Are they both in the same universe?

Are they both in the same universe?

Also, what's up with Marvel putting Gwen Stacy in these roles?

Normally no. Gwenpool is in the main 616 universe, and Spider-Gwen is the spider-hero of a different dimension.

because spidergwen was a hit and they're trying to capitalize

Gwenpool technically isn't Gwen Stacy, but a girl called Gwen Poole. Gwenpool got stranded on the main earth thanks to Secret Wars and she knows what's up so she modeled herself after popular things so she won't get killed off.

But anyway, Emma Stone as Gwen was popular and the Spider-Gwen cover of the Spiderverse issue blew up thanks to that and the costume design. So they did Spider Gwen ongoing, then Gwen variants, and the Gwen/Deadpool variant was popular. They then did a Gwenpool backup, which was well received I guess so they gave her an ongoing.

>Are they both in the same universe?


Gwen Stacy of all people.

Could this be an apology for being one of the most famous fridged girlfriends?

>nd Spider-Gwen is the spider-hero of a different dimension.

I thought Secret Wars was supposed to have destroyed all the others?

Nope. Secret Wars did jack shit.

it killed ultimate marvel

Gwenpool is Marvel's Superboy-Prime

A love letter to Morrison and Morrison-esque stories. An exploration of the relationship between a protagonist and an auxiliary character, the consequences of such a powerful concept of 'plot armor', and the literal/figurative life-giving force of money that serves as the clockwork that runs the gears of the comic industry and thus propels Gwen Poole's life.

As the Flash taps into the power of the Speedforce, the literary manifestation of movements, acting as both an ability within the narrative and a force that aids in creating the story itself; Gwen Poole too taps into the an unnamed force made seemingly of popularity. To live she must exploit the perceptions of cuteness and a culture of favorites among female characters (waifuism) as well as the propagation of violence and humor. She is both a reflection of the industry itself and the readers who support it.

She is a living meme.

You guys ready for MCU Spider Gwen? Because they'll friggin do it

Only if shes cute


If only it could be Emma again.

No. Gwenpool also isn't Gwen Stacy

Is this pasta?

Gwen. Gwen gwen gwen gwen.

It's starting to sound weird.


I wanna know why they're not creative with her names. It's like, "take a popular hero and add Gwen somewhere in it."

Captain Gwenerica. Iron Gwen. The Green Gwenblin. It's fucking stupid.

It's better than if she was just another Gwen Stacy, I guess.

At least superboy-prime actually behaves like he is supposed to. When he killed someone, he was traumatized by it, regreted, and only when everyone turned against him he go full murder. Gwen starts from issue n. 1 killing people without remorse, and in the second comic is sonehow feeling bad that one guy she barely knew died (she killed one of his parents, by the way). She hits with every bullet on n. 1 and on the second is an amateur again. It's an extremely inconsistent character.

You mean Cap Gwen and The Gwen Goblin.

Uncle not parent

It did, but the FF and the Molecule Man have been rebuilding the multiverse (as was shown at the end of that even) Spider-Gwen is part of a demensional police force made up of Spider-People.

You mean Capgwen Gwen and The Gwen Gwenblin

Or it's one of several different ways to deal with the situation.

Superboy was completely aware of the ramifications from the start, so killing someone effects him just as it would affect anyone.
Gwen came in under the mindset of "haha, this is all so fun and cool, nothing here actually matters!" and went around murdering the NPCs like it's a session in GTA...and then someone she actually gave a shit about and planned to have fun with died. And she realized he's not an object, but a person who is now dead. And in having this realization she is now a character with nuance instead of a WACKY COOL MEME, which means she can falter, which means her plot armor is less powerful.

It's not super deep, but you're really underestimating the narrative.

It was a mercy killing.

> living meme
It's been done.

how... there has only been like one issue

It's hard to hate what isn't there. She's the blankest of slates.

Because feminism and waifuism.

The world revolves around cute girls and boners now. Fuck anything that makes sense, as long as it triggers Halo Effect, it's cool.

What's the new main universe's Earth number?

It only merged 616 and Ultimate. There's still a multiverse.

According to , apart from the merged mainline-Ultimate universe, all the other universes got destroyed forever. So the FF and Molecule Man are remaking them all, all seven-digits-minimum of the fuckers. Even the one from the Howard the Duck movie.


616, it's just the 8th incarnation of it. The multiverse was restored at the end.
No it didn't, there was no Earth merging like CoIE. It's only Miles who was moved over and it's possible his origin played out in the 8 month timeskip we didn't see

And that's why I can't stand her.

I really don't like 4th wall breaking stuff. It's so dumb that anyone can BE a super hero.

No. Fuck "cooling"* why does everyone around a character suddenly have to get their powers and abilities and persona?

What about Spider-Aunt-May!? How about Spider-J-Jonah-Jameson?! Spider-Homelessman-Peter-Sees-Once-A-Month-And-Says-Hi-To-Sometimes.

