Dear Donald Trump

Here is the original Hillary video BPS did a response to earlier today :

It already got a few dislikes but it could use more.

Also, here is the BPS video, I didn't expect him to do funny voices, it's like he picked a page out of the Roo's book this time :

Other urls found in this thread: and geeks&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS662US662&oq=freaks and geeks&aqs=chrome.0.0l2j5j69i57.2772j0j8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#mie=e,,Busy Philipps,H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3MC6pKi5SAjNNk3LzzLU4Q8JC8h2TS_KLAIaqCakjAAAA

Wheeled out the freaks too early.

That black nigger doesn't represent me either.

>Literal children, niggers, chinks and retards are voting for Hillary


The dead look in their eyes.
>This isn't a cult
You will never convince me.

BUMP, dislike this nigger jargon everyone.

Eew. Diversity makes me physically sick. I'm not even joking.

Drumpftard BTFO


Well that's shit.

That jungle Asian doesn't represent me
tbqh she looks like she takes BBC on the reg tho

Not one of those FAGGOTS represents me.

>using kids for politic purposes


Calling all
we need more fire support
Just log into your fake (or real) gmail and dislike

that blonde thumbnail girl looks like a confirmed meth user

Hillary voted in by
>asian sluts

Also, why are poo in loos so Democratic? All the Indians I know vote Democrat and honestly hate white people. Sup Forums campaign when?

>knowing poos

says u britbong ur landlord/mayor/guvna is probably a poo

fucking lost it when that retard came up

Enjoyed the bants, although I don't live in London or any of the other containment areas.

+3 likes and +500 dislikes in less than 30 mns, let's do it faggots.

I know daytime Sup Forums is slow but where are my NEETs at?

First gen poos tend to vote conservative and their children are usually mega libs

These people are so obviously paid that it is actually insulting to the people watching it.

>Your ideas do not represent us.

You know, Herr Schimpanse, I was thinking ze same ding.

>mfw hillary calls her supporters retarded

>that latina
>that retard
>that Bernie shirt
My god, this is so pathetic I can't even

I honestly hate the second gen poos that I go to college with. Fucking SJW sheep tbqh. They absolutely love playing identity politics

Is this what she has come to? She doesn't even talk about her policies, she just says "TRUMP IS BAD THEREFORE VOTE ME"

That's because people either don't know anything about her policies or that Shillary knows her policies suck ass and will never help the average American, so she has to play the "VOTE AGAINST TRUMP" meme to get into office. Basically like how weedman got into office here.

Would probably still fugg/10, maybe someone can fuck some sense into her.

How shoot yourself in the foot, one toe at a time.

>literally no white males
"we the people"

>Is this what she has come to?

That's all the white cucks want to hear, she's going after their votes with videos like this.

She would be an absolute qt, if she was white.

It looks like they literally painted her, wouldn't be below them.

never mind there was one

There is but he's so beta you didn't even notice him.

what's with the molyneux set-up

you'd think they'd start disseminating arguments or telling the truth about something

There was also a clearly homosexual white male too. But they want to pretend that the only white males in this country are betas or fags.

Am i the only one who can't see comments? Like you can add them but there is litteraly none.

Lena Dunham is even FATTER now? Holy shit

>added a comment
>sign out
>go back to video
>comment is gone

> Am i the only one who can't see comments?

They filtered them, you can only see your own comments. They knew it would be a shitstorm if they didn't.

Isn't that the guy who held up the "I need feminism because I like getting pegged by my gf" sign or some shit?

Light skin Asian was a qt

This shit reminds me of those FCKH8 videos. Do you think the guy who did those is doing this? Can we perhaps link that guy with this?


>disable comments but not votes

Lol amateur.

I miss iwata

I dunno, they all look the same.


This is really all she got.

There was also this other fag, with blonde hair. Litterally the first thing i thought was "uh oh a cuck"

>first white guy is gay
>other white guy they should for 2 seconds is a nu-male
>dat asian woman
>dat retard pandering

+ over 1200 dislikes in about 1h, not too shabby. Can someone post it on /r/The_Donald ?

These mutts look sick.


Already nearly half the views as the original. KEK

>literally spanish in the video

The American people are getting shat on either way.

>Instrumentalizing kids

Why do liberals feel this is okay ?

You're next.

>we will do everything in our power to stop you
>DNC scandal
sweating man.gif

I'm on my way to your place tho :-}

See you in November.

>Why do liberals feel this is okay ?

What are you ? A bully ? What do you want to make the little girl sad, user ? Have you no fweels ?

It was the evil Russians trying to manipulate the elections by posting the DNC's real emails. Don't those assholes know that's not how democracy works? People are only supposed to know what leaders want them to. We can't go around having a democracy where people know what's going on. That's just crazy.

It's that busy Phillips shilling out?? and geeks&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS662US662&oq=freaks and geeks&aqs=chrome.0.0l2j5j69i57.2772j0j8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#mie=e,,Busy Philipps,H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3MC6pKi5SAjNNk3LzzLU4Q8JC8h2TS_KLAIaqCakjAAAA

>Not even American
GTFO with your bullshit

We all do, user. We all do.

>" Dear Dronald Trump"

Jesus fucking christ, this makes me ashamed to even be remotely Asian.

So if you care about white racism and climate change vote hillary?

America must be really doing great if thats their biggest problem.

>>mfw hillary calls her supporters retarded

What BPS said makes sense. he thinks the retard is bait for bantz, he's there to expose the heartlessness of people that will inevitably make fun of him so SJW can point and shame them. Idgaf, it's still funny.

Comments are not disabled

And they got the retard in the video.

Fuck this shit is like satire.

>playing with the idea of whites are natural racist when white-americans are silent
>saying "guys ,we just want equality for everyone who is american! join us :)" when white-americans are had enough

>>Not even American

Yep but I still want to see the world burn, user. We have nogs singing Black Lives Matter over here now.


Is this the best she can do?

This is fucking pathetic

>>playing with the idea of whites are natural racist when white-americans are silent

Burgers started this SJW shit, let's hope they end it soon before it takes hold over here. We have enough problems of our own.

>You underestimate us
>You will never beat us

I can already just imagine their faces when he wins in November. The amount of salt will be phenomenal.

Here is BLM France protesting in Paris last Saturday.

Wtf, I hate ideas now.

Here is BLM in Berlin

jesus fucking christ

Fucking kek

And in Amsterdam, of all places. Please, get your shit together Burgerland.

They just had to put the most retarded looking ape Mexican there for diversity, huh? They even had to make him wear the Hillary hat to remind viewers why he's there to bring them back from laughing at him.

>muh emoshuns
they always do that
>muh love
>muh hate
>muh tolerance

>not a single old white guy
holy shit, the highest turnout demographic and they haven't even acknowledges them in their all-encompassing video? holy fuck have they already accepted defeat

>Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

i like how one fat bitch is wearing a bernie shirt in hillarys videO

what the fuck happened to her brows

did she donate them to Bernie?


dont worry im sure they will be donated back to her

>brainwashed minorities and children
Liberal M.O.

is he... Jewish?



Based Cambodia

You're country is comfy as fuck btw

If you thought the EU referendum caused some major arse pain for lefties, wait until Trump wins.

>mfw Hillary supporters demand an election re-run.