Trump: ‘If I’m President, You’re Going To See ‘Merry Christmas’ In Department Stores

>Trump: ‘If I’m President, You’re Going To See ‘Merry Christmas’ In Department Stores
I love you Donald.

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Did he actually that that bull fucking shit?

>that that
Yes he did, moron.


Christmas is the one good thing left in this world faggot.

You know how it is, you have to pander to christfags and jews hard in American elections.

Truly M(ing)AGA!!!!

just wait until November when it becomes relevant and swings another 1% toward Trump.



He says it as it is

kys. i'm not even christian and I love christmas. it's a great tradition and shouldn't be shit on because jews and muslims are pussies who can't handle reading it a few times a year

>this ass blasted because he can't feel the spirit of CHRISTmas
stay cucked atheist

what's this dog bless meme haha

Go back to licking mudslime feet

>Merry Christmas
wew, I enjoy telling jews and muslims merry christmas just to see their reactions.

Is that you, Obama?
I-i-i-f-f-f--f-fif-if-if-if that-that-that but he-h-h-e--he's a, well, you know, okie dokie, aa-a--a-and mmm---m-m-michelle's a m---m-m--mm--man

underage detected. it's kill yourself, retard.

>christmas is a great tradition
yes goy, lying to your children to teach them never to trust you is such a G R E A T tradition! xD fucking retard. fuck you and the christmas bullshit.

>he's not a fascist
>he wants to force private businesses to promote religious holidays

Pick one.

Trump christmas rallies were comfy as fuck

Who celebrate Christmas when you can celebrate the birth of our lord and savior ?

Trump genuinely loves Christmas he is not pandering.

Jesus wasn't born in December though.

What a champion this Trump

>parents lied to me about Santa so now I will never trust them
You need to be 18 or older to post on Sup Forums


"I didn't get the bike I wanted when I was 10 so I'm traumatized now" the post

Trump is one of the few things that make me happy anymore

>implying that people NEED to lie to children to participate in Christmas, not telling them the truth behind St. Nicholas and how he was merely a saint who gave out gifts

Yup, it was the parents who started that pesky lie about Santa Claus. Not the money hungry kikes hellbent on making life hell for parents.

>(((Jewing Intensifies for this poster)))

retards with no retort. enjoy your shitty "tradition" and kill yourselves.


yes, give gifts on this SPECIFIC DAY because, yknow, it isn't another shitty way to spur on useless consumerism! xD keep buying GIFTS GUYS BECAUSE ITS ROUTINE A TRADITION! kill yourself.

If you'll check the birth records in Nazareth you will see you are wrong.

Thank you Santa Trump!

Can I have a black jockey statue on my lawn, too?


Good on you m8.

Fuck every faggot who gets upset that it says Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays

> businesses shouldn't be allowed to choose their holiday greeting for the stores they own!

this is the problem with you fucking hillbillies, its that "if we do it its ok!" Mentality. Are you saying people should be forced to say merry Christmas to people? Sounds like something a dictator would say. You're not a dictator are you?

Christmas has an approval rating of 90% in America can the president make department stores use "Marry Christmas"?

By ordering them to?

Its less them choosing to say happy holidays and more them being forced to in order to not get shit on by minorities.

More then likely by telling people to get over it. Your not a wet towel are you? Thats it user Im a quanzalton for clinton now.

>let the free market destroy my culture

That picture is hilarious

how fucked in the head are you people, no one said anything about using force, this is about LETTING businesses decide rather they want to promote christmas without getting told its "offensive" for none christians or whatever.

make america jolly again

>this is about LETTING businesses decide rather they want to promote christmas
They already do that.

>without getting told its "offensive"
So Trump's going to prohibit free speech? How the fuck are you even going to enforce such a thing?

Hey dipshit, they can decide now. Also, people can decide to day thats offensive as part of the 1st ammendtment. It is against the law for the government to promote one religion and do it(see 1st ammendment). Jesus fucking christ im canadian and I know your laws better than you cucks

Man your family must be shit if you don't celebrate Christmas. Christmas is as American as apple pie and big juicy tits on a stripper. If you can't appreciate those things you should be hanged for treason.

i can't wait for my first christmas under president santa Trump

Are the stores required to literally hang up merry christmas/hanukkah/random-africa-nig-holiday posters if they want to celebrate christmas (or advertise christmas sales) in murricaland? Lmao desu

in my experience, most jews will just say "merry christmas to you too" because unlike what Sup Forums will tell you they are not actually all horrible dragons who hoard shiny coins and will breathe fire at you if you say things referencing the wrong god

you dont have to enforce anything, you just create an atmosphere where its ok for businesses to tell people to fuck off if they dont like christmas instead of pandering to muh feelings from minorities