I mean fuck letting Peter be a unique individual dealing with a unique struggle that only he deals with because a freak accident that can't just be easily replicated. Nope. Can't have that...

*(Cooling is a term I use to describe this whole business. It's taking whatever makes a character "cool" and apply to other characters to try and milk the concept. Like lightsabers make Jedi's cool, so then all the sudden they are giving everyone a lightsaber and so you can just pick one up! Hey it "looks cool" right? Fuck making sense.

>Emma Stone as Gwen was popular
People use this argument a lot but really, is there any credence to it?

The Amazing Spider-Man films recieved lukewarm reception. There was never really any buzz or trending hashtags related to the films. And what exactly is Emma Stone doing these days?

But anyone can be a superhero. YOU can be a superhero.

If everyone is a hero, no one is.

Just because everyone has the potential to be a hero, does not mean they are.

True but only because Spidergwen is visiting with Silk, she lives in universe 65.

While it had a lukewarm reception, the Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker relationship was praised (probably because Stone and Garfield had good chemistry). I think Feige even mentioned it in an e-mail in the Sony Leaks wiki, where he questioned why they needed to kill Gwen if the Peter/Gwen relationship in the film was praised.

This, GP is the story of a girl who learns that living in a comic book doesn't mean you get to have fun all the time and life can suck at times.
Where they take this will determine whether the book is any good.

ASM was received positively for the most, about the only bad thing most had to say about it at the time was complaining about it being too soon for a remake/origin story. Garfield and Stone in particular were well liked.

Even ASM2 got a mixed reception rather than being crushed, and the characters were seen as the bright spot

I never remember: was this issue Adam Warren or Warren Ellis?

Only other time Gwen was in a Spiderman movie was in Spiderman 3, who had charisma of a brick.

her name is actually Gwen Poole, she isnt literally gwen stacy

thats the point, she only hits shots when its convenient for the story, and she only cares about people she perceives them as main characters

Why the fuck even name her Gwen then? Like why? What's the reason behind naming this OTHER girl, that looks like Gwen Stacy and dresses like Gwen Stacy, "Gwen" as well? What's the point?

It's just such a dumb concept all around.

>looks like gwen stacy

>Gwenpool technically isn't Gwen Stacy, but a girl called Gwen Poole. Gwenpool got stranded on the main earth thanks to Secret Wars and she knows what's up so she modeled herself after popular things so she won't get killed off.

that's actually pretty funny

When I saw this image I knew they were going to kill her and I went 'but why?'

You almost make me give Gwenpool a shot. Almost.

Are they gonna do for real that spider-gwen rumored movie?

Why wouldn't the creative team be enough to make you want to give Gwenpool a shot unless you came here from Sup Forums and don't know who they are?

No. Anything Sony had planned is dead. And thank fuck for that.

So what dimension is this Gwen Pool from?

So she could be released from her contract and fight the Xmen as "Toad"

Gwen Pool is from "our earth" were Marvel comics exists.
She explicitly has no fighting skills but knows everyone's secret identity.

I'll be honest, I've been away from Sup Forums for a long while, and Hastings doesn't ring any bells.

people are going to use the breaking the fourth wall thing as an excuse for lazy writing with their head canon, great.

That's why Angela Queen of Hel was doing the same breaking the fourth wall thing for some reason, is the new gimmick

>She explicitly has no fighting skills

But she killed a lot of guys like she was Deadpool in her comic

If you did the bare minimum of research you'd known Gwenpool isn't Gwen Stacy. She's a completely different person.

She's not even an AU Gwen Stacy, she's literally called Gwen Poole and she's from "our" world.

Franklin and his crew have started remaking realities, one-by-one.

>Gwen Stacy is supposed to be the only person in the universe named Gwen.

Have there been any other characters from "our" world? Is Gwen Poole the first one?

She pushed one guy into a furnace from behind and otherwise used guns or explosives to kill defenseless people.

I think she also used swords to kill some guys, but all she did was spin and wave them around while letting plot convenience handle the rest.

Pretty sure it was just cover art, Gwen Stacy as heroes, before they decided to roll with it. So Deadpool Gwen Stacy became Gwen Poole

Superboy Prime at DC

I think he's talking about Marvel but if you want to bring DC into it, Superboy isn't even the first, that honor goes to Ultraa.

But user, anyone CAN be a superhero. That's the point of them. They exist to inspire us to greatness and let us rise above what we are. They're hope ambition, and a call to action. They're what anyone could be just by taking the time to help others and do the right thing.

Dr. McNinja and Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe.

Did he do a Deadpool run during the Fear Itself event?

Three issue mini, and his first Marvel work. It was good but nothing special, so I didn't feel like it was worth mentioning.

Technically Cary Bates was the first person from Earth Prime to enter the DC universe.

>Have there been any other characters from "our" world?
Yeah, that dude from 1985 that ended up in 616 at the end. Forget his name.