How come most Trump supporters don't believe in white privilege?
Understanding and accepting that is the first step into healing Americas race relations, ya know
How come most Trump supporters don't believe in white privilege?
Understanding and accepting that is the first step into healing Americas race relations, ya know
Other urls found in this thread:
>Understanding and accepting that is the first step into healing Americas race relations, ya know
>Implying that ethnic genocide is no longer a solution
>How come most Trump supporters don't believe in white privilege?
>finish high school, get a full-time job and wait until age 21 to get married and have children
>research shows that of American adults who followed these three simple rules, only about 2percent are in poverty and nearly 75percent have joined the middle class
Because it's bullshit and letting minorities delude themselves into thinking it's not will only make the situation worse.
>white guy and black guy apply for same job
>they are both equally qualified for the position
>black guy gets it because diversity
>this is white privlege
>this is what black """people""" actually believe
i come from a poor french family that somehow manged to migrate to canada then somehow all the fucking way to florida
my family is filled with people who had to work hard for anything as nothing was handed to them.
Plus since i'm french i was always called a pussy faggot in school even though i'm not gay.
had to deal with that literally every fucking day.
I'm not privileged and i'm white, fuck off i've worked my fucking ass off to get where i'm at.
>"You increased the yearly earnings of your previous company by 20%? Holy sh-, oh wait - I'm looking at your photo now and it seems that you're a black woman, sorry - w-we'll call you back"
still talking about that? what are you stuck in 2015? that shit was a fad
>niggers are biologically inferior to white people
>but there's no such thing as white privilege
Double-think at its finest.
I work with nothing but minorities. I'm literally the only white guy in my department and the surrounding departments. Every single person that works around me makes more money than I do, drives a nice car, and lives in a nice home. I make significantly less, ride a bicycle to work, and rent a room in a basement.
Where's my white privilege? I'd like to apply for some.
Oh God that image is just cringey
Many white republicans do acknowledge certain levels of privilege, such as deeper inheritance values from previous generations obtaining better jobs and being able to purchase better homes for less money in recent time periods.
Example - the developing Southern California area in the 1950's / 1960's had tons of tract housing in desirable locations that were sold to whites only. For generations that followed, these white families had a stronger base of what was passed on from generation to generation.
The thing is though, we're in 2016. That cushion cited above is drastically smaller. Any American of any race or gender can finish out high school, then finish out an Associates degree at a community college with government assistance for pocket change, then join the MIlitary with a better entry employment level for having finished both of the above degrees.... Then exit the military to finish whatever they want in a university they might desire and succeed at life.
Anyone can do this. Anyone. And a lot of Republicans ask the question, why do poor families insist on repeating the path of being poor when the door is wide open for something better? Christ, if you are worried about dying horribly while serving a military term, join the fucking navy and be on a boat. It's safer than hell, and it just requires a person to finish some school and stay off of drugs. Which I guess is some sort of heroic task for some people.
if by privilege you mean a strong work ethic and intelligence then yes, i do believe in white privilege
Obama, Hilary and his administration, is a student and practitioner of Critical Race Theory (CRT) which they teach at Harvard and other once great Universities.
CRT is the Core Ideology of Progressives and all of their legal initiatives.
CRT teaches that Whites, White Christian Culture and therefore White Government are inherently racist, and only by making Whites into a minority and remaking the Government can White Cultural Racism be ended.
The fact that someone is White, in CRT, makes them a Racist, this is what CRT calls “White Privilege”.
Source: law Harvard edu, Wikipedia, American Thinker article March 22, 2012
what the fuck is wrong with my ID
>you cant say nigger in public but cracker is ok
>diversity quotas
>affirmative action
>muh slavery constantly vomited in every form of mass media
>black people criticizing is alienated as automatic racism leaving logic and actual constructive criticism aside
fuck off faggot
you have destroyed your minorities by making them lazy, weak, whinny and pampering them like spoiled children. cut off their free checks watch them do whatever they have to do to not starve
cut off their free food and watch them think twice before having more kids
cut off their hands and publicly execute the criminals and watch them not commit crimes anymore
treat them like fucking adults and watch them wake up at 5 am to prepare sandwiches to sell them in the street for money to feed their children and maybe their future generations will learn a thing or two about hard work, humbleness, effort and education instead of being raised like the faggot niggers they are today thinking they are special snowflakes who deserve everything for free, blind acceptance with no criticism and free shit
end the GIMME GIMME GIMME mentality for fucks sake
First of all I'm not a trump supporter.
