Was this not storytimed?

Was this not storytimed?
I cannot find it in the archive, and I assume a storytime for a new Dillon drawn Punisher comics would be amusing.

Other urls found in this thread:


Skippping alt covers and intro page, because ain't nobody got time for 7 alt covers and an the origins of the Punisher. If you don't know the origin, get yourself an education.


And Punisher lore is fading after all these years, how should I recognize Ortiz?






Wait, that's supposed to be Conchita Ortiz?


you teell me

It was last week


Archive link?



well, shit I guess I should learn to search by subject and not by keyword.





Yeah, looks more like Frank Ortiz to me.




I don't know if I prefer scumbag villains that deserve to be Punished, or those other ones that you are kind of on the fence about or not.

Collecting people's faces seems like it would be a boring hobby in a Steve Dillon comic.

Goddammit user.

Okay, I laughed.

It was storytimed and it sucked.