>Hey dipshit, they can decide now.
they can but maybe you have been living under a rock for the last 10 years because it happens so often that businesses get pressured to take down christmas stuff because people complain about muh feelings and the establishment is supportive of this. you dont need laws for this and the idea that people think trump implied anything about making laws is beyond retarded.

america is a nation of brittle cucks. of course they're not allowed to put up posters

here in canada we tent not to do "merry christmas" because christmas is but one day out of MANY great shopping days from mid november right up to new years eve, but if for whatever sad reason you are out on christmas eve or day, like 90% of people in stores will just say "merry christmas"

t. christmas worker
i had to work every christmas day at my last job
my bosses were arab too and would still beeline to "merry christmas" because it was literally christmas and not any other holiday on the 24th/25th

This. One of my co-workers is a Jewish guy, and, around Christmas, he said both "Merry Christmas." and, "Happy Holidays" to every customer that came in. To my knowledge, he only said "Happy Hanukkah" once.

See, when I was a kid everyone said merry christmas and nobody made a big deal out of it. Now you have the media, schools, etc telling kids not to say merry christmas, but they still practice christmas? Thats some extreme cognitive dissonance for kids. Im not saying we should all be forced to embrace christmas, its just that we shouldnt tell others what they can/cannot do, because that ruins childhoods and families.

Kwanzaa has nothing to do with Africa. It was literally made up by some black power nigger in the 60s.

So what is trump gonna do when people pressure businesses on fb?

he wont have to do anything because we're here to fight that battle for him

Scrooge pls go

nothing really, there is no law that allows people to force businesses to comply with their retarded religious feelings, yet it does happen and that is because there is a general support for these type of groups and their stupid demands, especially under the obama administration and the social justice movement.

So how will it be different legally?

Fuck the other "holidays".

It's Christmas season. Kikes and niggers can fuck off.

>Donald becomes president.
>Invites kids to the White House on Christmas.
>He is dressed like Santa.
>He comes down and gives kids the most amazing presidents while Millania reads them stories.
>Kids what do you say?
>Liberal Media throws a temper tantrum over it all.
>Everybody tells them to shut the fuck up cause look how happy the kids are.

Under trump, atheist groups like the ffrp would still sue government for religious displays and would still win because the law is on their side. Literally nothing will change under trump legally or otherwise

Atheist here and I'm sick of niggers and jews pushing their unamerican holidays into the public sphere

Holy fuck, it just keeps getting better every day

>because the law is on their side
the whole point of this discussion is that this happens outside of the law, because the law is not enforced and there is a bias towards minority groups when it comes to whats offensive, especially muslims. when people self censor because its just not worth the hassle anymore when they display their preference for christmas and dont get any support then thats a sign of the climate the country is in, and this climate doesnt seem in favor of constitutional rights and such.

>Christians have two major holidays (Christmas and Easter)
>Jews and Muslims cry when celebrating their week long holidays

Religion is dying. Thats the reason for the environment change. A new leader wont help. Christianity is falling of a cliff with internet fact checking

Whats wrong user-kun, should the banners rather say "happy hanuka" ?

Why the fuck does it matter that your parents lied and said "Santas real". I honestly think it made Christmas a lot more fun, believing in magic and shit.

even if religion is dying, i dont think peoples attitude towards christmas has changed a lot and i think most people who like christmas wouldnt describe themselves as religious. so even if everyone was atheist in america, christmas would probably still exist but maybe under a different name.

Considering christmas is way older than christianity, I reckon it's not going anywhere tbqh.

>tfw celebrate Christmas and new years because dad is Christian.

Fuck off faggot, no one cares about you or your trust issues.

Can you believe that families have these "traditions" that bring them closer together and make everyone feel good for awhile? Fucking mindless drones feeding the juden all their hard earned money, why can't people be miserable cunts like myself?

You faggots can't possibly be this triggered when someone says "Happy Holidays", right?


Fuck i hate the left.

You gonna stop people from saying its offensive? How?

I absolutely agree with people that want it to remain "Merry Christmas." Why do libcucks want to remove all the good stuff in the world? Anyone that gets offended by "Merry Christmas" should re-evaluate their life.

Fucking "Happy Holidays"
Fuck your happy holidays

I watched that a million times as a kid.
Never realised it was Trump.

You triggered bro?

Jingle bells, jingle bells, fuck you, you miserable cunt.

kids love christmas too, everybody who isn't a joyless prick loves christmas

Truly one of the greatest issues our nation faces today.

no, they can say what they want, but they shouldnt be able to enforce unreasonable restrictions on others just because their is a bias that favors minoritys and muh feelings in the current political climate.

what's all this about Trump and Russia?

How was who enforcing restrictions?

>most amazing presidents
>"Here you go kid! Have a Jackson!"
> AJ springs up from the ground
> "It's time to duel and fuck up banks!"

Jesus Christ. It would be horrifying and awesome at the same time.