Why does Sup Forums think that the Jews fund ISIS?
Why does Sup Forums think that the Jews fund ISIS?
Because they do. They also treat them in their hospitals.
They do it to destabilise Syria and other countries so they can at some point get their ""rightful"" clay back.
The US and Israel want Assad out of power and they are using ISIS and the """moderate""" rebels to push him out. That's literally the only reason we haven't shitfucked ISIS yet.
>ISIS are gonna be nice, helpful little boys and hand Syria over to the Jews once they've taken all of it
You unironically think this.
Not all of it, mostly they just have to push ISIS into the north and east, and take out the weakened Assad parts along the water.
These can't be real? We wouldn't be allied with jewtown anymore if they were...
And you unironically are too stupid to understand that Israel will be able to destroy Isis and claim clay under the guise of fighting terrorism
No, but they are no match for Israel... Assad isnt either but they need an excuse.
Isis could be wiped off the face of the earth in a week if the west or israel alone wanted to.
thats where we come in
try to keep up son.
ISIS would get BTFO by any modern army including the IDF. All they do is wait for ISIS to take Damascus and they rush in and occupy parts of Syria under the guise of helping "regional stability".
You must be new here.
Do you know nothing about the situation over there? We support ISIS just as much as the Jews do.
I will be your guide.
Not exactly new here, but I guess I'm not that informed about the ISIS situation. I don't want to be a faggot and say 'redpill me' but do you guys have somewhere I could start reading maybe?
>be a literal suicidal organization dedicated to the expansion of islam
>send warriors across entire world to europe and america
>attack everywhere in the middle east
>except israel
Israel built a big wall, it worked. Also, Hamas and ISIS don't get on.
Israel is 20% Muslim. ISIS is already there.
>except israel
Who, I might ad, is supposedly one of their biggest ""enemies"".
Its so fucking obvious and noone even cares. Sad world we live in.
Meanwhile, USA supported sandniggers in 1956 over European sovereignty while Israel was on our side, supported communist niggers against Afrikaners from 1970 while Israel supported us.
ISIS hasn't yet bit the hand that fed them despite being in close proximity
>Im so glad we have Israel on our side against these muslims that totally werent pushed on us by Israel
Its like youve never heard of white genocide.
The jews fund ISIS, Islamic insurgency in Europe, the refugee crisis, you name it. And it's all to foment hatred against muslims so that their actions in the Middle East appear justified.
Oh gee I don't know OP. Why do we think the Jews fund ISIS?
Wow I just read this whole thing, pretty fucking crazy, thanks man. Anything else for me or should I research myself?
They were involved in last year's intifada stabbing spree.
>the most nationalist foreign/domestic policy
>big beautiful walls
>realist positions against Islam
>wholesale reduction in terror attacks
wow its so hard. It's almost as if Trump is citing from success.
I don't think that Jews fund ISIS. ISIS and Israel are realpolitik allies and Israel has admitted to materially supporting them. ISIS is also the only Muslim terrorist group after al-Qaeda that is cool with Israel, which is kind of wierd at best.
jews fund america
america fund isis
isis fund terrorist
terrorism wakes national fronts
Isis are a bunch of pawns, with boots on the ground you can clean them in 2 months especially if you give up on taking prisonner.
The fact that they are still here after all the things they did just show how much they are protected.
you can always tell when it's a shill because they'll have no argument of their own. not suprising considering they have really low IQs and shitposting on an imageboard is the only way for them to make money.
Because jews are evil. One day you will inderstand.
Firstly, ISIS is not al-Nusra.
Secondly - I'd like some solid evidence/proof of Israel "funding" ISIS.
You got some links/sources for that image? You do realize a lot does get edited/tweaked around here. Not sure if it's your first summer or not. I never seem to get anyone to find where they come from.
I mean I ain't supporting these dumbass paintings