I always see anons from Baltic talk shit about their countries, troll or true?
Are really that shity?
Fuck off.
They good people, with hot women.
>"Is this place shitty?" asks the poop skinned nigger from the third world
it's shitty, but the quality of life is still higher than argentina. no beaners either
they're white
unlike you, diego
Justin Trudeau said they aren't a thing, and I'm pretty sure we can trust him.
>Callign someone a nigger
TFW more niggers and muslims in the US than population in my country.
Baltics white
Lol this is fuckin gay
gay gay gay thread
OP is gay
People are good, except russians, but they're not people. Women are hot. Economics are complete shit, everything up there is corrupt, 30% of income doesnt get taxed, so the taxes are increased even further every now and then.
Not the best and you have to constantly glance eastward, but it's nice. Peaceful too, with happenings only every two years or so.
Lots of corruption, enormous amounts of propaganda from Russia and huge damage done to our economics by Russia (contraband, huge gas prices etc.) Also what is bad is junkies and lots of dope supplied by gipsies. We have very large alcohol consumption rates per person, afaik top10 in the world.
Also. Fucking marozai aka low level slavs. Burn them.
There are more people living in New York than in these "contries" combined. They are really dont worth attantion, just a bunch of ex-soviet colonies
Tl;dr pretty much aight if it wasnt for the Xuilo - putin and russia foreign politics towards baltic states
Go kill yourself subhuman.
too bad Trump is gonna sell us down the river AGAIN
U sirius? Yeah, thought so...
Before WWII and before the eastern hordes pillaged us for 50 years, Baltics were in the top 10 wealthiest nations in Europe.
I would say we've done pretty good over the past 25 years, given the fact we almost had to start from zero.
Estonia has 0% corporate tax and a tax on dividends of 20%. If you can you really should considering moving your business to Estonia.
If you're from the outside of the eu it's also possible to buy a residence permit in Estonia.
Tax-vise Estonia is easily the best country in europe.
Of course I am serious, I visited these provinses. Also visited Finland. While your village-towns are generally nice, this is still a fact, that threre are more people in my city than in whole your country. But Baltic shitholes - they are much much worse, they are so exsoviet, i prectically fell I went to the past, back to USSR
That is just campaign promises, nothing more. Sort of like Obama in 2008 with promise to support the whistleblowers.
When/if Trump becomes president he will have to play by the rules and listen to his advisors.
That is bs cherry-picked stats. LU did a research recently, which pretty much debunked these "success stories".
No. i 'd rather laugh at your pathetic attempt to make your language the main language in your own "contry"
>enormous amounts of propaganda from Russia
Where do you read enormous amounts of propaganda, dumbass? All our media is sponsored by EU and USA, there is no newspapers that would spread anything except 'RUSSIA IS ATTACKING US PUTIN IS EVIL' bullshit.
White TRASH, desu.
>putin and russia foreign politics towards baltic states
What they did bad to our country after soviet union collapse?
I heard Estonians can vote online
>I always see anons from Baltic talk shit about their countries
Honestly have no idea where you saw that.
come and have a look at it yourself dipshit
Thing is, while we might weak butthurt little shits, bullied by stronger nations for centuries, we still have more things to be proud of than you. We are some of the smallest peoples in the world, yet by definition we have our own culture. You did too, before the revolution. But you lost it. Bolsheviks destroyed everything you had of spiritual value, leaving behind an empty husk. Now you live in a dead empire, a shell of what it used to be. You have nothing to be proud of besides the victory in WWII. This is why, even now, you celebrate it every year. If everyone would be as hollow as you, we might as well abolish all borders immediately and let the shitskins pour in. There would be nothing to keep and save.
It's quite nice actually, but only half troll. The national character is to be so depressed that tumblr whales can only dream of.
Lithuania is #1 by suicides per capita.
Why is the suicide rate so high?
Personally, I blame the fact that all influential literature was written at the time of and about occupations. Russians, then more Russians, then Nazi Germans, then Russians again.
Honestly, in the required reading there is a book written by survivor of a concentration camps about the concentration camps. It is the most lighthearted book in the list.
You are wrong, little estonian. Bolshevicks have never "come" to as - we had become them. We have never lost anything - we've got additional soviet values, which were rich and insiring (like an idea of bright communistic future of free soviet people). We have a lot of things to be proud of, the sirst setelite, the first man in space, and the first orbital station, for example. As for ww2 victory parades - we have right to have tham, its a privilage of a nation, which have an actual history. And we,of course, are not hollow, we are full of potential and spirit, and we are still forming our future, wile you, "a small nation" do nothig, but extinct, loosing your yough, who run to the europe just to become a toilet cleaners, and the one, who stays are speacking fucking russian
That's strange. There needs to be some heroic and inspiring stuff to balance it out.
Must be something with Northern Europe, because I remember Icelanders saying practically all of their shows/movies are depressing.
