"There's simply no place in the 21st century for fear mongering. Should he (Trump) enact any of these hateful proposals he will face swift retribution. Canadians are very aware of my feelings on this,” Trudeau said in remarks echoed by a number of cabinet ministers, including Melanie Joly, Stephane Dion and John McCallum.

“And they, by the way, sided pretty clearly against the politics of fear and division in our election here.”

Well pol...Where is your god now?

Other urls found in this thread:


I will vote trump just to see that spineless cunt try something.



Your country is literally burning and you ex drama teacher said no to help from advanced nations (and Mexico) and hired 300 south african niggers who didn't even know how to use fire equipment.

is he offering to "shelter" our 20M illegals?

i look forward to Trump sending them

win win


Please don't send us a scathing letter, Canada. We won't read it and itd be a waste of paper.


>[Current Century]

>he will face swift retribution

What's Canadas military budget again?

>he will face swift retribution
But if trump loses, he wins?

doesn't matter, because if he kills us, we win

Oh god please get him out of office the last thing we need is salty relations with the States because of weed mans fucking "feelings"

Isn't he fear mongering during his statement?

i want to die

>[Current century]
>swift retribution

Was this not the same exact thing Obama did during Brexit?

Post yfw Trudeau burns the White House to the ground

>twink faggot threatening the God Emperor with "swift retribution"

Thanks, OP, I needed a hearty laugh.

pretty much. It's the reason that our politicians took advantage of him to lift visas for mexicans.

Mexicans Politicians are always one step ahead. After all they scammed Trump not once but twice.

Nothing said matters unless it is said from Harper, Trump, or Nigel.

>he will face swift retribution

wow sounds pretty hateful desu

>a fucking leaf



Beta Trudeau will be sucking alpha Trump's dick soon enough.

>punishing Trump

What kind of retribution do you want senpai?


If Americans elect this intolerant and racist sh*tlord I'm going to personally ask the PM to unleash our nukes on washington

I mean its 2016 just smfh famz

he's threatening Trump


20 pack of timbits and $50 in Canadian Tire money.

hes gonna be real suprised when only the libshit cities end up agreeing with him after hes done trashing our economy

Article is from December. Fuck you

>logical = hateful
Oh trudeau


>Posted: 12/08/2015 5:47 pm EST

This was from last year. Truadeu has actually been quiet lately about Donald Trump. Wonder what changed in his cuck mind.

If you punish the Donald he win.


>Canadian backlash
>we are 70% of their economy
So Trudeau will ruin Canada to teach the USA a lesson? What a matyr!

I'm glad that gay club bouncer knows what is better for Americans than we do.

Did he really sell all of Canada's gold reserves?

>threatening the soon-to-be POTUS


20 litres of maple syrup.


Just go fuck yourself.

Justine is a sassy broad!

>swift retribution
So what, Trudeau will let Trump fuck his wife or something?

Oh no! Whatever shall we do without the leafs support?

Just fucking nuke us already.

>mfw he tries and we annex his cuck country instead



Kek like anyone listens to that cuck


You seem to have forgotten the


If he destroys his own country, does that make him the winner, or Canada? Or is it Donald since he's the enemy? Is this what they call 4D chess?

fuck yes please let us go to war with canada they've skated by too long.

Join the TrueDoo brigade and bring swift retribution to the toxin US!

Your god faggot needs you!

If we die, you lose

He's the winner, because if he actually hurts the USA we would win.

remember: if you kill the enemy, they win

An isolationist populist nationalist will "face retribution" from a pacifist socialist.

How is that?
Tariffs won't work.
Military action won't work.
Closing borders will play into Trumps hand.

is 4 chan lagging like hell for anyone else ?

smart leaders don't take sides in the lead up to an election because they don't know for sure who will win and they may have to deal with the non-preferred option.
we are talking about a substitute teacher, though.

>Thinking Canada and Cuckdeau matter in ANY respect

Fucking please, Leaf.

Swift. retribution. amerifats.

Get ready to feel the wrath of my stern disapproval. Grr I'm so mad

>logical, reasonable response to an obvious and well-known threat
>muh fear mongering
They already deny the existence of the threat, do we really need to listen to them mock the people that aren't retarded like them? Why are these literal retards in government? Who the fuck could honestly look at all these statistics and say "yup white people are the problem and they're just playing up the demographics that are demonstrably a significant threat to the prosperity of the nation"
I don't wish death on just anyone, but Trudeau actually needs to die.

Leave no skull intact.

I get the feeling that this man is rather abusive toward people close to him. He has gotten away with it because he is considered handsome.

Someone get a hold of him or
tweet asking if he supports
criminal Hillary who can't keep
national secrets.

I'd like to see him try something. I would
sign up to fight him in a heartbeat.
How many of you leafs would join the
American side?

Trudeau seems like the appropriate leader for shitpost nation.


>le current year man

At least one that I know of.


He's right.

Trump's whole campaign is based on fear and insecurities. It's a convenient (easy) tactic, but it's not good in for the morale and wellbeing of the State.



They also quit before fighting any fires and were flown back on our dime.

>swift retribution

What the FUCK did he mean by this?

>Trump annexes Canada
>Chinese investors are booted from BC so it becomes livable again
I'm ok with this

>a leaf making threats

top kek bruh

I'll take fear mongering over a toothless leader like Trudeau who spends his time virtue signaling.

3000 DEAD




Here's your (You)


>Swift retribution
>From a country that's literally burning to the ground

yeah because telling people that doing anything but bending over for muslims will turn them into terrorists is perfectly okay though

Can somebody just invade us already

What the fuck is this bitch going to do to the US?

We can cut off their oil pipe line and they will collapse in 2 days

Trudeau wants Trump to win so he can go full Nat.Soc, declare Quebeccois independence and let the Anglo-Canadians have their land back

Someone could be dropping a fucking nuke on Trudeau and he would just say
>There is no use for fear and hate in 2016! If we move then the nuke wins!
fucking passive idiot.

We're going to turn the US into the 11th province

Prepare for the storm, maggot. This time we're burning down the white house and building a Tim Hortons

It's mind baffling how it doesn't seem to a taboo anymore to influence foreign elections openly. Didn't this used to be a sacrilege, because the people were supposed to decide independent?

Since Trudeau is such a champion of gays and such things I googled his name and Saudi Arabia and guess what? No critique of that country's practices but he will uphold the former government's deal to sell the Saudis arms, because he doesn't want people to think of Canada as a banana republic. What a model figure of western values!

oh no he'll apologize for muslims on our behalf and take more refugees.

Trudeau is like a conservative's cartoon parody of a leftist brought to life. I've never in my life seen as big a joke of a national leader. Even Bush Jr wasn't this bad.

>Swift retribution

>Should he (Trump) enact any of these hateful proposals he will face swift retribution.

speaking as though Trump is already president, I see.

underrated post

maybe the fact that Canada will destroy its economy if it did anything to us.