>How come most Trump supporters don't believe in white privilege?
I believe in White privilege.
It's earned privilege.
After all, we don't see the anti-Whites complaining about Asian privilege in Asian countries.
>Understanding and accepting that is the first step into healing Americas race relations, ya know
The race relations will never be healed as races living together in the same space causes nothing but racial conflict.
Each race is unique with individual strengths and weaknesses that can, in some cases, be overcome individually.
White privilege is earned privilege.
No doublethink here.
>not gay
you sure?
>Each race is unique with individual strengths and weaknesses that can, in some cases, be overcome individually.
Nice buzzwords, but that's nowhere near what people actually believe about niggers.
Sure, there's no doublethink when you lie about what you think.
>requires a person to finish some school and stay off of drugs
White privilege is the bogeyman that prevents blacks from doing this.
I admire your devotion to logic and reason, but that kind of thing bounces off the typical person who whines about whitey getting all the breaks
>implying it's not the other way around these days
>Do X to have success
>Doesn't realise white privilege makes it easier to do X
Or there is no hiring by diversity and the white guy gets it because interviewers are racist and identify with them more. Oh, but they weren't told to be racist. Correcting racist bias is racist.
>Oh look at all these qualified candidates. I guess we'll differentiate based on """personality""" as opposed to an objective demographic quota.
A man running unencumbered is still got an advantage to someone running with a person on their back.
>Nice buzzwords, but that's nowhere near what people actually believe about niggers.
I don't care what memes the shitposters trot out.
Black strengths for example, lie in the physical, not the mental.
That's why they're superior at sports but you rarely see intelligent backs (and when you do, they're tokens or mixed)
>Sure, there's no doublethink when you lie about what you think.
I'm not lying.
Real privilege is being born into a two-parent home or a wealthy family.
White privilege is a load of shit that's used as an excuse to steal from hard-working, successful whites.
not even. i walk around committing felonies in broad daylight. by that i mean smoking weed
but more importantly, white skin, a dress shirt, and a neat haircut is a suit of armor in public.
who are the cops going to harass? the white kid discreetly smoking a joint or the homeless monkeying around over some pocket change?
Let me guess, you're white?
Because you're a cunt, and it doesn't exist, pls sudoku today OP.
>deeper inheritance values from previous generations obtaining better jobs
Its like a amateur boxer with a 0-1 record demanding he should get a title fight, earn that shit faggot.
>I don't care what memes the shitposters trot out.
Yeah, because NOBODY could sincerely believe that niggers are subhuman, right?
Not one single person.
Especially not here, on Sup Forums.
>Black strengths for example, lie in the physical, not the mental.
And you're implying that being physically strong is an equivalent advantage to being intelligent? Are you fucking retarded? There's nobody on the planet who would rather be a dumb gorilla than a weedy genius, because intelligence is so much more valuable than strength. Now more than ever, because an 80 year old grandma with a revolver is equally deadly to a 21 year old buck nigger.
The only privilege that exists is that pertaining to wealth.
I believe in black disability not in white privilege.
The girl realizes that all those "obstacles" is literally black culture, right?
