Why is Japanese porn so superior? Just why?
Why is Japanese porn so superior? Just why?
Nice women
Unshaven pubes. No tattoos. No piercings. No obvious plastic surgery. They look real.
Do you love it (japan) ?
i'm gonna watch japanese porn now thanks to this thread
This basically. They don't look trashy and they have a perfect amount of fat generally
>bad quality even in 1080p
>ugly men with small dicks
>women pretending they feel anything
JAV is shit
I disagree. Sure, the actresses look better than American ones, but the videos are mostly really gross. I read somewhere about some Chinese guy who used to watch porn illegally (in PRC) who said that he preferred American porn because Japanese porn actresses always make a face of suffering while the American ones seem to be enjoying it. Porn videos suck anyway. I just fap to nude photoshoots of adult models nowadays, but most of them are of JAV idols.
>great premise
>girl looks really cute on the cover
>screenshots look okay at least
>ready to fap
>it's just a butterface pretending to moan for eighty minutes
Every time
JAV a shit
Because we are Ecchi.
>tfw severe yellow fever but JAV is so fucking shit that I have to watch american porn with shitty westernized asians
Western porn is gay.
They're master of porn
A lot of japanese have no chance to sex
they watch porn
qualify higher
two nukes werent enough
>Japanese porn actresses always make a face of suffering
They probably are. I heard lot of Japanese women are forced to do porn.
Just imagine the amount who got AIDS.
trips of poo in loo
>Sure, the actresses look better than American ones
fuck off takeshi
This is true. They are tricked into porn contracts when they originally were given gravure/singing deals. You see how many Japanese pornstars used to act in teleserials or were fashion models before they started doing porn? Like Saori Hara, when she was sixteen she used to act in some lame J-dramas and later she became a gravure idol and then eventually a porn star, all in a span of like five or six years.
Just rolled in from 9gag and Youtube alt-right videos?
Dipil go back to your junkyard and eat a bag of dicks before you get drowned in diahrreea
Lindas tetas
So does this means waito piggus have a slightly increased chance of lewd interaction?
I heard that too and I watched porn stars insult each other like “Looser!! Liar!! ” on SNS
it's fun
I'd like to be the one getting hit
Holy shit. What’s her name? Please tell me.
>submitting yourself to any sort of artificial sex stimuli
>Getting outbantered by an Indian
>getting shitted by rapefugees
Nice porn actors
mad poor man :DD