Who /esperanto/ here?

Who /esperanto/ here?

>not just adding 'o' at the end of all words

Unironically they do add "o" to all the words in order to form the sustantive. It is a retarded artificial language.

>ku keto
>quiet asshole


Esperanto is a product of the Kikes to further their socialist world government agenda and to destroy any bit of nationalism they can.

You're better off learning Latin if you want to put time into a useless language, or if you're into conlangs Tolkien's Elvish has a huge community behind it with no shitty political agendas attached to it and it has arguably one of the most beautiful writing systems ever developed.

Either way, you can put that much time into learning how to repair your car or program in Java or C++ and actually have a somewhat profitable hobby, and none of those require talking to genuinely mentally handicapped people with stupid interests.

Yeah goy, let's just destroy Anglo culture so some shitskin third worlders can communicate amongst themselves. Great idea.

It's sad, really. I do think learning a second language is a very good thing, but Esperanto was created solely for the destruction of local cultures and languages. I would advise OP to avoid it at all costs. My university has an Esperanto club and they're all autistic left wing nutjobs.

Again, I'd definitely recommend Latin. It opens you up to a world of classical literature, and reading said writings in their vernacular forms gives a new perspective on the content. It also makes it much easier to study Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc. later on, if you so choose.

So Esperanto is for destroying local cultures, but English, a language with an actual culture attached, isn't? Why do Europeans say Anglos have no culture? Why do they eat Anglo food and consume Anglo media? It is Anglo hegemony, but much like the British empire, when you absorb the brown people, they destroy you from the inside.

An international language MUST be culture-less, otherwise you are attacking native cultures or destroying the host culture.

That's a good point, but at this stage English is so ingrained in non-Anglo societies that it's hardly the Anglo's own piece of their culture nowadays. It would take hundreds of years to replace it with something else, and by then instant translation technology will be so advanced that humans will no longer have a need to even study a foreign language for anything more than leisure.

You haven't demonstrated how Esperanto would destroy culture by comparison. I agree that in the real state of the world the damage is irreparable but it still doesn't make English a good choice.

Esperanto was created by a Zionist Jew and is heralded at the top of its committees by Zionist socialists. One thing that stands in their way is nationalism, so why not intrigue people with a simple language that they can use on a daily basis that isn't their own?


So your rationale for why Esperanto is inferior to destroying Anglo culture is conspiritard bullshit? And when I attack this bias you go back to spewing buzzwords? You're pathetic, user. Stay "bluepilled", as you'd undoubtedly say.

>Zamenhof: i will create a neutral language so that cultural displacement imposed by a lingua franca with a culture attached to it will never impose globalism on the nations of the world

Literally this. It is coming back to bite us though. Wish I could have been born in a real culture.

wtf I love esperanto now

might as well learn elvish

Muh machine translation meme

Esperanto is in-between constructed and natural. It's a shit natural language, and a shit constructed language (basically a weak imitation of a natural). Constructed languages should be used to supersede boundaries of individual natural languages, not recite them.

>Esperanta fadeno
>Ĉioj postoj estas en la angla

Zamenhof was a Zionist early in his life but rejected it later.

Esperanto has nothing to do with leftist ideology.

It's made to be an easy second language for people with language barriers to communicate with each other.

Most Esperanto speakers I know personally are either completely apathetic to politics, classical liberal, or libertarian.

i used to learn it, gave up because language with no culture is a waste of time.
also everyone who speaks it speaks English anyway. i'd rather learn Spanish