>Muh raised by single mother no parenting
>Muh media influence and having no money financially but capable of affording an unlimited data plan and smartphone
>Muh no time for studying and everyone's against me but I can be on my smartphone all day
>Muh DA SYSTEM out to get me
>Muh sexual harassment because I wear yoga pants to middle school while not paying attention because I'm periscoping in english class
>Muh affirmative action doesn't exist at all and I can be the 8th smartest kid in class and fuck off but still get first grabs at a college level education
>Muh chances at college are zero now since I right swiped a perfect father figure which I learned from BET and he's gone now and I'm 16 raising a kid on my own and by my own I mean my momma's stamps and benefits
>Muh hurdles in life and TRIALS AN TRIBULATIONS AN SHIT that I had to overcome to even make it
>Muh white people got it easy rant
>1 post by this ID
wtf i'm a shilling missile now
fuckin shut the fuck up bitch. giving niggers more shit isnt going to help. this nation has spent billions on the them already. you're either a troll or a fucking cuck
Black people actually are not stronger or better at athletics. That is a meme.
>but all the black footy-ball guys n sheit
Diversity quotas are in sports to.
>I sacrificed a lot of black people to get up here
I haven't been trolled!
It doesn't exist.
If they were seeking black privilege, they would move to Africa.
This country clearly has too much bad history to them. This land isn't for them.
If you haven't been told this already, their own ancestors sold them into slavery. Why aren't you pursuing reparations or privilege from the children of the people who sold those niggers into slavery?
We only participated in less than 25% of global slavery yet receive all the complaints for it.
Do us a favor,
then how come every major sport in the US is dominated by blacks
there are entire football teams with 90% blacks, entire basketball teams with zero whites or any one else
baseball is the only "diverse" sport
>Yeah, because NOBODY could sincerely believe that niggers are subhuman, right?
>Not one single person.
>Especially not here, on Sup Forums.
Who cares if they do or not?
There are Blacks who believe Whites are subhuman, yet we don't see you ringing your hands over that.
>And you're implying that being physically strong is an equivalent advantage to being intelligent?
I'm saying that each race has its individual strengths and weaknesses.
That does not make one race superior to another. It makes them different.
If you're saying being smart is superior to being strong, that's on you.
>There's nobody on the planet who would rather be a dumb gorilla than a weedy genius,
Except those that want to be in sports and make hundreds of millions of dollars over the span of their career by being physical strong regardless of their intelligence.
>because intelligence is so much more valuable than strength.
That's a personal preference, yes.
> Now more than ever, because an 80 year old grandma with a revolver is equally deadly to a 21 year old buck nigger.
Hence why I believe the races should be separated. Races being forced to live in the same areas causes nothing but conflict.
I'm going to need you to take that shit-tier meme and fuck right off with it.
>Using a garbage comic like rick and morty to express your view
Normie, get the fuck out.
you have a nigger muslim president
you cannot believe in white privilege anymore.
I also bet most of NY richs are fucking Italians and Jews
Sure in a straight race. Not with hurdles in the way.
This comic would be better if the black dude had a stepladder right next to him the whole time
>Black people actually are not stronger or better at athletics. That is a meme.
There are virtually no black swimmers.
There are few to no White runners.
The reasons are because of racial differences not because of racial quotas.
>Who cares if they do or not?
That's L I T E R A L L Y the core of the argument. That is what all of these posts are about.
There are people who simultaneously believe that niggers are subhuman, and that white privilege doesn't exist.
People who believe those two things are engaging in double-think.
If you cannot even understand the fucking central point of the argument there's no fucking way I'm going to complicate it by engaging you in your stupid tangents.
Every sentence which contains privileges or triggers triggers me.
We all whitey
Pussy faggot
>Diversity quotas
Can you read?
The picture has it backwards. White men have to struggle against everything and are painted by the media and by politicians as the enemies of the world.
Black people get affirmative action, scholarships, government programs tailored to their needs and constant admiration and support in the media and in academics. If it's a sheboon, she also gets bonus points for being a woman. Based on rights, there's no person more privileged in the modern world than a black woman.
Tell that to the NFL or NBA.
All the white privilege in the world isn't going to make me (or any other white guy) a starting wide-out for the Packers.
Most of the road blocks placed in front of American blacks are self inflicted due to the (further) erosion of the nuclear family.
Would you want to hire someone gang-banger to work at your place of business?
So what are the problems that negros face but whites dont? Problems that you create yourself are not taken in account.