You'd better of at actually becoming 1st world and properly learn english.
Learning* before I get roasted
Because we are crybabies who have high ambitions and expect to get loads of €€€ in easy way.
The heroic stuff was all in the middle ages, century or two before the Commonwealth with Poland until the end of the Commonwealth. Lithuania was the easternmost border of western Europe, had one of the oldest universities, spread from Baltic sea to Black sea and wrote books about artillery that were widely used in Americas independence war.
Personally, I quite like that period, it is a point of national pride, but one must recognize that it happened four centuries ago and then was all ruined by polish nobles.
Granted, I congratulate you for your space programs. But you have to admit you are only using a fraction of your potential. You could be so much more, but at the moment you are only surviving, thanks to your oil money. And actually, the percentage of Estonians is increasing thanks to emigration. Understand, I do not really hate you. And if you wouldn't treat us still as your subjects, I might even like you. But at the moment you are slowly withering away like snow in spring and it makes me glad. I pity you, I truly do.
The country itself isn't bad, but we have retards and thieves as a government. Wages are also pretty low
They're honestly not that bad as far as Eastern Europe goes, but being ex-Soviet states their infrastructure and architecture is what you'd expect.
Currently the worst thing about Baltics is their geopolitical situation. In case Putin gets clay-hungry again you can bet they'll be the first on the menu.
We are ruled by thieves and retards like the other user said.
The only way to fix Lithuania is to establish a Smetona-type dictatorship.
A dictator would atleast care for Lithuania's interests as his own property's.
>Honestly, in the required reading there is a book written by survivor of a concentration camps about the concentration camps. It is the most lighthearted book in the list.
Could it be "Forest of the Gods" by Sruoga Balis by any chance? If so, i see no reason to complain about it being included in the school curriculum, it's a great book.
bravo, almost had me there
hell no!
Yes. It's a GREAT book, but as other user said, it's the least depressing. Other notable mentions include a story about a boy having to kill his old dog and so on.
The only way to fix Lithuania is let it be annexed by Poland, since that country is more developed and has better wages than us.
Are you fucking serious? Have you ever been in Lithuania or have you never left your one horse town?
I want to retire in the Baltics. Make my freedombucks and leave, to go stimulate their economies with good exchange rates and cheap cost of living.
Pls no invade, Russia.
>The country itself isn't bad, but we have retards and thieves as a government. Wages are also pretty low
I could think you are talking about Argentina with that description.
It's called tan, it's something you get outside your mother' basement like friends and girlfriends.
Poorer that western europe and without gibs, but still pretty gud.
Barely, and I see no reason to complain about wages. Communism is done. A lot of people don't realize that. Your wage is small? Get a better job. You have no education or skills? How is it not your own fault. P.s. High schools are free and it's never too late. Unless ofcource you're one of those who blame everything on the politics. In that case nothing can help you any more.
>Baltic shitholes
says a russian, a frigging russian
>they are so exsoviet
i wonder why. oh, maybe because some subhumans from the east fucked up everything and i mean everything! Basically everything that was built during the occupation is shit and you have the nerve to come here and accuse us, just fuck off Ivan. This soviet mentality you have is degenerate...and you've been this way almost 100 years now. God how i hate you half-men. You literally fuck up everything you touch
Third world shitholes like Niggertina
I have Italian name and surname, lots of you "tanos" down here mah nigga.
I bet you claim your virginity as russian' fault too.
No niggers like you, so pretty good
Trudeu go away
I sometimes wonder if you really believe that image is true and not a Coca Cola advertising from 2010 World Cup.
have you lived under the soviet nonsense?
Yes, classical Latvian literature (written in 19th and early 20th centuries) is also anything but optimistic, with a very few exceptions.
Usually it's all about dull peasant life, about shitty people, about poverty, misery and death. Like some of Charles Dickens novels, only about the rural life and without the humor.
I wonder if the creator or "Latvian jokes" has read some of these novels...
>and wrote books about artillery that were widely used in Americas independence war.
I actually didn't know that. Thanks greatest ally.
Honestly atm I think it's the greatest place on earth. If the climate was any better it would be perfect. The countries are pretty developed by now, pretty safe, 0 Muslims/niggers (but there are some russians unfortunately), cost of living is quite cheap (but raising, unfortunately), wages in IT (atleast) are rather enough for a more comfortable life than anywhere else in the West (DE/UK/FR/etc.) and so. Hopefully russia fucks off with all their existing trash slavs and we're GOLDEN.
I was indeed born in Lithuania.
If you watch news from time to time, you would understand how incompetent Seimas is.
Millions upon millions of euros get written off to "Experts" to "Double-check" ongoing projects.
There's also instances when petrol stations keep the prices high even though the oil price is falling.
Outrageus food costs in Maxima, Norfa, you name it.
If you went to Poland, you would get 5 times more for the same price we spend in our own grocery stores.
Not to mention the government shitting on the people in various other ways.
