasting by claiming variance is too high for it's models to know. Also grainularity of the climate data tends to be generic and hard to pinpoint short periods of tine with. Core samples sometimes struggle to identify specific years, specific days is not part of the data or projection.

Related, our polution is a biohazard to ourselves. Cancer rates in locations with high polution and smog seem to suggest green technology has healh benefits for us and is therefore still a worthwhile investment to some degree. US cities becoming like Bejieng in terms of polution would be a tragedy. Our cleaness and health are among our greatest improvements over their society.

In my country the right-wing never denied climate change.
Fairly sure it's the same in most of Europe.

It's not left vs right.
It's intellectual people vs retarded people.

I spend all my spare time studying this shit. I went from being a denier fag to being extremely concerned after actually taking the initiative to read the facts one night. If you have an IQ of less than around 120 I just don't think you can grasp what's happening, and that's why we're all fucked. Go to NASA's climate change website and read the basics you ignorant fucks. This is the only topic I firmly disagree with Sup Forums on. There's methane shooting out of the permafrost because it's melting right now, if we don't at least try to do something we're gonna go extinct. Fact.

Remember how New York was supposed to be underwater 10 years ago?

Human-caused climate change is real and it's effects are disastrous, but the left has yet to present a solution that doesn't require society to be absolutely turned on its head and backpeddled to hell.

Obviously there's going to have to be sacrifices made, but not until we have an at least somewhat stable and dependable alternative energy source, then to make the changes libs are demanding would be international suicide.
Right now, clean energy is not cutting it.

>He doesn't know that thousands of asteroids barely miss Earth daily
Use that there computer you got to look up a model of all the fucking space rocks that fly right next to Earth on a daily basis.

Humans dying off in large numbers is the actual solution to climate change.

if it exists, which is by no means settled.

It's true, and to deny it is to argue against every peer reviewed scientific study on it, and effectively the entire science and engineering community.

The problem is it is so tied up in both right and left wing policy that based purely on ideology no one can agree on how to tackle it despite everyone practically agreeing something needs to be done.

You made the first step, that's good.

Now take the next step: accept that we're not going to fix this. - what will happen will happen.


now fuck off

true but not entirely man-made

it also doesnt harm to not simply be safe rather than sorry later on

What is the conservative party's stance on climate change?

We will go extinct. All life degrades energy sources, and humanity, trough technology, will remedy the energy inbalance of planet vs space.

The American Republican Party's current platform is essentially to deny either its severity or its existance.

I know.
I was asking about the British conservative party. - surely they have more brains?

Every graph has labels to tell you what the pretty lines mean, dumbass. On the far right side you can see the degrees in celsius and on the bottom years before 2000. They also label key points on a graph so you don't have to look up what era a year was in. Are you honestly retarded?

My ex-girlfriend from HS and I broke up because she was a hyper liberal.

A few months ago she lost her son while giving birth because she refused to go to a hospital and instead hired a midwife

It's real, and we should try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The melting of glaciers and loss of water resources is and will be a much larger problem than sea levels rising due to ice caps melting, though.


>we should try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We're going to fail anyways.
Focus on reachable goals instead.

From what I understand, the "conservative" party in Britain is actually very much a centralised party. They acknowledge climate change and take moderate steps to attack it, but they also know they're only the UK and thus don't really contribute much to it.

The right wing Tory party however is not concerned with it at all.

No one really knows

Even if we halted all major petrolium production and fossil fuel usage and killed off all the non human land mammals c"climate change" would still be a "problem"

It's real but not as serious as the MSM would have you believe. There isn't a great consensus and any consensus claim is provably false.

Until it starts to affect me, I will continue to ignore it.

I think it's less to do with CO2 emissions and more to do with 7 billion people using the oceans as a landfill for 150 years. Oceanic acidification is gon be real bad. The algae blooms in the ocean make like 60% of the oxygen on the planet so if it becomes toxic for algae we will all die of slow suffocation

This is the true Redpill right here. The ocean is a buffer solution so it will handle a lot of CO2 until it doesn't and then mass extinction. Don't forget the billions of tons of solid hydrocarbons just dumped into the ocean every year.

A billion poo in Loos shitting right into the Indian Ocean 5 times a day

Climate change is real, its man-made, and is the biggest long term threat to our way of life. To claim otherwise is to descend to the intellectual level of anti-vaxxers. People started calling it Climate Change instead of global warming because its not just about warming, its also about irregular weather patterns, such as the unusually hot Christmas the US just had. With more and more irregular weather, it becomes nearly impossible to guarantee a steady and predictable agricultural output. Dunno about you, but I can't begin to imagine a world where, say, wheat is twice as expensive (and corn, and rice, and virtually every single kind of food).

Actually I can imagine it, economically, the pre-industrial era was characterized by far more expensive food than it is today. And you know, more expensive food means everything else is more expensive, because everyone needs more money just to stay fed.

Now picture a world with all the technology we have, except purchasing power is shit. Its beginning to sound like the kind of scenario where a dystopia would take hold.

Actually, you don't have to imagine too much. Look at California. Three major droughts already in this century alone. One of the more developed places on Earth, except you can't be sure there will be tap water running in any given day.

I agree on this, too. Global Warming is an existential threat to Western civilization. First off, it should be not a political thing, but a strictly national security issue. I've noticed how weather has changed radically where I live and how badly things have been turning out for the island where I live.

Prove to me that there is a scientific consensus.

This is good introductory level material.
The article contains 132 bibliographic references. Dig in as much as you want.

Yes, there is for the most part consensus that something is happening, but there is not consensus that the effect is severe.

That really depends on what you consider "severe". Climate change doesn't pose a threat to life as a whole, or to the human species. But it endangers our way of life. We would still be around in a post climate change world, but what our standards of living be? Personally, without cheap food and cheap goods, society as we know it is fucked. And we already food will be more expensive, people just haven't been able to figure out to what extent.

Problem, in science, whenever we do an experiment, we use a control. In climate science its impossible to prepare a control, because we don't a second Earth available. So we are forced to grapple with uncertainty. This isn't a reason to not act, on the contrary, it should be a reason to take additional precautions.

A few decades ago, government-funded "researchers" were kvetching about how mankind was causing the earth to descend into another ice and that we needed open borders, race mixing and one world government to stop it.

If the left was honest about what actually had to be done to fix the problem they would never win another election.

Limousine liberals wouldn't stand to have their airconditioned mini mansions taken away. Once they find out how much emissions are created flying from LA to their rustic Tuscan Villa they will become climate deniers as well. They really believe that by just recycling their Starbucks cups and buying a Prius they are solving the problem.

We just need to end all forms of public gibs.

Sorry Africa, but you are gonna have to start having only as many kids as you can feed.