Asians are doing better than whites whithout white privilege
And affirmative action basically cancels out any "privilege" I would have had. Because now I'm actively discriminated against.
>races living together in the same space causes nothing but racial conflict
Thank you, brother
I'm hurt senpai
Rick and Morty is the shit yo..
>smokes weed
I like it..
>adjusts hat collection. Or what ever normie have.
Dubs don't lie.
Kill you"r'e are self
>We are in current year.
well I am done for the day.
The difference between black and white culture is that when white people are successful, they are praised for it by other white people,
When niggers are successful, they get called a house nigger and an uncle Tom. They can't stand seeing other black people be successful unless it's themselves.
The obstacles black people face aren't there because of white people, but because of their own shitty crabs in a bucket culture.
Just because blacks had "hardships" does not mean that is why they are not at the same level as whites. Everything we have seen in the last few decades has shown that the back-to-Africa movement and segregationists were right. Black people are LUCKY all those "hardships" happened to them. If we left them in Africa untouched, there is a good chance they wouldn't exist, and they definitely would not be as well off as they are today.
>>Doesn't realise white privilege makes it easier to do X
lamo its hard to finish high school if ur black
>That's L I T E R A L L Y the core of the argument. That is what all of these posts are about.
I'm not talking about everyone else. You are. I'm talking about myself.
>There are people who simultaneously believe that niggers are subhuman, and that white privilege doesn't exist.
Good for them.
I personally accept White privilege as earned privilege. However the argument can be made that White privilege is just a buzz word used in attempt to strip Whites of their rights, property, freedoms etc.
>People who believe those two things are engaging in double-think.
Just because "niggers are subhuman" doesn't mean that white privilege (in the political sense of the word) exists.
You see, White privilege as it is used today is a phrase to mean that whites set up the entire country to benefit whites and whites alone and to oppress non-Whites (especially Blacks)
So when someone says "niggers are subhuman" and "white privilege doesn't exist" they're saying "niggers are subhuman and there is no program to benefit Whites above non-Whites"
So there is no doublethink.
Now you're seemingly going on the claim that "niggers are subhuman therefore whites are inherently privileged over them" thus your belief of Sup Forums's "doublethink".
>If you cannot even understand the fucking central point of the argument there's no fucking way I'm going to complicate it by engaging you in your stupid tangents.
I bet you think there's something wrong with being a racist too, don't you?
>Thank you, brother
You're welcome.
DNC shills are in full motherfucking force right now.
>1 post by this ID
>Sup Forums full of these threads
>Or there is no hiring by diversity and the white guy gets it because interviewers are racist and identify with them more. Oh, but they weren't told to be racist. Correcting racist bias is racist.
Literally, what? So you believe that affirmative action is accepted because you are guessing he might be racist? What if you're correcting a problem that isn't there? Because after all, you can't read minds. We believe in meritocracy, and capitalism doesn't see color, only money.
Notice the lack of replies.
Sup Forums really, REALLY needs some pro-White janitors.
No, swimming and running are very hard to be good at. So there are not a lot of blacks to choose from as they suck at actual prolonged athletic activity.
Football and basket ball ect are easyer to be good at. And a lot more popular as sports in general. So I would assume the average high school athletic population is around 20% black in these sports giving a large group to select from.
>I work with nothing but minorities. I'm literally the only white guy in my department and the surrounding departments. Every single person that works around me makes more money than I do, drives a nice car, and lives in a nice home. I make significantly less, ride a bicycle to work, and rent a room in a basement.
They spend their money on those amenities while you save your money for retirement, give to charity, take care of your family, spend responsibly, do not steal etc.
They're also on every government program imaginable while I assume you are not.
>1 post by this ID
>I'm not talking about everyone else. You are. I'm talking about myself.
Cool. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about everyone else.
I don't know why you think that your specific opinion, which is obviously not the opinion which I am complaining about, would be relevant to my complaints.
Great job, senpai. You've wasted everybody's time.
>Just because "niggers are subhuman" doesn't mean that white privilege (in the political sense of the word) exists.
