The only one language that deserves to be the language of Humanity...

The only one language that deserves to be the language of Humanity. Globalisation under the glorious French language or fuck globalisation.

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Hmmm. I love the French language... but no. English is much more practical.

French is gay.

not really. it seems easier, but you will never speak like they do. French is easier.

English like this sounds gay. Not French.

But your ruskie english accent is cute, no need to feel bad about it.

Alors c'est bon pour moi.
Je parlais francais depuis longtemps.
Foetus je defirai quiconque.
J'vais a la chicha pour les beurettes.

>je parlais francais depuis longtemps

Are you sure that's correct grammar?

no, I speak 4 languages, and french is ugly, impractical, and actually bad for writing compared to english or german. From the perspective of philosophy and art, French culture has been a cancer on the anus of the world for over 150 years -- francophiles are just incapable of making an honest assessment.

>and actually bad for writing compared to english

Dude, don't know about German, but English literally has no orophography. People have to learn how to speak every word.

Russian has problems too, but not so much.

The best orphography in european slav languages like Czech or Polish or Slovenian.
good french song about fighting the eternal anglo, sung by an italian

French is gay as fuck, German is much more alpha.

Fuck French and fuck you



You try to justify people learning French based off of kike reasoning? I need to check my privilege and learn French because English triggers you?

do theese singers have noticeable accent?

I guess the last one has it, but what's about first and second?

all of them are Russian native speakers

You faggots should learn Slavic languages instead.

Grows hair on your chest.

>non-phonetic writing
>overabundance of irregularities

the accent is top tier. great solid thick vocabulary. rest of it? meh, maloRozmɑ̃

also this man ISN'T a Russian native speaker, but sings greatly in Russian

He also speaks without accent, but has it in the real speech.

>an anglo
>literally has hieroglyphs except words
>talks about french orophography

Hey I actually understood that!

Też mogę zrozumieć ale trzeba mówić lepiej po polsku bo wiem że mam migrant-tier skill w tym językę

I znam co to nie polski, a meżsłowiański

That's the idea of it.

They're building the perfect Slavic language, one that would be understood by every Slav, regardless from which culture group they are.

“European noblesse-of feeling, of taste, of manners, taking the word, in short, in every higher sense- is the work and invention of France; European vulgarity, the plebeianism of modern ideas, that of England”.

Friedrich Nietzsche bantering the eternal Anglo.

нe кaкoй я нe "Aнглo", бapaн. я oчeнь люблю Фpaнцyзcкий язык и кyльтypy, нo этo нe знaчит чтo нaдo пpoдoлжaть жить в 19-oм вeкe. Клянycь, pyccкиe фpaнкoфилы тoлькo мoгyт cpaвнитcя мapaзмoм c мyдaкaми твepдящими пpo "Eвpaзийcкyю кyльтypy"

Пpocтитe, я нe гoвopю пo-aнглийcки

Hy a ecли cepьёзнo, тo ты нeбocь yжe пpивык и нe зaмeчaeшь кaкoй y них cтpaнный aкцeнт пo cpaвнeнию c тeм жe фpaнцyзcким.

Il s'appele Mohamed
Il est inscrit au chômage
Il arrive du Maghreb
Couscous et Djellaba
Il a ramené sa famille,
Toutes ses femmes et ses enfants
Il ne parle que le Kabyle
Et ne lit que le Coran

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi

Il joue l'incruste partout
Pour pouvoir être embauché
Il ne sait rien faire du tout
Et il passe sont temps à glander
Harlem Désir est ton Dieu
Parce qu’il te donne tous les droits
Il te protège, te rend heureux
Et te laisse vivre chez moi

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi

Nous l’avons croisé un soir
Dans une rue qui était noire,
On a voulu l’éduquer,
Mais nous l’avons crucifié,
Nous nous ne sommes pas inquiété,
De toute façon il n’y avait pas le choix
Dans son sang on l’a laissé
Il n’avait rien a faire chez moi

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas souffrir
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas mourir

Based Vlad. Let's unite.
Lovely lady you have here.

1. Yes sadly, I don't know the song much and it's barely comprehensible.

2. Nope, very good French.

3. It's fine.

Try starting this thread again only with French and see how far it gets you.

Enjoy your next mudslime attack in the next week or so.

Ja maple , bon appitiet

Muh dik

first one and third one have a big accent, second one a very light accent

Americans are jealous of our relationship with Russia. It's understandable, our culture is thriving and yours is crumbling down. Jewlywood is your doom, burgers.

>your post in general

wew lad Slavs are usually great with languages but wew lad

English does have "orthography," every established written language does. If you mean "English isn't spelled phonetically," then sure. Google "Great Vowel Shift." The widespread idea that English spelling is random is so incredibly moronic. There are rules, people just don't know them. Learn a bit of Old English and etymology and it will all make sense.

aнглийcкий тoжe имeeт мнoгo нeгaтивных хapaктepиcтик, мнoгиe из кoтopых были пepeхвaчeны из фpaнцyзcкoгo, кcтaти.
пo пoвoдy aкцeнтa, нa дaнный мoмeнт вooбщe тяжeлo гoвopить oб "Aнглийcкoм Aкцeнтe" - Toлькo в Beликoбpитaнии их дecятки, a тaкжe нecкoлькo в CШA, Кaнaдcкий, ЮAP, Aвcтpaлийcкий, и т.д.

Thanks Russia

Then I'd have to speak to French people
I can already see them shoving their baguettes up their pooper while laughing at your accent

O eto klassnaya shtuka. Ya pochti vse ponyal.

Let's post more classic French songs:

But they are fucking weird, for example y as "aj" or u as "a"

why anglos just can't take rules from Swedish?

Well, no one would, except for really stupid people.

I thought French was a dead language these days? Isn't Arabic the new national language of France?

Honestly wish French had remained the world language. Why couldn't the Americans have changed language??

>that pathetic attempt at banter

WTF i love Nietzsche now

kill me first

> The only one language that deserves to be the language of Humanity.
Is Russian, we just need to BTFO kikes from philology. With all the required pogroms. They holding our development back to the obsolete dal' lexicon.

>Language of anything

Je suis FUCK OFF

I understood the text.

Phonetic language is the only practical choice. Spanish it is.

You're gonna like this then:

Hi Rusfriend,

Can you confirm the world communist conspiracy is real?

Thank you,
A Dutchfriend.

Pretty good hon hon hon

Id give her my frog and 2 snails if ya get what I mean.

That's not what your grandma was saying.

>French should be the language of the world, as he types in English to people all over the West
the irony


>Cette vidéo n'est pas disponible dans votre pays
>not available in your country

>J'vais a la chicha pour les beurettes.
True French
Thanks for the laugh burgerbro

English sounds the best. GTFO baguette-man

Go read some more Tolstoy, faggot.

I love the French language desu

I wish I had kept learning French after elementary