Why so many north vs south european recently?

why so many north vs south european recently?
can we just be fine together?

Other urls found in this thread:


there are no pacts between lions and (nu)man

"here is the norcuck, the fool who thought he had killed southern europe"

>can we just be fine together?
We do every summer. That's enough.

but he's german?

Italian wops need to stop stealing Northern European girls first

South Europeans aren't the same as other meds.

>but he's german?


Let them joke with the Varg meme while their countries are flood with muslims.

stop me, then... HIIIIIIIIIIIYAAA!


The eternal Spaniard


UK s a med country, dumbie


>he thinks we talk about the actor and not the character

Whiter than you Achmed

>muslims are 2,91% of population in Norway
>1,4% in Sweden
>1% in Denmark
>4,1% in Spain

let this the day in which our fate is decided, son of Odin

Let the stronger man be victorious!


Flag doesn't matter as long as they post anime.

Everyone else can fuck off for all I care 2bh.

*parries you and counterattacks*

I love Italy

>buff wh*teoid asks for extra pineapple on his 'za

A low key acknowledgement that Ancient Romans were Finns

>tfw I secretely love n*Rdoids and want to suck a BNC

I see you're not the average m*dshit, take this!

I just fapped, stop being perverted!

post the punch one

p-pls, send me your tasty nordman babby-making goo

I think that not only north and south but also west and east in Europe.
As there are many war histories in Europe, battles might start with a little argument. : (

>north vs south
its just north hate by southern europeans supported by the rest of the world

of course southernes have the nerve to think that we are spreading any kind of hate against them when that is simply not true


m*Doids must be terminated

No, they are our enemies since ancient times.