Where to find a suitable wife

A load of refugees have recently been accepted into my city. I spoke that it only takes one and gf started spouting that it's the religion of peace and isn't evil it's just a minority, but couldn't seem to believe that it's a result of their religion and culture despite her arguments constantly circling around that.

I am board of dating and fucking liberal left girls. For and Sup Forums approved woman to marry where should I go? Which countries? Should I start going to church?

>i spoke that it only takes one
>**massive run on sentence**
>**sound like an illiterate**
>for and Sup Forums
You should start by not sounding like a degenerate first off.

I posted it with her in the same room. Was being as fast as possible.

>A load of refugees have recently been accepted into my city.

What city bro? Where are the refugees from?

not to mention saving pictures from tumblr.

But I guess you can't expect much from a stupid bong.

Well I'm sorry you're butthurt but you're just going to have to accept that your tier of dateable women will most likely all be liberal.

More black and white nazi girls.

Why are Americans so salty at the British? Is it because your women flock to us?

>should I start going to Church?
>where should I go
the country. anywhere.

Just hammer into her that refugees are shit.

Norwich. Moved here to study because it was a quiet city away from forced multiculture and had everything I needed. Looks like I may be leaving again soon

Oh my god, I have a place in Norfolk. For suck they are importing refugees? This is awful.

Norwich is fucking ruining it for the rest of Norfolk, it will become a Muslim outpost in East Anglia.

See the map, that tiny yellow dot that voted for remaining in the EU on right hand side is Norwich.

Are you at UEA? What are you studying? Is everyone leftist as fuck?

UEA is where they got caught faking climate change data in private emails.

Also, did you hear about the two Muslims that tried to abduct a Military man in Norfolk recently? Do you think it could be possible that the Muslims came in with the refugees to Norwich?

>Is it because your women flock to us?
Do they though?

I have heard having a British accent helps over there lel.

i dont know man
not looking for wife material anymore
i'm phone-loving a jewess, anyway
she's great

It's like when a women sees an attractive man with a beard and thinks "I like men with beards." But it's really not about the beard at all. She just likes attractive men.

Basically, some cunts saw a James Bond movie once and now they think yurops are all dreamboats with english accents.

Women that are actually well-traveled know this isn't the case. Sorry but you have been misled.

>Sorry but you have been misled.

If you say so.

Yes, I do say so.

If you're attractive, then you'll get women anyway. If you're not, then the accent won't help.

Well thankfully I am attractive.

The accent would prob help also though desu.