Why is our government not doing anything? Are they thieves who take bribes from oligarchs? Or plain incompetent? Both.
Why is Estonia so successful even though they have nothing in comparison to us? It's because they threw out the old soviet geezers from office, we should've done the same.
Now we have a problem of the same soviet faggots placing their children in the parliament and we are stuck in this "I'm a wealthy lord and you're the peasant" cycle.
Fuck all that. Violent revolution when?
>said the country with an african flag
Oh, and hopefully all the subhumans that emigrated to UK/Ireland stay the fuck there. We don't need the back
The ammount of butthurt this generated among our leaders was embarrasing....
Balts are bros :3
Pic related, a hotel sincw gommie times in my hometown named "Riga"
> everything is fucked up
> everything!
I'm lauthing so hard right now
yes, eastern europe is shit
but at least it's better than argentina
It's look so soviet, I think you are trolling us
>It's look so soviet, I think you are trolling us
>Pic related, a hotel since gommie times
>since gommie times
I do agree about the old farts in seimas, but we elect them ourself. Don't tell me the elections aren't free. P.s. To start a political party you only need 10.000 signatures. The prices at supermarkets and everything being cheaper in Poland always triggers me. If you think the prices are too high, just open your own shop and you'll be a millionaire in moments. Everyone cries all the time, but doesn't even try to do anything at all. That's the biggest problem with the people here.
laugh is good Tibla!
and like i said, everything you backwards soviets touched turned up to be shit. It has been 25 long years to clean all this mess
Eh, depends on how you look at things.
Objectively speaking, you can be as lucky, talented and motivated as you wish, you will never earn here as much for your work as you would in one of the more developed countries. If you go by that measure only, they are pretty shit.
But everything else, its honestly pretty decent. Food, utilities, housing is cheap, low-ish crime if you avoid the diasphora[that will be integrated in a generation, at least here in mongol lands.] . And we are exactly far away from both central europe and russia to avoid getting dragged along if a true Happening would occur in those countries.
A safe, quiet life here. And best of all, its sustainable.
Oh, so "gommie" means soviet? I thought gommie times is modern time, since the moment you left Soviet Union to become a geyrope's toilet.
Better to serve in heaven than serve in hell.
But i am feeling bitter irony over seeing europe decend itself into censorship and centralism.
Argentinian asks if baltics are shitty. My sides
>but we elect them ourself
Sutik su faktu, kad musu tauta yra silpnaprote ir ji negali saves valdyti demokratiniu budu.
Kaip tik todel ir reikia imtis drastisku priemoniu sutvarkyti Lietuva.
You did not clean enything. I was in Tallin last weekend - it's still feels like an ex-soviet shithole, and everybody still are speaking russian.
>Oh, so "gommie" means soviet?
gommie means commie
>since the moment you left Soviet Union to become a geyrope's toilet.
We were never in the Soviet Union Vanushka, I have no clue why are you so salty without even being provoked
Are you, by any chance, underage or something...?
Imo if Eesti, Latvia & Lithuania stayed unoccupied (weed was even legal then I think) and all that we would be way better off than any other neighboring countries... Estonia has good ties with their Finnbros tho.
Enjoying cleaning those UK toilets polak?
People always never smile. Everyone is a wageslave for the 300 jewros a month. Government fucks us with a shitton of taxes when noone can afford to pay them. Everyone who is able tries to leave this shithole.
Have a degree in system engineering. Work for the minimum salary of 325 european shekels, best job I can find untill I leave this country.
don't fall for the internet voting meme
Taip, yra belekiek debilu, kurie balsuoja uz butkeviciu/uspaskycha bet tik todel kad pas mus nera nei vieno naujo/gero politiko. O ta galima pakeist ir be prisijungimo prie lenkijos (jei ten tu rasei).
Bullshit, you are just shit. I work wiring electrical cabinets and get 1000 euros before tax.
>it's still feels like an ex-soviet shithole, and everybody still are speaking russi
let me guess, you went to Lasnamäe? The most awful place in the town? This and the new soviet Narva is a disgrace...needs to be demolished
I think we already fell for it, we have a referendum about it in 2 months and the majority of the people actually support it right now
Ten tai kazkoks lenkas, as tai propoguoju laisva fashistine Lietuva, lydima galingo zmogaus.
Estonian girls are pretty hot desu.
this is the end then
please don't let this happen to you
Lithuania is the only white country in the top 10 of suicide by nation stats. Estonia isn't as bad i hear, but it's more of a town rather than a country
Wtf man. I have CS degree and get 1.500. Yet I still cry myself to sleep knowing how small my wage is. How can you survive for 300? More importantly - why do you agree to work for that? If you are unemployed you'd get the same. Wtf, just Wtf man?
How many have you seen? The average Estonian woman is 42 and if you take out the Russians it's like 62. There are also about 6 of them in total
Look at their flags. Even these are Africa tier.