"Just because niggers are inferior to whites doesn't mean whites are superior to niggers".
Now that is doublethink. It's literally:
>niggers < whites
Your argument is that under a very contextual and specific definition of white privilege, which is by no means the only or even the common definition, you can semantics your way to a technical victory. Congratulations. I can do that too, but I don't, because I'm not a shitposting faggot whose only source of self esteem comes from being right on the internet.
>I bet you think there's something wrong with being a racist too, don't you?
I bet you think that assumptions you make about other people based purely on "i don't like that person so I will ascribe political positions to them that I also don't like despite having no evidence they share those views" is a valid substitute for logical argumentation. Clinton is that you?
Yes... All thought that died in the cotton fields are the bass from witch we have built upon a might civilization.
The Chines have a better case than you, they built a railroad. Other people made clothing after you lumbered in a yard for a few hours.
>No, swimming and running are very hard to be good at.
Especially when your muscles are denser because you're black and you have generally more fat content (thus able to float better) for being White.
I will agree though there is a mental aspect to swimming that other more physical sports lack.
That just proves though, that race when it comes to sports matters more than racial quotas.
Hey guys.
Do you think the Jews make us shot talk the niggers so everyone thinks we are racist??
Really makes you think
> t. Jamal Blingbong
Cry some more. He wanted to help the black guy up, but the black guy wants the white guy to live in shit conditions rather than live a good life himself.
Shut up fag, I'm ultra liberal and don't believe in white privalge.
Privalge has nothing to do with race it is primarily generational, of course the decendants of slaves stand to inherit less opportunity. Correlation!=Causation
Just like the descendants of tenet farmers and indentured servants are still white trash today.
I'm not saying racism is a problem, I'm saying identity politics only serve to marginalize the working class and distract from the real systemic issues.
I'm not saying racism *isnt a problem
No, I was pointing out there are no blacks to choose from in sports like swimming.
Even if white privilege is real what do you want us to do about it? None of us are giving anything up for you ungrateful shits.
It isn't.
I think the disconnect here is that actually being better is different than having an easier task to accomplish. You may be more suited to complete a task, but that doesn't mean that it has been made easier for you.
That said, I think the only thing wrong with blacks is their culture being cancerous and self defeatist. The people within the group are only unsuccessful because of their customs.
You see, there's this idea on the right where they like to see people as individuals. If you didn't make the team then it was your own failings. Progressives see the world as systems and refuse to acknowledge individual agency. If you don't make the team, then the system was rigged against you from the beginning. It can't possibly be your own fault.
And never the two ideologies will meet.
>No, I was pointing out there are no blacks to choose from in sports like swimming.
Because blacks don't naturally perform as well in swimming due to their race.
Yes, some blacks can overcome it but generally blacks sink like a stone.
white privilege is nothing more than the acceptance of the superiority of the white race and leftists are too dumb to notice it.
The reason is mainly that blacks reach puberty before whites.
The day you're born in can get you almost a year headstart on a person born a different day because you'll be older on the same team or qualification.
Success in earlier life will predict success in later life.
That's why in the US blacks dominate. But when it comes to internationally when whites have matured completely to compete, it's about on par.
Add in the culture that whites are pushed into academics more white blacks all believe that a sports scholarship is what to aim fore.
Niggers can run though.
It's more that there are a large number of people on Sup Forums who genuinely believe that niggers are genetically inferior to whites in important ways, and yet refuse to accept that this necessarily means that white privilege exists because being born white just straight up makes your life easier because you have greater capacity to succeed entirely due to winning the genetic lottery. Generally speaking, of course.
>You may be more suited to complete a task, but that doesn't mean that it has been made easier for you.
Sure, but that still means that the task is easier for you. It might not have been made easier, but it straight up is easier.
>That said, I think the only thing wrong with blacks is their culture being cancerous and self defeatist.
I think that they are genetically inferior, which causes their shit culture. However, I don't think that being dumb strips you of your human rights. Niggers are retarded, but they're still human. They still deserve our compassion and love - just tinged with pragmatism.